Chapter 468 "Double Phase" Yu Lang

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  Chapter 468 "Biphasic" Yu Lang


  When the captain named Liu Xiao said this, the captains of the other two teams all changed their expressions and lost their voices.

  The expressions of other team members are also changing. It is said that there is a biphasic named Lu Ming from the One Star Academy in Eastern China. However, the three favorites to win this time have already reached the third stage of transformation. Such The strength is enough to kill a full Zihui squad by one person.

  Although they have three teams here, if they really want to fight, they will definitely pay a heavy price, and they may even be unlucky enough to be seriously injured and eliminated. After all, the opponent is not alone, but has two players.

  "Is your news true?" a captain couldn't help but ask.

  "It's absolutely true, and there's no need for me to lie about something that can be revealed at the first contact, right? How stupid would that be?" Liu Xiao said with a smile.

  The others nodded. It was indeed unnecessary. After all, whether Yu Lang was bipolar or not would be known once they had a fight.

  "No wonder when you met that Yu Lang before, you always kept some distance away and didn't dare to contact him. It turns out that this guy is a tiger with his head hidden." A captain sighed, and finally understood why Liu Xiao had been arrested during the previous round-up. That’s the reason why we are tied up.

  Liu Xiao nodded and said: "We have to be more cautious when dealing with the Tigers. After all, none of us want him to desperately replace several teams, which will be a loss for our respective schools." "Our people will be here soon

  , When the number of people increases, we can gather together and surround him. We will send three teams to surround Yu Lang. With this number, even a double phase should be able to deal with him as long as he has not reached the level of Lu Ming. ."

  When the others heard this, they all nodded in agreement.

  "Classmate Liu Xiao, these are mature and prudent words, and it's feasible."

  "Okay, then let's wait until we have more people before arresting him."

  Under the threat posed by Yu Lang, everyone quickly An agreement was reached.

  Continue to surround without grabbing.

  "What do these bastards want to do?"

  After a while, Yu Lang in the jungle looked not far away, where vaguely visible figures were staring at this side, but what puzzled him was , these guys have obviously already caught up, but they just don’t take action.

  Although it would be a good thing for them to delay like this, after all, all they have to do now is wait for Li Luo and the others to arrive.

  But the other party's cooperation really made Yu Lang a little uneasy.

  Not only Yu Lang was uneasy, but even Bai Doudou was confused. She frowned and said coldly: "Do these bastards want to humiliate us? They keep chasing but don't take action. What on earth are they trying to do? ?"

  Qiu Luo hesitated and asked: "Are we still waiting for someone?"

  Bai Doudou said: "Although it may sound a bit unpleasant to say, but based on the strength of our team, I'm afraid we won't let them be so cautious, right? They There are enough people!"

  Qiu Luo was speechless, speechless for a moment.

  "Keep waiting, I hope Li Luo and the others can arrive first."

  Bai Doudou could only sigh and said this in the end.

  However, what Bai Doudou expected did not come true.

  After the time continued to delay for two hours, their expressions changed drastically when they saw two more teams coming from a distance, and they were obviously not the teams from their Shengxuanxing Academy.

  So it can only be support from the other party.

  In this way, the opponent gathered five teams.

  And as the two teams arrived, the other side finally began to make moves.

  Figures rushed out from the jungle and quickly approached Bai Doudou, Yu Lang and Qiu Luo who were trapped in the woods on the top of the mountain.

  Bai Doudou's face was cold. She clenched her palms and the spear flashed out. The green power of wind rose up. She stood at the front and stared at the figures that were rushing towards them one after another with sharp eyes.

  "You all be careful, I will try to drag as many people as possible."

  Bai Doudou warned, although she also understood that with this numerical advantage, she would not be able to sustain it for long.

  But there is no way, she is the strongest among the three, and the other party should also know this, so they will definitely concentrate their efforts to deal with her first.

  Yu Lang said sadly: "Captain, don't worry, even if they catch me and torture me, I won't tell them where the spirit gathering altar is!" Qiu Luo sighed gloomily.

  Unfortunately, the game has just begun, are they going to be eliminated?
  What a day trip.

  Qiu Luo glanced at Yu Lang with extremely complicated eyes. If you say this guy is bad, he can find the Juling Altar when he pees. But if you say he is lucky, he will be surrounded and hunted in the blink of an eye. What a surprise He brought it, and he also brought the panic.

  What a fucking god.

  While Qiu Luo's heart was filled with mixed feelings, he could see figures rushing out from the forest, and powerful phase forces rose up and rushed towards them.

  Bai Doudou's face was cold and he didn't say much. He gripped the spear tightly and rushed out to meet him head-on.

  Even though there were many people on the other side, she still had no fear, her short hair was fluttering, and she looked heroic.

  After ten breaths, the two parties came into contact.

  However, just when Bai Doudou was about to meet the enemy, the rushing figures did not attack her directly. Instead, they only sent two people to entangle her, and then the others actually passed her.

  There are ten people, including three captains.

  They actually bypassed Bai Doudou, and then pounced on Yu Lang behind like flying eagles!

  Yu Lang, who was holding a long knife in his hand and originally planned to hide in the dark to finish off the attack, also stared at this scene in stunned silence.

  Ten people coming straight towards him? Don't you even care about white beans?

  And why are these people's eyes so solemn?

  At this moment, Yu Lang had the illusion that I was Li Luo.

  The illusion lasted for a moment, and Yu Lang reacted, and then turned around and ran away with his scalp numb. At the same time, he was roaring in his heart: "Fuck you, you are all sick!" He is just a soy sauce, you

  all Is it worth using this kind of battle to deal with it? !

  Qiu Luo was not far from Yu Lang originally, but when he saw this formation, he was so frightened that he quickly backed away. Although he didn't know which one was going on at the moment, but with his strength, even if he went up, it would only be Just delivering food.

  Bai Doudou wanted to come to help, but the sudden attack in front of her forced her to stop temporarily.

  In this situation, Yu Lang could only hope for happiness.

  In the mountains and forests, Yu Lang ran wildly, with the force behind him surging, and figures chasing after him.

  call out!
  Suddenly, a force attack came through the air and hit Yu Lang directly on the back.


  As if Yu Lang was hit hard, he threw himself forward and rolled out more than ten meters on the spot.

  This scene fell in the eyes of Liu Xiao and others who were chasing behind, and they were stunned. How could they be hit so easily?

  Liu Xiao frowned and said in a deep voice: "Be careful, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. This Yu Lang may be weird." Others also

  nodded hesitantly, it may be true, otherwise a bipolar person, There was no way he could be beaten to the point of vomiting blood so easily.

  This kind of acting is really too exaggerated.

  Thinking like this, the speed of pursuit slowed down a little, not daring to get too close.

  Yu Lang was ready to capture them, but when he found that the pursuers had stopped, he was stunned, gritted his teeth, got up, and continued to run away.

  Only then did the people behind follow.

  Yu Lang suddenly realized that he finally understood what these guys wanted to do.

  They were playing a trick on him!

  Does the cat chase the mouse?
  They are enjoying the thrill of the chase!
  Yu Lang was filled with grief and anger. Which school did these bastards come from? What kind of school can produce students with such twisted mentality? !

  I want to report, I want to complain!
  (End of chapter)

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