Chapter 461 Liang Zi

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  Chapter 461 Liang Zi
  When Jing Taixu was in a messy state in the wind because of the extra paragraph on the flyer, on the tower of Shengxuanxing Academy, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e were looking at the space from the railing on the first floor of the tower. Chatting casually.

  Then he noticed the head sticking out from around the corner.

  That's Yu Lang.

  The latter saw him and Jiang Qing'e together, but instead of walking over directly, she waved to him furtively.

  Li Luo was a little confused, but he still walked over and said, "Didn't I ask you to go out to get information? Why did you sneak back again?" "We

  got a shocking information."

  Yu Lang paused and said, "But you You might get a little angry after reading it."

  Then he handed over an untampered leaflet.

  Li Luo took it, glanced at it, and then the smile on his face gradually faded away. He had always had good self-control, but at this time, there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

  Although the rumor of this kind of flyer is not credible, it involves Jiang Qing'e, and he and Jiang Qing'e are engaged, so this rumor can be regarded as a smear for both him and Jiang Qing'e.

  "Do you want to show it to Senior Sister Jiang?" Yu Lang asked.

  "There's nothing to hide."

  Li Luo thought for a moment, then turned around, walked to Jiang Qing'e, and handed the flyer to her.

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes swept over it, and there were no waves on her delicate white porcelain cheeks, but Li Luo noticed that her gaze stayed on for a few seconds longer.

  "There are fake news everywhere in this area now, so there is no need to pay too much attention." Li Luo said with a smile.

  "This cannot be said to be false news."

  Jiang Qing'e said: "The Jing family of the Shenyang Dynasty did send a letter of intention to marry before, but the master ignored it and directly shelved it, so The news mentioned above is not completely untrue.”

  "But the malice hidden in it is real."

  Jiang Qing'e's words caused a look of astonishment to appear on Li Luo's face: "There is this other thing? Why didn't I know about it!" "

  It's just a boring thing. And it's an old thing, so I never told you, but I didn't expect that anyone would remember it."

  Jiang Qing'e flicked the flyer with her slender fingertips, and said in a calm voice: "Only a very few people know about this matter. , will be exposed now, so it is not difficult to guess who is the instigator." "

  Is it Jing Taixu?" Li Luo said slowly.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded: "Even I only saw that letter a while ago, so I'm afraid only Jing Taixu knows about this kind of thing." "

  Then what is his intention? To offend us for no reason?" Li Luoshuang Narrowing his eyes slightly, from the two people's standpoints, as soon as this rumor came out, they were almost on the opposite side of them.

  That Jing Taixu, is there something wrong with his brain?
  Can a ninth-level virtual person be so arrogant?

  "Maybe he's a fool." Jiang Qing'e said casually.

  "Senior Jiang, don't be angry, I have already taught this fool a lesson for you!" Yu Lang grinned at the side, looking proud of himself.

  "Oh?" Jiang Qing'e looked at Yu Lang in surprise.

  Then Yu Lang took out another leaflet, which was tampered with by him: "They sent people out to distribute leaflets, but I intercepted them all, so the leaflets being distributed now are all modified by me. "."

  Jiang Qing'e took a look at the flyer and was startled. Then she couldn't help but a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

  Li Luo looked over and took a look. He was also stunned, and then his eyes became weird.

  "Yu Lang, you are a talent. I underestimated you before." Li Luo said seriously.

  Yu Lang's addition not only shifted the focus of the rumor, but also threw shit in Jing Taixu's face. Now Jing Taixu probably has a profound experience of what it means to shoot oneself in the foot.

  Li Luo reached out and patted Yu Lang's shoulder: "Thank you."

  In fact, Li Luo was very angry about this rumor, because he didn't want anyone to make negative comments about Jiang Qing'e. I don’t want Jiang Qing’e to be the center of these unnecessary rumors.

  Yu Lang's timely action obviously reduced the rumor storm to a minimum, and also turned the damage of the rumors to Jing Taixu.

  So even though the relationship between the two parties was already deep, he was still sincerely grateful.

  Yu Lang pouted at this and said: "Senior Sister Jiang is the trump card of our school. How could I allow them to smear it wantonly? I am just protecting the reputation of our school." Jiang Qing'e looked at Yu Lang, with a smile on her beautiful face

  . A gentle smile emerged.

  "Thank you." She also thanked Li Luo.

  Facing Jiang Qing'e's thanks, Yu Lang was a little flattered. Although Jiang Qing'e was not considered aloof in school, many people felt a sense of distance from her, perhaps because she was so outstanding.

  So when she put down her posture and sincerely thanked her, even a big-hearted person like Yu Lang felt embarrassed.

  While they were talking here, a student from the academy suddenly came quickly from around the corner and said, "Sister Jiang, someone in front of the tower said he wanted to see you. He said he was Jing Taixu from King Shengming Academy." Li

  Luo Hearing this, Jiang Qing'e and Jiang Qing'e both had a cold look in their eyes.

  This Jing Taixu, after spreading all this news, still dares to come to his door?

  "See you?" Li Luo looked at Jiang Qing'e.

  He wanted to see what kind of tricks this Jing Taixu was trying to accomplish.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded. She said nothing, but the little bits of frost covering her porcelain-like cheeks also revealed her mood at this time.

  Then the group of people walked down the tower and walked out of the door. They saw two figures standing under a big tree on the right side.

  It was Jing Taixu and Lu Jinci.

  The two of them also saw Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e approaching. Jing Taixu's eyes immediately fell on Jiang Qing'e. Although he had made some mental preparations when he came, when the real person appeared in front of him, there was still a strong look of surprise in Jing Taixu's eyes. come out.

  For Jing Taixu, who has known countless women, the girl in front of him is really the best he has ever met.

  No wonder even the old man would lower his face and seek marriage with someone else. Well, he was really wrong.

  At this time, Li Luo and the other two people also came closer. Li Luo's eyes immediately looked at Jing Taixu. Although he had never seen this person before, for some reason he couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust when he saw this person. So he smiled and said: "Hello, are you that Jing Shenxu?"

  The smile on Jing Taixu's handsome face condensed slightly, and he immediately corrected: "It's Jing Taixu." "

  It seems that the leaflet is indeed Your people tampered with it."

  Li Luo nodded and said, "Isn't it a good change?" "

  It's a bit rude to make things out of nothing, but what I said is not false, but true. Something." Jing Taixu said.

  "Our Luo Lan Mansion has received several boxes of letters like yours from the Jing family over the years, so don't take it too seriously." Li Luo smiled.

  Jing Taixu stared at the upright young man in front of him who was even more handsome than him. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Who are you?" "

  Li Luo from Shengxuanxing Academy, the son of Li Taixuan, and also the son of Jiang Qing'e." Fiancé." He stretched out his hand and took Jiang Qing'e's slender hand, which had never spoken. The delicate touch was like mutton fat and warm jade.

  "So this friend from Shengming King Academy, the rumors you spread make me very angry."

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at Li Luo, a smile appeared on her red lips, but she did not break away, but knitted her fingers together with Li Luo.


  Jing Taixu's expression finally changed a little. He didn't expect that the two of them would have such a relationship, and judging from Jiang Qing'e's reaction, there was no resistance at all.

  "Master Li Luo, you are really enviable. This close proximity to the water is such a blessing." Jing Taixu sighed.

  "Senior Jiang, I didn't know about this before, so I took the liberty. I just heard my father mention you and the past when I came here, so I wanted to meet you. If it causes you any bad I can apologize to you in public." He looked at Jiang Qing'e again, expressing his apology sincerely.

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes stared at Jing Taixu with some indifference, and finally said: "Flies are used to swat them to death, not to apologize."

  Jing Taixu's eyes narrowed, because at this moment, he really There was a hint of murderous intent in Jiang Qing'e's voice.

  Lu Jinci took half a step forward and blocked half of Jing Taixu's body. His body was tense and he stared at Jiang Qing'e warily.

  Although fighting is prohibited in this space, if Jiang Qing'e is afraid that she will get angry, she will directly kill Jing Taixu with thunder, which is really a one-for-one exchange.

  "No, Jing Shenxu, classmate Jing Taixu."

  Li Luo looked at Jing Taixu and said with a smile, "We'll see you at the college level competition."

  Jing Taixu met Li Luo's gaze and smiled, how could he not recognize the latter? The meaning contained in these words, he immediately smiled implicitly and said: "Classmate Li Luo, I'm looking forward to it."

  Then both parties lost interest in continuing, and Jing Taixu and Lu Jinci turned around and left.

  After walking for a while, Lu Jinci asked: "It seems that our goal has been achieved."

  He could feel that Jiang Qing'e looked at them with a cold gaze.

  Jing Taixu nodded.

  "Why does it feel like you've exerted too much force? That Jiang Qing'e makes me feel a little nervous." Lu Jinci said.

  Jing Taixu still didn't speak.

  Lu Jinci couldn't help but patted his shoulder and said, "What are you thinking about?"

  Jing Taixu sighed quietly, "Think about that heart-beating feeling."

  Lu Jinci rolled his eyes and said: "You have been in school for one year and your heart has been moved ten times."

  "This time is different." Jing Taixu defended.

  "She has a fiancé. Moreover, what you did this time should make you have a relationship with that Li Luo." Lu Jinci reminded.

  Jing Taixu smiled when he heard this.

  "Although I envy this classmate Li Luo's blessing, I am not afraid of his strength. It's not that I'm looking down on him, but"

  he showed a bright smile: "In the One-Star Academy of Eastern China, I, indeed Don't be afraid of anyone."

  Lu Jinci had no objection to this. After all, he was the biggest favorite to win the championship in the One-Star Academy. Jing Taixu did have the capital and qualifications to say this.

  On the other side, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e looked at the two people's retreating figures.

  "Li Luo." Jiang Qing'e suddenly said.


  "I'll give you a task," she said.

  "In the one-star academy level competition, eliminate him."

  "Is there any reward?" Li Luo asked expectantly.

  Jiang Qing'e smiled and raised the hands they held together.

  "Sorry, you have already paid in advance."

  (End of chapter)

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