Chapter 288 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power

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  Chapter 288 The fox
  pretends to be the tiger. In the vast wilderness, a river winds and sparkles like a white python entrenched.

  However, the long-standing silence was broken today.

  At the end of the river, the power of water flows on the soles of a figure's feet. He slides along with the help of the current. He has a tall and straight body, and his gray hair is blowing in the wind. Combined with his handsome and attractive face, he looks quite amazing.

  However, the young man looked behind him from time to time and the embarrassed look on his face ruined this mood a lot.

  But this really can't be blamed on Li Luo, because anyone who is desperately chased by a spirit beast with the peak strength of the Heavenly General level will probably have a hard time maintaining an indifferent appearance.

  Suddenly, there was a deafening roar of beasts in the sky and the earth, and the strong wind sweeping from behind seemed to be carrying some fishy smell.

  In the distance behind, a three-tailed giant beast was seen rushing towards him, bringing up billowing smoke and dust. The scarlet beast's pupils were full of rage, and it locked onto Li Luo's figure.

  Originally, it thought that as long as it rushed out of the forbidden mountain range, it should be able to easily catch and devour this little mouse, but it did not expect that this little mouse was so cunning. Although it was obviously very weak, it just used the flow of water to accelerate, and it was instantly defeated. It is somewhat helpless.

  The three-tailed beast's mouth suddenly opened, and several energy light balls shot out of the air with blazing heat, directly bombarding Li Luo's figure in the distance.

  However, there was a certain distance between the two sides, so those energy light balls eventually lost their accuracy and fell into the river behind Li Luo.

  Boom boom!

  The wind and waves caused by the explosion of the energy light ball still shook Li Luo's energy and blood in his body, but he quickly used the healing power of water phase and wood phase to soothe the shock in his body.

  Then he ran away without looking back.

  However, although he avoided the indiscriminate bombardment of the three-tailed giant beast, Li Luo's heart became increasingly heavy, because he could sense that the distance between the three-tailed giant beast and him was gradually shortening.

  After all, he underestimated the spirit beast at the top of the Heavenly General level.

  Even though he cleverly used the speed of the flowing water, it was still not as easy as imagined to maintain an absolutely safe distance.

  "At this speed, it may take quite a while to reach the stronghold."

  Li Luo raised his head and glanced in the direction of the stronghold, frowning. Will his thrilling situation continue for that long? It's so exciting.

  After all, facing the pursuit of the three-tailed giant beast, if he makes even the slightest mistake, he may have a narrow escape.

  And the most important thing is that the three-tailed giant beast has indeed not caught up at the moment, but Li Luo feels that it would be too naive if he really thought that a heavenly general-level spirit beast only had this ability.

  But it's useless to think about it now. Li Luo is walking a tightrope now, so he must stay absolutely calm, be prepared for the worst-case scenario, and take advantage of every opportunity.

  With thoughts swirling in his mind, Li Luo no longer paid attention to the three-tailed giant beast chasing behind him. The power of water flowed through his body, and then resonated with the river under his feet. His figure seemed to be integrated into the water at this moment.

  With such a crazy pursuit, an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

  At this moment, the three-tailed giant beast behind no longer roared furiously, but pushed its speed to the extreme, biting Li Luo's figure tightly.

  The two sides seemed to be locked in a peaceful race.

  However, the calmness of the three-tailed giant beast made Li Luo a little uneasy. There must be a monster when something goes wrong. At this time, the three-tailed giant beast must be preparing a killing blow.

  Li Luo's whole body tensed up, and the two palaces in his body were in a state of extreme explosion at any time.

  At this moment, Li Luo suddenly heard a long roar coming from behind. When he glanced at it from the corner of his eye, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up.

  Because when he saw the three-tailed giant beast, it suddenly stopped. The three giant tails behind it stood up high. The original black tail quickly turned into blood red at this time.

  The space around it seemed to be slowly fluctuating at this time.

  Li Luo didn't know what the three-tailed giant beast was going to do, but he had a feeling of impending disaster. He immediately didn't dare to look any further and directly accelerated his speed to the extreme and ran away like crazy.

  But not long after he fled, he seemed to hear a strange buzzing sound resounding between heaven and earth.

  Li Luo's rapidly moving figure suddenly stiffened at this moment, and the blood all over his body seemed to have stopped flowing, because in the reflection of his pupils, the void in front of him was distorted, and a giant beast seemed to be moving instantly. , appeared in front.

  It stood on the spacious river surface, its scarlet beast eyes staring ferociously and teasingly at Li Luo, who was speeding up the water.

  It obviously didn't know what secret technique it had cast, and it teleported across such a long distance. That speed seemed to surpass light.

  At this moment, Li Luo understood that he still underestimated these high-level spirit beasts.

  When Li Luo's body was covered with ice, the three-tailed giant beast had already struck directly, and his huge palm struck heavily. The violent energy of heaven and earth gathered under his palm, forming a huge black palm shadow. Then he took a picture of where Li Luo was.

  That kind of force tore apart the relatively wide river surface.

  Such a heavy blow was almost enough to kill Li Luo instantly.

  The giant shadow of the beast's palm rapidly enlarged in Li Luo's eyes, and murderous intent rushed towards him. This was the first time Li Luo had encountered such a powerful attack in these years.

  Under that palm, he almost felt a sense of despair.

  too strong.

  The power was so oppressive that he couldn't even breathe.

  It seemed like the only option was to wait for death.

  However, Li Luo was not broken down by the power of that palm. His eyes flashed rapidly, and then turned into a look of determination.

  Facing such a terrifying palm, he not only did not dodge, but suddenly stepped down, and the figure rushed out.

  It turned out to be head-on!

  Li Luo's choice also surprised the three-tailed giant beast, but the ferocity and teasing in the red beast's eyes did not diminish.

  call out!
  Li Luo's figure rushed out directly, and when he was about to collide with the palm of the three-tailed giant beast, he suddenly shouted loudly: "Bad beast, this place today is your sealing place!" He stretched out his palm, and the ancient palm in his

  palm The seal suddenly glowed with light.

  At this moment, the three-tailed giant beast also saw the ancient seal on Li Luo's palm, and at the same time it also sensed the energy fluctuation that it was extremely familiar with.

  That power indeed comes from the closed town that has restricted it for many years!

  It turns out that the reason why the closed town disappeared was because it fell into the hands of this human boy!

  But why is this happening? !
  The hair all over its body stood on end at this moment.

  There is horror and fear in the scarlet eyes of the three-tailed giant beast. Years of bondage have made it extremely afraid of that blockade. Of course, what it is afraid of is more of that blockade. Owner.

  That kind of presence makes it feel trembling from the soul.

  Now that the blockade has appeared in the hands of such a weak human being, is there any other conspiracy?

  Could it be that he deliberately tricked it out of the mountains and waited for an opportunity to suppress it? !
  Is this a game? !
  The three-tailed giant beast looked at Li Luo, who was charging towards him with a wild smile on his face. There was no trace of fear on the latter's face, but rather a sense of joy as if he had succeeded.

  Is this kid trying to use the power of sealing the town to kill it?

  In just a short moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed through the mind of the three-tailed giant beast. Finally, its cautious character made it suddenly retract its giant palm, and then hurriedly jumped out of the river, and the huge figure retreated violently.

  No matter what, just avoid it first!

  The three-tailed giant beast retreated sharply, but its beast eyes were staring at Li Luo's figure. Then it saw that as it avoided it, Li Luo's figure rushed over, and then
  He ran away without looking back.

  The three-tailed giant beast hesitated in place. It looked at Li Luo's crazily retreating figure. The so-called sealing power also disappeared, and everything seemed to have never appeared.

  There was a sound of wind, and the three-tailed giant beast fell into silence for a while.

  Does it feel like it's being played?

  (End of chapter)

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