Chapter 287: Lure the beast out of the mountain

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  Chapter 287: Lure the beast out of the mountain
  "Has the seal fallen into my hands?"

  On the peak where the mountain wind roared, Li Luo looked at the ancient seal in his palm, thoughtfully. Apparently, the seal on the bluestone had been transferred to him. hands.

  He sensed it slightly, and some information poured into his mind, which made his expression move, and he looked at Feng Zhen in his palm with a bit of surprise.

  Because from that message, he knew the dean's purpose of transferring the seal to him, hoping that he could completely suppress and seal the beast in the restricted area.

  Of course, his own strength is obviously not qualified, so he needs to rely on the power of this seal.

  Even the power of this seal is not enough. In the past, the seal could only trap the beast here, but could not completely suppress it.

  Therefore, if you want to suppress it, you need a perfect time.

  For example, the spirit beast was severely injured.

  This condition is actually very harsh, because Li Luoke does not have this ability. Even when the school's Zihui instructor comes, it is more difficult to achieve this. This beast is good at hiding. Once it hides, Zihui instructor can't do anything. Find it in this vast mountain range.

  But right now, it’s not like there’s no such opportunity at all.

  Because in Li Luo's original plan, he was to lure this beast to fight with the great natural disaster. If two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

  No matter who can survive, they will definitely be severely injured. When the time comes, we must gather the power in the stronghold to hunt and kill them.

  Li Luo's mind was spinning, and finally he held back. Whether he could suppress this beast was not the top priority. Now he still needed to use the power of this forbidden beast to fight against the great natural disaster.

  So, let’s lure that big guy out first.

  Li Luo looked at the depths of the mountains, where there were clouds and mist, and he didn't know where the spirit beast was hiding. And if he wanted to lure it out, he couldn't just randomly activate the power of the two phases. After all, This mountain range is so vast, and his dual-phase power is so weak. If it is used here, the spirit beast may not be able to sense it.

  The last time, he was in the Dark Spirit Pond.

  Li Luo looked in the direction of the Dark Spirit Pond. The depths of the Dark Spirit Pond must be connected to some places in this mountain range, and even to the place where the spirit beast was practicing.

  That's why it can clearly sense when Li Luo's dual-phase power explodes, even from such a long distance.

  Li Luo pondered slightly, then turned around and went down the mountain without hesitation, and then quickly rushed to the Dark Spirit Pond.

  Nowadays, the surroundings of Dark Spirit Pond are empty, with not a single person in sight.

  In the Dark Spirit Pond, energy shocks were still sweeping across it. Li Luo stood on the big tree closest to the deep pond, then took a deep breath and activated the dual-phase power in his body.

  He held two swords in his hands, and the two swords flowed together, and then the two swords slowly passed by. When the tips of the swords touched each other, the two sword lights shot out like a crescent moon.

  The direction is exactly in the dark spirit pool.

  The sword light that condensed the power of the two phases was so sharp that it cut away the energy impact and rushed directly into the dark spirit pool.

  Then it exploded.

  And just when the power of dual phase exploded in the dark spirit pool, the huge creature lying in the dark cave deep in the mountain suddenly opened its scarlet beast eyes.

  The beast's eyes looked in a certain direction with some surprise. That weak dual-phase power appeared again?

  Is it an illusion?

  And just as it hesitated, another wave of dual-phase power came from the depths of the pool where it lived. This time, it really felt it clearly.

  It’s really the bipolar power from before!
  That human boy with the power of two phases appears again?

  Greed and ferocity arose in the eyes of the scarlet beast. The next moment, its huge figure suddenly rushed out, and then rushed away in that direction. A line of smoke appeared in the mountains.

  The movement in the mountains was quickly noticed by Li Luo. His face was solemn and he turned around and ran away without hesitation. He shuttled through the mountains and forests and rushed away towards the river where he came from.

  His speed is far inferior to that of the beast. Only by relying on the speed of the river can he maintain his own safety.

  Otherwise, you will fail to lure the tiger, and you will fall into the tiger's mouth instead.

  However, the beast doesn't know that Feng Town has disappeared yet, so when it reaches the outside of the mountain range, it will definitely hesitate for a while, which will buy Li Luo some time.

  The wind whistled past Li Luo's ears, and the trees on both sides kept retreating.

  He pushed his speed to the extreme, running wildly and desperately.

  This is the speed of life and death. He must keep some distance at this time, otherwise he will be in an extremely dangerous situation when the spirit beast comes to pursue him with all his strength.

  While Li Luo was running away like crazy, the spirit beast deep in the mountains gradually approached the outside of the mountains.

  The smoke and dust dissipated somewhat, and the appearance of the beast was gradually revealed. It was a giant beast wearing black armor and having three tails. It looked like a wolf, with scarlet eyes, and a huge mouth full of fangs, with a fiery and violent look. The breath spurted out from his mouth, instantly burning some trees to ashes.

  As expected by Li Luo, as it approached the outer reaches of the mountain range, the speed of the three-tailed beast gradually slowed down. Its eyes were hesitant, and it looked angrily at the top of a mountain, where there was a seal that had bound it for a long time. town.

  However, what surprised it a little today was that as it approached the outskirts of the mountain range, the power of the seal did not seem to appear.

  What happened?

  The three-tailed spirit beast hesitated. It swung its tail angrily and flattened the nearby forest. It could feel that the bipolar human was escaping.

  It missed this human kid before, which made it regret it. This time it appeared again. It was like a good thing that fell from the sky. It couldn't be let go no matter what!

  This time, even if I have to fight against Na Fengzhen, I have to give it a try!
  Thinking of this, a ferocious meaning emerged in the eyes of the three-tailed spirit beast. Immediately, it didn't hesitate anymore, and its figure burst out. The three tails behind it rolled up like a giant python, emitting amazing phase power, ready to fight with the sealing town at any time. Fight.

  Gradually, it reached the outer reaches of the mountains.

  But what surprised the three-tailed beast was that when it stepped out of the mountain range, Fengzhen still hadn't appeared!
  This situation caused the three-tailed spirit beast to freeze on the spot for a moment, and then ecstasy burst out from its eyes. Has that damn Fengzhen finally exhausted its power? !
  God helps me!

  From now on, it will be free!
  A deafening roar resounded throughout the forest on this side of the mountain.

  Li Luo, who was running, also heard this roar of ecstasy, and his eyes immediately shuddered, and the beast rushed out of the mountain range.

  He looked ahead, and the sound of the river was already coming.

  Li Luo's figure swept through the woods and landed on the river. The power of the water form spurted out from under his feet, and he was sliding forward rapidly.

  The figure fell on the river. Li Luo glanced back from the corner of his eye, and then he saw a three-tailed giant beast, carrying a fierce aura, coming towards his direction as fast as thunder.

  Li Luo took a deep breath. Although his heartbeat was beating like a drum, he was not panicked because the current rhythm was exactly the same as he had planned.

  Next, all you need to do is lure the three-tailed giant beast away from the stronghold, and everything will be perfect.

  Hope it goes well.

  Li Luo could only pray like this.

  (End of chapter)

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