Chapter 274 Deep pollution

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  Chapter 274 Deep Contamination

  On the third day after Stronghold No. 13 entered combat readiness, nearly 80% of the team rushed back. For a time, the stronghold was crowded with people, and the momentum seemed quite strong.

  However, the momentum of such a large number of people could not cover up the panic of everyone. Many people had worries on their faces all day long. After all, this was also the first time they encountered the so-called natural disaster-level aliens.

  And during this period, as more teams returned one after another, those students who had been planted with evil thoughts were constantly being discovered. Every discovery would cause some commotion and an atmosphere of panic.

  After all, one second you were still laughing and chatting with your companion, but the next second, the smile on the corner of the companion's mouth gradually split and he launched a crazy attack on you. That terrifying scene was really too impactful. .

  The weirdness of this natural disaster-level alien was far beyond the so-called eclipse-level aliens they had eliminated before.

  In the past few days, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e were also paying attention to some purification towers outside the stronghold, and the result was not beyond their expectations. The purification towers in one direction were becoming dim one after another.

  And they are constantly getting closer to the stronghold.

  Obviously, the ultimate target of that natural disaster-level alien is indeed their stronghold.

  This undoubtedly makes people feel more oppressive.

  But they had no choice but to stick to their stronghold and wait for reinforcements.

  And it was on this day that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e received news that Duze Honglian's team appeared outside the stronghold.

  After the two received the news, they rushed to the gate of the stronghold as soon as possible, because they had been paying attention to the whereabouts of Duze Honglian and the others. After all, in this No. 13 stronghold, Duze Honglian's team was the second most powerful. For Black Swan, if they can also be in the stronghold, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the defensive power here.

  There is another reason.
  That is that the direction in which Duze Honglian and the others were advancing was exactly the opposite direction to the current direction of the natural disaster and alien pollution purification tower. One was pushing outward and the other was moving inward.

  In other words, if Duze Honglian and the others were more courageous, they might have encountered the great natural disaster alien, and this was definitely not good news.

  The evil thoughts and illusions left behind by the great natural disaster aliens can have a huge impact, and if Duze Honglian and the others collide with it head-on, then they must be fully prepared for Duze Honglian and his party.

  When the two arrived at the gate of the stronghold, there was some quarrel going on. Some conflicts broke out between some student guards and a member of the Duze Honglian team, and they kept yelling and scolding each other.

  However, with the appearance of Jiang Qing'e, the shouting and scolding on both sides stopped.

  "What's going on?" Jiang Qing'e frowned slightly, her cold voice exuding some pressure.

  "Sister Jiang, they wanted to force their way through the checkpoint as soon as they arrived. They didn't want to pass through the "Mirror of Laughter"!" a student guardian said quickly.

  That's right, the mirror that was erected at the gate of the stronghold was nicknamed the "Mirror of Laughter" by many students, because many students had already turned into a devil with a smile in front of that mirror. Other students also denounced it. After all, this
  is In such a situation, people in the stronghold are already in panic. Duze Honglian and his party still don't want to follow the rules. Isn't this treating everyone's life as child's play?
  Jiang Qing'e's sharp eyes looked at the member of the Duze Honglian team, and the latter was locked with her eyes. His expression was also a little weak, and he defended: "These people want us to laugh here for a long time for no reason. Isn't this a torment? ."

  Jiang Qing'e glanced over the group of people and found that all of them had a bit of fear in their eyes, and they all exuded a look of embarrassment.

  Ye Qiuding was also among them. Facing Jiang Qing'e's gaze, his expression was a little uncertain.

  Jiang Qing'e looked around and finally found that Duze Honglian was being carried behind a team member, with her long hair disheveled and her face looking extremely pale.

  Duze Honglian obviously didn't want to meet Jiang Qing'e when she was in the most embarrassing situation, so she had not spoken before.

  But now she felt Jiang Qing'e's gaze, and she could only glare back angrily and weakly.

  "Injured like this?" Jiang Qing'e slowly stepped forward and came to Duze Honglian, her golden eyes exuding a hint of sharpness: "Did you run into that big natural disaster alien?" As soon as these words came out, the students around him were shocked

  . He exhaled and couldn't help but take two steps back.

  Duze Honglian gritted his teeth and said: "It has nothing to do with you!"

  "Originally, who you encounter has nothing to do with me, but that big natural disaster alien is about to attack, and we must treat anyone contaminated by it with caution. ."

  Jiang Qing'e said slowly: "Duze Honglian, tell me, have you been contaminated?"

  Duze Honglian turned his head and did not answer.

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at the student carrying Duze Honglian, who was a member of Ye Qiuding's team. At this time, his body was shaking slightly, and there was a trace of inexplicable fear in his eyes.

  "Put her down." Jiang Qing'e said suddenly.

  Hearing this, the student hesitated for a moment, and then put down the weak Duze Honglian. The latter's feet suddenly became weak and he was about to fall to the ground, but Jiang Qing'e stretched out his arm to stop him.

  Duze Honglian was almost lying on Jiang Qing'e. She said angrily: "Jiang Qing'e, what do you want to do?!"

  Jiang Qing'e ignored her and just stretched out her slender fingertips and scratched across Duze Honglian's back. , and then she felt a slight tingling sensation from her fingertips.

  This made Jiang Qing'e's eyes slightly condensed. Then she gave an order and summoned some female students. These female students formed a circle and surrounded her and Duze Honglian, blocking some of the views from outside.

  Then Jiang Qing'e ignored Duze Honglian's struggle and lifted up the clothes on her back. The next moment, her golden eyes suddenly shrank.

  The female students who formed the circle were so frightened that they screamed and almost ran away.

  Because they could clearly see that on Duze Honglian's smooth back, there was a strange smiling face that was slowly moving.

  Jiang Qing'e quickly covered Duze Honglian's back with her clothes, her face was a little unsightly, and this weird smile seemed to be imprinted on Duze Honglian's back. This was obviously more polluted than ordinary evil thoughts seeds. Heavy.

  "You were greedy for the school points, and then you wanted to follow that natural disaster-level alien to pick up the Purification Tower for free, but you were hit by it in the end, right?" Jiang Qing'e said lightly.

  Duze Honglian still didn't speak.

  "This is a manifestation of the power of evil thoughts corroding flesh and blood. Look at this posture. It won't be long before the power of evil thoughts will eat up your body. By then, you will also become a flesh and blood puppet controlled by that great natural disaster."

  Jiang Qing'e gently patted Duze Honglian's slender and flexible waist with her palm, and said, "It's a pity that this good skin will soon become bloody."

  Duze Honglian's body trembled slightly, her charming face Above, a hint of fear finally emerged.

  In the end, she used her remaining strength to grab Jiang Qing'e's wrist, suppressed the humiliation in her heart, and lowered her extremely proud head towards the latter.

  "Jiang, Jiang Qing'e"

  "Help me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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