Chapter 462 officially begins

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  Chapter 462 Official Begins

  When there was still an hour before the official start of the college-level competition, under the instructions of Vice President Su Xin, everyone gathered together again to summarize the final information.

  Everyone gathered around the One Star Courtyard.

  Everyone looked at Yu Lang. After all, as an intelligence collector, all the information was in his hands. At the same time, other hospital-level intelligence officers had just completed intelligence exchanges with him.


  It was the first time that he received such attention. Yu Lang felt a little proud. He coughed dryly and wanted to say something to start with. Bai Doudou frowned and urged: "Don't talk nonsense, just talk about the key points.

  " Lang felt aggrieved. After working hard for half a year, he still had to be yelled at. This Bai Doudou was really difficult to take care of.

  But in the end, he still gave in obediently, took out a stack of notes from his arms, and said: "We have collected a lot of information, and what everyone is most concerned about is what are the top ones in the one-star colleges of other holy schools that need to be paid attention to. Students."

  "Although the information is true or false, there are three consensus favorites to win the championship. These three people need to pay special attention."

  Lu Qing'er asked curiously: "Is Li Luo among these three people?"

  Yu Lang curled his lips. , said: "There is no Li Luo, so Li Luo, I hope you will reflect on your own shortcomings."

  Bai Mengmeng smiled and said: "That's just the captain hiding it well."

  Seeing these beautiful girls, they are all defending Li Luo. Luo Yu Lang was a little tired and could only continue: "These three people are Jing Taixu from Shengming King Academy, Sun Dasheng from Holy Mountain Academy, and Lu Ming from Tianhuo Saint Academy. According to speculation, the three of them may have reached He has reached the level of the third transformation of the Transformation Stage."

  "These three people are considered unique. If we meet alone in the academy level competition, the smartest way is to escape immediately to avoid being defeated alone."

  Li Luo heard this, his eyes He squinted slightly.

  These three people have already transformed into the third phase. They are really ahead of everyone, including him.

  Li Luo is now in the second phase of transformation. However, it is worth mentioning that his second phase, "Wood and Earth Phase", just completed the evolution the day before entering this space, and he was successfully promoted to Sixth grade.

  So now he is in the lower seventh grade of "water and light phase" and the sixth grade of "wood and earth phase".

  The strength of the second transformation phase of the transformation phase should be at the first-class level in the entire Eastern Region Shenzhou One-Star Academy, while the three of Jing Taixu are even higher. Obviously, this is because the school they are in favors them. Of course, their talents are worth the investment.

  This made Li Luo couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, under the stimulation of the Holy Grail War, various schools were very willing to spend money.

  This huge investment in training resources has resulted in the strength level of this batch of students in Eastern China being far higher than the previous three batches.

  "In addition to these three people, I compiled the intelligence and finally selected the eight people who appeared most frequently. These eight people should also be considered popular candidates. Of course, this is only a part of the exposure. People who have truly reached this level "There will be more."

  "Zang Mei, from the Holy Treasure Academy, is pregnant with the eighth-grade fire phase. His strength may change for the second time in the transformation phase." "

  Lusen Holy Academy, Lu Qingmu, is pregnant with the eighth-grade wood phase."

  " Holy Wolf Academy, Aofei, is pregnant with the eighth-grade thunder wolf." ".


  Yu Lang read the notes one by one, and soon came to the last one. He picked up the note and his expression changed. It has to be a little complicated.

  When "Saint Xuanxing Academy"

  heard this familiar beginning, Lu Qing'er, Bai Mengmeng and others immediately became energetic, and they came as expected.

  Under their smiling eyes, Yu Lang forced himself to read: "Shengxuanxing Academy, Yu Lang."


  Everyone's eyes widened, and Bai Doudou even rolled his eyes: "Yu Lang, don't play anymore at this time!"

  Yu Lang cried sadly: "I didn't fucking play, this is really what is written in the information. , which grandson would cheat on me like this?"

  He handed the note out, and when everyone saw it, they were a little confused. It did indeed say Shengxuanxing Academy, Yu Lang.

  However, Yu Lang is considered to be the lowest person in their Xingyuan. What qualifications do he have to be ranked with these tough men in front of him?
  Everyone looked at each other and felt very speechless.

  If this information was not finally compiled by intelligence officers at the four hospital levels, they would all suspect that Yu Lang was deliberately making things weird. However, what is the point of making such weird things? After all, they can get this information, and the rest The school will definitely be able to collect it, and when the time comes to enter the college-level competition, these people may be targeted. It's okay to be targeted if he has the strength, but if Yu Lang's strength is even slightly targeted, wouldn't it be a stretch?

  They even imagined Yu Lang being chased by a group of people in the college competition and crying for his father and mother.

  While everyone was at a loss, Li Luo looked at his nose and heart. At the same time, he patted Yu Lang's shoulder considerately and said sincerely: "Don't worry, good brother, I will protect you." Regarding his sincere tone

  , Yu Lang was a little moved for a moment.

  As expected, good brothers can still be relied on.

  And at this moment, a loud bell sound suddenly resounded from heaven to earth, directly reaching everyone's ears.

  All discussion stopped.

  Vice President Su Xin stood up, her face solemn: "This is the bell for the start of the competition. All students, prepare immediately." Five minutes

  later, Li Luo and others gathered outside the energy whirlpool in front of the tower.

  The four hospital-level teams lined up in sequence.

  Vice President Su Xin stood in front of everyone and said: "Dear students, I have basically made it very clear to you about this "hospital level competition". Please remember again that the first half of the "hospital level competition" It is necessary to rely on the strength of the collective. A person who fights alone will only be surrounded and suppressed by other schools. I think that even Jing Taixu from the Shengming King Academy will be surrounded by two or three Zihui squads. What will happen to him? It can only be eliminated.”

  "So, put away all your personal heroism and put your heart on "Dragon Bone Island". There will be a stage for you to perform there." Vice Dean

  Su Xin's voice was a bit stern, which showed that she was cautious about this.

  "In addition, each of the four hospital-level teams has a captain to command the overall situation. The other teams need to obey the command of the captain." "

  Li Luo, Zhu Xuan, Jiang Qing'e, Gong Shenjun." "

  The four of you, Each is responsible for the team at the respective hospital level."

  The four people standing at the front of the four teams all nodded in agreement.

  Vice Dean Su Xin raised his palm, and saw streams of light fly out from his sleeves, and then floated towards everyone.

  Li Luo looked curiously at the two light groups in front of him. One light group contained a white gourd with strange patterns engraved on it and shimmered with light. The other one was a round crystal compass.

  "The function of the spirit gourd is to collect heavenly dew, and the crystal compass is a sensor. Team members at the same hospital level will form a light spot on it, and you can use this to determine each other's position, and then quickly Meet up."

  Vice President Su Xin waited for everyone to put away all the props, and then she looked at the energetic young faces in front of her, with a gentle smile appearing on her face.

  "I won't say any more if it's unnecessary, dear students."

  "I'm looking forward to your performance."

  Boom! Boom!
  When Vice President Su Xin finished speaking, two loud bells resounded simultaneously in this space.

  This is the bell announcing the official start of the game.

  "All students, in their own teams, enter the field in batches from the energy vortex. Remember, after entering, all teams must have the first goal of converging." "Let's get started!


  Following Vice President Su Xin's soft drink, the four hospital-level captains all stepped forward at the same time. Li Luo tilted his head, looked past Zhu Xuan, and looked at Jiang Qing'e. Both of them looked at each other's eyes. I saw an encouraging smile.

  Then Li Luo jumped out and jumped directly into the turbulent energy vortex.

  Behind him, Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng, who were on his team, also followed immediately.

  At the same time, in front of the towers, countless students jumped into the energy vortex, and suddenly rays of light rose into the sky, illuminating the space brilliantly.

  The Holy Grail War has finally truly begun.

  (End of chapter)

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