Chapter 37 The battle for the president

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  Chapter 37: The President’s Battle
  Xi Yangwu, the meeting hall.

  When Li Luo, Cai Wei, and Yan Lingqing arrived, they found that the seats were packed, and all the senior management of Xiyang House were present.

  In the front position, Zhuang Yi was smiling, but next to him, there was an old man with a somewhat old-fashioned face sitting.


  When they saw the old man, Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing both exclaimed, and then explained in a low voice to Li Luo, who was a little confused at the side: "The old man's name is Zheng Ping, and he is an elder at the Xiyangwu headquarters. He has high seniority in Xiyang House. When the two palace masters built Xiyang House, he was one of the first batch of old people." "

  But this old man is extremely pedantic and strict, a smelly and hard-boiled person. He usually At the Royal City Headquarters, we haven't received any news about the sudden arrival. It's probably because the person who came is evil."

  When the two women introduced Li Luo, everyone in the meeting hall stood up and saluted Li Luo.

  Even the elder Zheng Ping from the Xiyangwu headquarters stood up, looked at Li Luo, and said, "I have met the young master." "Elder Zheng is so polite." Li Luo smiled at

  the elder Zheng Ping, and then Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing all took their seats.

  "When did Elder Zheng arrive in Nanfeng City?" Yan Lingqing suddenly asked.

  Elder Zheng Ping said expressionlessly: "The performance of Xiyangwu Tianshu County Branch this year is very poor. The headquarters asked me to come and take a look, and by the way confirm the pending president matter here." As he said that,

  he He stared at Yan Lingqing with a somewhat stern look and said: "Vice President Yan, I have read some financial reports. The performance of the first-grade refining room you are in charge of has been extremely poor recently, which has even caused the reputation of Xiyangwu to be affected in Tianshu County. , do you have anything to say about this?"

  Yan Lingqing said coldly: "Why is this happening? You might know better if you ask Vice President Zhuang Yi." Upon hearing this,

  Vice President Zhuang Yi immediately said: "Vice President Yan If you don’t have the ability yourself, don’t blame it on others.”

  "If you hadn't secretly blocked the materials in the first-grade refining room, causing me to sometimes be unable to perform some training, would this result have occurred?" Yan Lingqing scolded coldly.

  Vice President Zhuang Yi yelled at Qu: "The situation of Luolan Mansion in Tianshu County is not good to begin with, and some refining materials have to go through the three companies in Tianshu County, but those three companies have a very tight grip on us. In the end, we can get it There are naturally not many materials, and the third-grade refining room under my command is the best-performing refining room in Xiyangwu, shouldn't it be given priority?" "

  You!" Yan Lingqing slammed the table angrily.


  Elder Zheng Ping scolded angrily. He glared at Zhuang Yi and Yan Lingqing fiercely and said, "You all have your reasons, but I am not interested in hearing them. I only care about the performance of Xiyang House. Whoever drags down Xiyang The retreat of the house will affect the reputation of Xiyang House, so I will not let him go." "The performance of the Tianshu

  County branch is getting worse and worse. The ultimate reason is that there is no president to control the overall situation, so after discussions at the headquarters, Tianshu County branch The county branch must decide on a new president as soon as possible."

  In the meeting hall, there was a slight silence, and some other senior officials were silent, because they knew very well that the dispute between the presidents was a conflict between Yan Lingqing and Zhuang Yi, and the involvement behind it The ones are deeper, so they wisely remain neutral.

  Li Luo's eyes flashed slightly. In fact, Zheng Ping's words were correct. Xiyangwu Tianshu County Branch has too many internal fights now. If you want to really maintain stability, the most important thing is to decide on the position of president. Of course, the key is. Who will the president choose?

  Thinking in his mind, he smiled and asked: "Who does Elder Zheng Ping think is more suitable to be the president?"

  Although Zheng Ping was not polite to Yan Lingqing and Zhuang Yi, he still maintained a bit of respect when facing Li Luo. , he was silent for a moment and said: "If we follow the rules of Xiyang House as usual, the person in charge of the refining room with the best performance will usually be promoted to the president." Zhuang Yi on the side showed a slight smile, and the three people in Xiyang

  House Among the refining rooms, the annual profit of the third-grade refining room he is in charge of is far higher than that of the other two refining rooms, so this rule is most beneficial to him.

  However, Elder Zheng Ping then said: "This is the rule in the past, but if the young master has any suggestions, he can also put them forward, and I can send them back to the headquarters, but this time the Xiyangwu branch must decide on a meeting Otherwise, I may have to stay here forever."

  "I also hope that the Young Mansion Master will not blame me. What I did was all for the sake of Xiyang House and Luolan Mansion." Zhuang Yi heard this, his expression did not change, but he felt sad in his heart. He was a little angry, this old guy was really talkative.

  Li Luo glanced at the old man, thoughtfully. It seemed that Elder Zheng Ping was not sent to target them as Yan Lingqing suspected. At least he said he didn't look like someone from Pei Hao's side.

  Xiyangwu Headquarters would suddenly send someone to Tianshu County. Among them, there might be an open and covert fight between Jiang Qing'e and Pei Hao. But in the end, the person who came was an old-fashioned and stubborn elder Zheng Ping who had no tendency to take sides. This shows that this is The final outcome of the fight between the two sides.

  In a sense, it's not bad news.

  However, if the position of president is really determined based on the performance of each refining room, then Yan Lingqing's disadvantage will be too great. After all, the third-grade refining room in Zhuang Yi's hands is the heavyweight product in Xiyang House. Every year The profit is even higher than that of the first and second grade refining rooms combined.

  Yan Lingqing on the side also understood this, her pretty face was cold and her beautiful eyes were full of anger, about to explode.

  However, Li Luo suddenly reached out and put his hand on the back of her hand, staring at Elder Zheng Ping, and said, "Which refining room will have the best performance in the future, will be promoted to the president?" "Yes." Elder Zheng Ping nodded


  Li Luo pondered for a few breaths, and finally said: "This is a good idea, just do it like this." As soon as he

  said this, there was a low uproar.

  Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing looked at him in shock, obviously not understanding why he agreed, because it was clear that he was giving up the position of general.

  Zhuang Yi was also stunned for a few breaths, and then he smiled and said: "Young Mansion Master still knows the general idea! That's right, anyway, in the end, we don't want Xiyang House better? Xiyang House is good, isn't that the same? Are you making money for the Young Mansion Master?"

  Elder Zheng Ping was also a little surprised. He said to Li Luo: "Young master has really decided like this?" Li

  Luo smiled and nodded, and then without saying anything else, he picked up Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing, who were still in shock, and came out. into the council chamber.

  After walking out of the meeting hall, Li Luo immediately released the two women, but at this time Yan Lingqing said with anger in her voice: "Li Luo, what are you doing? That rule is extremely unfavorable to me, why do you accept it? If you don't want me to be here If you want to, just say it and I will return to the royal city immediately."

  Cai Wei also stared at Li Luo with beautiful eyes. Judging from the contact during this period, Li Luo should not be a messy person, but today's actions are really... Makes people confused.

  After Yan Lingqing arrived at Xiyangwu in Tianshu County, he managed to maintain the situation after a lot of hard work. But now, he was about to be knocked back to his original shape because of Li Luo's words.

  Li Luo looked at the two girls, smiled, and said, "Sisters, I'm not a fool, can't I still see who is trustworthy?"

  Cai Wei looked at him doubtfully, while Yan Lingqing crossed her arms and was annoyed. He turned around and didn't want to pay attention to him.

  "Although this kind of rule is not good for Sister Lingqing, don't you think this is the best opportunity to legitimately send Sister Lingqing to the position of president and drive away the scourge of Zhuang Yi?" Li Luo said with a smile.

  Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing frowned slightly. This is indeed a good opportunity, but the key is that Zhuang Yi is at an absolute advantage. In the end, who will drive away whom?
  On the other hand, Cai Wei's eyes flickered, and then she stared at Li Luo in surprise.

  "Could it be."

  "Do you have a way to help Lingqing turn the tables?"

  (End of chapter)

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