Chapter 467 Ace Team

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  Chapter 467
  After the Ace Team and others left at Holy Mountain Academy, Li Luo also jumped to Qin Zhulu, Wang Hejiu and others. He looked at Qin Zhulu and said with a smile: "Is your injury okay?" Qin Zhulu shook his head and

  said : "It's just a small injury, it doesn't matter, but this guy is really strong."

  He looked at the direction Sun Dasheng left, his eyes full of desire and fiery fighting spirit, which could bring him a hearty and fierce battle. A strong enemy is what he longs for. If he were not in the game now, he would even want to entangle Sun Dasheng.

  "If I were your father, I might hope that your eyes would be directed towards those beautiful female classmates in the school, instead of obsessed with such an ugly man, because that would have no good results." Li Luo said with a look. He said in a warning tone, and he could see Qin Zhulu's thoughts from his eyes.

  Lu Qing'er, Bai Mengmeng and other girls on the side all snickered.

  Qin Zhulu's face turned blue and he said angrily: "Get out of here, don't take advantage of me."

  Lu Qing'er looked at Li Luo with a smile: "Captain Li Luo, what should we do next?" Everyone else also

  looked at him. Li Luo, from the eyes of everyone, we can see some excitement. This is because of the morale improvement brought about by the brief battle between Li Luo and Sun Dasheng. Although they all know that this confrontation is just a matter of points, neither side has any They really showed off their trump cards, but Li Luo's performance still surprised them.

  After all, Sun Dasheng is not an ordinary person, and the three favorites cannot be selected casually.

  And Li Luo was able to fight Sun Dasheng without falling behind, which is enough to show that their captain is already considered the top group in the One-Star Academy this time.

  Following him, maybe Shengxuanxing Academy can really achieve outstanding results.

  Even Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan, who had never been on good terms with Li Luo, did not say any disagreement, and they obviously fully agreed with Li Luo's leadership position.

  "Let's go find Bai Doudou, Yu Lang and the others first."

  Facing everyone's gaze, Li Luo did not hesitate and smiled directly.

  Only then did Lu Qing'er realize that among the people here, Bai Doudou, Yu Lang, and Qiu Luo were the only ones missing.

  Li Luo took out the crystal compass and said: "Their team did not come to gather, but stayed in a certain area. I asked Mengmeng to pay attention and found that their team sent out a signal every hour, and the signal was not urgent. , It’s not an emergency request for help. I guess they may have discovered something.” “

  But no matter what, since they can’t come, then we will all gather directly to find them.”

  Li Luo tapped the crystal compass gently with his fingers. Bai Doudou, he was aware of the situation on Yu Lang's side when he came, but because Qin Zhulu's side was more urgent, he didn't care about that side for the time being. Now that Qin Zhulu's team was fine, it was natural to rush Let’s go to Bai Doudou and Yu Lang’s place.

  "Is it possible that Yu Lang just discovered a spirit gathering altar? If so, then he is really lucky." Lu Qing'er said curiously.

  "Who knows."

  Li Luo shrugged. That guy Yu Lang was just like the crazy knife, he often did some unspeakable things.

  "Get ready to go."

  He waved his hand, and then the figure took the lead, and that direction was exactly where Bai Doudou, Yu Lang and the others were.

  Somewhere in the mountains, they are covered with snow and forests.

  In a jungle.

  Three figures were sitting cross-legged and resting. They were Bai Doudou, Yu Lang, and Qiu Luo.

  Yu Lang picked the wild fruit from the side, rubbed it with snow, and then handed it to Bai Doudou flatteringly: "Captain, eat something."

  Bai Doudou took it angrily and took a bite: "You guy, you have I really don’t know if I’m lucky or unlucky.”

  She really had a headache, because not long after they entered this area, Yu Lang accidentally discovered a gathering altar, but when he came to report excitedly, he was killed by Someone eavesdropped on the news, so they unexpectedly attracted the pursuit of several nearby teams.

  The other party wanted to know the exact location of the Spirit Gathering Altar from Yu Lang. Otherwise, this mountain range was so vast that it would definitely take a lot of time and energy to find the Spirit Gathering Altar among them.

  "It's really not my fault. Who knew that bitch was so insidious that he could control snow snakes? Those things hid in the snow and swam around to form his eyes and ears. That's when he happened to hear what I said about the Soul Gathering Altar." Yu Lang was very aggrieved.

  Qiu Luo frowned and said, "Can't you say it quietly, howling so loudly that everyone wants to hear it?" "Forget it."

  Bai Doudou stopped Qiu Luo's accusation: "Anyway, Yu Lang found it. A spiritual gathering altar is actually a great achievement for us, and what happened later was too coincidental. After all, even I didn't find those hidden snow snakes." "Now try to delay it as long as possible, just wait for Li Luo and the others

  . Come here, we won't be afraid of them anymore."

  Seeing Bai Doudou protecting Yu Lang, Qiu Luo had no choice but to say no more and frowned: "But it's strange, those guys behind have already gathered several teams, even several teams. They have tracked us every time, but they never really took action."

  "It feels like they are afraid of something."

  Bai Doudou also frowned. She actually felt the same way. During the previous encirclement, The other party could obviously block them, but for some reason they were too cautious and didn't take action.

  But this should only be temporary. As more and more teams gather from the opponent, sooner or later they will take action.

  After all, there are teams from more than one school hanging behind.

  "Forget it, ignore them, let's try to delay as much time as possible. Looking at the crystal compass, Li Luo and the others are already on their way." Bai Doudou said.

  When Yu Lang and Qiu Luo heard this, they both nodded.

  While they were discussing here, several teams also gathered here in a jungle not far from them.

  "Liu Xiao, what do you mean? We have the advantage in numbers. We should go up and trap the team from Shengxuanxing Academy as soon as possible, and then force them to reveal the location of the Spirit Gathering Altar." Among several teams, one person The face of a sturdy young man was full of impatience, and he was now attacking the person in front of him.

  "They are just one team, why are you afraid of them? You keep saying to wait for reinforcements to come, why bother? If you wait any longer, their reinforcements might arrive." The person he questioned was a thin-faced man

  . The young man was the captain named Liu Xiao.

  "You don't understand."

  Liu Xiao smiled faintly and said, "This team is not simple."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "If what I expected is correct, this team may be the ace team of Shengxuanxing Academy. Liu Xiao said calmly.

  The others immediately sneered: "How do you know?"

  "There is a person named Yu Lang in that team." "

  So what?"

  "Didn't you collect intelligence? This Yu Lang's name often appears in some intelligence. "

  Can you believe that information?"

  Liu Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Some information cannot be believed, but you have to believe some information." "

  Others don't know what Yu Lang is capable of, but unfortunately, our Red Sand Saint The school knows him very well, because we have a senior Zhao Yang who has participated in the experience of Jinlong Dojo before, and he happened to meet this Yu Lang in it." "Before this competition, he also solemnly reminded

  him We must be careful about this person named Yu Lang."

  "This person may be besides Lu Ming from Tianhuo Saint Academy." "

  The second person with bipolar disorder."

  After hearing this, the other two teams The captain finally changed his color.

  (End of chapter)

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