Chapter 38 Secret Source Water

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  Chapter 38: Secret Source Water
  As soon as Cai Wei's words came out, even Yan Lingqing couldn't help but look at her, and immediately said angrily: "What can he do? How long has he been exposed to the phase quenching technique?" More words are not available

  . It's easy to tell, because Li Luo has only had phase for less than a month. To say that he can help reverse the situation is really a fantasy.

  Li Luo smiled and did not speak. Instead, he motioned for the two of them to follow him to Yan Lingqing's refining room. After closing the door, he calmly said: "I have learned that Luolan Mansion was in Tianshu County every year. There is a profit of 300,000 days' worth of gold, and Xiyang House accounts for half of it." "

  And in Xiyang House, the first-grade refining room has a profit of 30,000 days' worth of gold every year, and the second-grade refining room makes four Ten thousand gold, and the third-grade refining room is nearly 80,000 gold."

  "You know it but you still agree. There is such a big difference, how can you catch up." Yan Lingqing said angrily.

  She is in charge of two refining rooms and is most aware of the gap between them. The price of third-grade spiritual water and strange light is much higher than that of first- and second-grade products, so the annual profit is also the highest. This is an innate advantage that is difficult to catch up with.

  "What's more, Xiyangwu's first-grade "Qingbi Lingshui" is now attacked by Songziwu's "Rizhao Qiguang", which directly leads to a sharp drop in sales of Qingbi Lingshui here. In this case, the first-grade refining room The situation will only get worse, let alone turning the situation around."

  Li Luo said with a smile: "So the top priority is to stabilize the reputation and sales of our Xiyangwu Yipin Lingshui Qiguang."

  Yan Lingqing said: " I have said before that there are only three factors that affect the strange light of the spiritual water, the formula, the grade of the refiner, and the source of the source water." "The formula of

  Qingbi spiritual water is already relatively complete. With my ability, it is difficult to Is there any room for improvement unless we hire some tempering masters, but that will also consume a lot of time and a lot of money." "

  Far water can't save the near fire. I'm afraid the Song family has already prepared it, and now it's just in time for me to Lan Mansion is facing internal and external troubles and has started to launch these offensives." Cai Wei said with her red lips slightly parted.

  "Then the only thing left is to improve the strength and experience of the phase quenching masters, but this is a matter of time. You can't force those first-grade quenching masters in Xiyangwu to suddenly explode and exceed the average level. This is unrealistic. ." Yan Lingqing said.

  Cai Wei's beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Li Luo and said with a smile: "Didn't the Young Mansion Master refine a bottle of blue spiritual water with a tempering power of 60%?"

  Yan Lingqing rolled her eyes at her and said: "He can produce enough by himself. How big is it? Even if you use him as a cow, you won't be able to squeeze out much milk."

  Li Luo's handsome face darkened. Although I don't mind refining a first-grade spiritual water and strange light, I still have some status. How can I do it? Being a cow?
  "Then it seems that the only source is Yuan Shui Yuan Guang." However, this was not the time to care, so Li Luo simply ignored it and continued.

  Yan Lingqing said angrily: "Yuanshuiyuanguang can only rely on the quality of the physiognomist's own physiognomy. Do you plan to improve the physiognomy of Xiyangwu's physiognomist?" "Unless it's some secret source of water

  . Light can be used as a consumable to enhance the tempering power of the magical light of spiritual water, but those secret source water sources are the top secrets of every major force, and we in Xiyangwu don’t have them at all." Li Luo chuckled lightly when he heard this and

  said "This one is not necessarily the case."

  Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing looked in surprise when they heard this.

  Under their gaze, Li Luo suddenly reached into his arms and took out a crystal bottle, which contained about half a bottle of dark blue liquid.

  "Would you like to try this on me?" he said.

  Yan Lingqing raised her slender moon-like eyebrows and said, "I told you, other sources of water have no effect, only the secret source of water." Before her voice could completely fall, Li Luo uncorked the bottle,

  faintly There seemed to be an extremely pure aura emanating from it, causing Yan Lingqing's voice to stop suddenly, and her beautiful eyes looked at the crystal bottle in Li Luo's hand in shock.

  The next moment, Yan Lingqing snatched the crystal bottle from Li Luo's hand, poured out a drop of blue liquid and landed on her fingertips. She sensed it carefully, and the shock on her pretty face became more and more intense.

  "It is not mixed with any attribute will. This is the secret source water?! And this kind of purity is comparable to the seventh-grade water. How can you have such a high-quality secret source water?" Yan Lingqing grabbed it in a panic. Li Luo's arm, said.

  Even the secret source water has grades, but the secret source water that Li Luo took out has reached the purity of seventh grade, which shows that it is rare. Secret source water of this purity can even increase the purity of the source water. The success rate of refining spiritual water is quite rare.

  Li Luo's arm held by Yan Lingqing felt a slight sting, which showed Yan Lingqing's excitement at this time, so he slowed down his voice and said, "Sister Lingqing, don't be excited. Can this secret source water be used?"

  "Of course it can be used."

  Yan Lingqing said immediately: "If the secret source water of this purity can be added to the blue spiritual water of our Xiyang House, it will definitely be able to stabilize the tempering power at the level of 60%. This is enough Destroy the "Rizhao Qiguang" of Songzi House." "

  But the only problem is that there is too little secret source water. If it is used for refining, it may only be able to refining about thirty bottles of first-grade blue and green spiritual water. ."

  Her beautiful eyes stared at Li Luo, but that look was completely inconsistent with her usual cold temperament. "What if it is used on the second-grade spiritual water and strange light?" Li Luo thought for a while and asked.

  "Although it is indeed a bit extravagant to use secret source water of this quality on first-grade blue and green spiritual water, but as I said, the amount is too small. If it is used on second-grade spiritual water of strange light, I'm afraid I won't be able to refine a few. From a cost-effective perspective, it is not as good as refining the first grade." Yan Lingqing replied.

  Li Luo felt embarrassed. These secret source waters were condensed from his own "water-light phase". Because of his own emptiness phase, the source water he condensed also had a kind of emptiness. Therefore, the source water he condensed is extremely close to the so-called secret source water.

  But now this is what he has accumulated for three days. After all, he is only in the Six Seal Realm, and his phase power is not very strong, so he cannot condense too much secret source water.

  "Then let's use it on the first-grade azure spiritual water first."

  "If I give some of this secret source water every three days, can the performance of the first-grade refining room become the highest in Xiyang House?" Li Luo asked.

  Hearing this, Cai Wei thought for a while and said: "The first-grade refining room currently produces one hundred and fifty bottles of blue spiritual water every month. If various costs are not included, the annual output is worth 90,000 heavenly gold, and the third-grade refining room is The annual output value of the refining room reaches 210,000 pieces of heavenly gold. If the first-grade refining room wants to catch up, it will have to double the output, but judging from the success rate of the first-grade refining room, it seems to be difficult." "

  If With enough secret source water of this kind, it is not too difficult to double the output of a first-grade refining room! Secret source water of this purity is really too big for first-grade spiritual water Qiguang, so its refining efficiency is also It can be improved a lot." Yan Lingqing said with certainty.

  Li Luo clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Isn't that solved?"

  Yan Lingqing blinked her beautiful eyes and was a little distracted for a moment. Did this problem really seem to be solved like this?

  How could it be so simple.

  Yan Lingqing let out a heavy breath. It was not because it was simple, but because Li Luo had come up with something that was beyond people's normal thinking. After all, if other people knew that he used such pure secret source water to refine a first-grade spiritual water, If it were light, the grumpy man would probably point his nose at him and scold him for wasting things.

  Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing looked at each other and tacitly did not ask Li Luo where the secret source water came from. In their guess, this was probably a secret left to Li Luo by the two palace masters.

  "It seems that the Young Palace Master is really the lucky general of our Luo Lan Palace." Cai Wei on the side covered her lips and smiled sweetly, her beautiful face full of joy.

  "Although the amount of secret source water is a bit small, it is actually enough for the production of first-grade spiritual water in our Xiyang House."

  Yan Lingqing nodded slightly, Xiyang House only produced 150 bottles of first-grade blue spiritual water in a month, and if Li Luo supplied the secret source water once every three days, it would be enough to cover all the first-grade spiritual water.

  "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to get busy. Try to produce the first batch of enhanced version of Qingbi Lingshui in the next few days. First, we can make our Xiyangwu Qingbi Lingshui famous and save it. Word of mouth." Yan Lingqing held the crystal bottle filled with dark blue secret source water tightly and was about to start chasing people away.

  Li Luo and Cai Wei had no choice but to leave the refining room after hearing this. Immediately, he saw Cai Wei's pace suddenly quicken, and he quickly reached out and took her arm.

  "Sister Cai Wei, do you want to get rid of me?" Li Luo said angrily.

  Cai Wei glanced at him innocently and said, "Young Master, what are you talking about? I still have a lot of things to do." "

  Sister Cai Wei, I was just giving advice to Xiyang House. You can't be cold." The heart of a hero." Li Luo looked around, and then whispered: "I also want a batch of fifth-grade spiritual water and strange light."

  Cai Wei stared at Li Luo with her beautiful eyes full of resentment, and said: "Young Master, you In less than a month, seven or eight hundred thousand heavenly amounts of gold have been burned, which is the profit of Luolan Mansion in Tianshu County for more than two years. If you continue like this, my sister will really not be able to support you."

  Li Luo was a little embarrassed. His speed of burning money was a bit outrageous, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was a gold-eating beast in his acquired appearance. At this time, he could only be extremely grateful that his father and mother had left behind a foundation for the Luo Lan Mansion. , otherwise he feels that after five years of being granted the title of Marquis, he might really only be able to find it in his dreams.

  "This is the last batch of fifth-grade spiritual water strange light." Li Luo promised.

  Hearing this, Cai Wei hesitated for a moment, and finally bit her teeth: "Okay, then I'll sell two more properties."

  Cai Wei felt sad when she said it. With her talent, she had never been to such a place. There is no way to survive by selling property. Anyone who encounters a bottomless pit like Li Luo will not be able to fill it.

  Li Luogan smiled and nodded. He was actually not lying. If his water light phase was successfully upgraded to the sixth level, he would indeed not need the fifth level spiritual water light in the future.
  Because at that time, he wanted the sixth-grade spiritual water and strange light.

  But he didn't dare to say it now, because he was afraid that Cai Wei would just give up the job.

  (End of chapter)

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