Chapter 273 Rescue

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  Chapter 273 Rescue
  A previously activated secondary purification tower was contaminated again.

  Li Luo knew what this meant.

  Because ordinary aliens do not have the ability to continue to pollute an activated secondary purification tower, even earth disaster level aliens cannot do it.

  In this area right now, there is only one alien that can do it, and that is the big natural disaster-level alien with a smiling face.

  This re-contaminated secondary purification tower is located at the junction of the outer and inner perimeters, which means that the smiling alien is moving, and the direction it is moving is towards the stronghold. At this moment, Li Luo felt something heavy in his heart
  . , the worst situation finally appeared.

  The alien targeted the stronghold faster than they imagined.

  "I remember that this second-level purification tower was activated by Duze Honglian and the others before?" Li Luo asked.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded slightly.

  Li Luo frowned: "I don't know if their team is back now."

  Although he was very cold towards the Duze brothers and sisters, after all, no matter from any standpoint, the two sides were in a hostile relationship, but the current situation, if If Duze Honglian and the others can help, they will undoubtedly be able to share a lot of pressure.

  No matter what, Duze Honglian's team is among the best in the Sanxingyuan, and its combat effectiveness is impressive.

  Jiang Qing'e shook her head and said, "I'm also paying attention to them, but I haven't heard from them yet, but if they are smart enough, they should be back soon." "Hopefully." Li Luo sighed, and he


  at Some teams returning from afar rubbed their brows with a headache. He never thought that they just came to this dark cave to earn some points, but how could they suddenly cause such a big trouble.

  Really, it’s not worry-free at all.

  Right now, I can only hope that the school can react as soon as possible after receiving the news.

  Shengxuanxing Academy.

  In a basement-like venue, the shape here is particularly special. Both the floor and the walls are formed by the entanglement of ancient roots.

  Figures of people walking back and forth walked among them.

  On some stone platforms, there are some figures sitting cross-legged. At this time, these figures are all holding a piece of rhizome in their hands, their eyes are closed, and there are streams of light flashing from time to time on the rhizomes.

  Suddenly, someone opened his eyes, a solemn look flashed across his face, and a green jade-like leaf appeared in his hand.

  "There's an emergency!" he said in a deep voice.

  Suddenly, many eyes were cast on the field. A Zihui instructor who stayed behind in the school came quickly, took the green leaves from the latter's hands, and then concentrated on sensing the information in it.

  "A natural disaster-level alien appeared at Stronghold No. 13?"

  After a moment, his expression changed slightly.

  Immediately he looked at the person next to him and asked: "How long will it take for the teleportation array at No. 13 to be activated?" "

  There are still seven days, because it just happened to be activated today, and it is currently in the process of accumulating energy."

  Listen. Upon hearing this answer, the Zihui instructor frowned even more tightly. This time was too long. If a natural disaster alien really appeared in Stronghold No. 13, it would eventually target the students at the stronghold.

  And with the stronghold's defensive power, it may not be able to stop it.

  If the stronghold's defenses were really breached by that natural disaster alien, the students there would inevitably die.

  All the students in a stronghold were wiped out. This is definitely a big event that can shock the school, and it will even spread throughout Daxia.

  This will bring many bad effects.

  "Damn it, how could you let a huge natural disaster alien escape into the outer area?" Instructor Zihui cursed, and then asked again: "Who are the students at Stronghold No. 13?" Someone immediately handed over the documents assigned to No.

  13 List of strongholds.

  Instructor Zi Hui quickly scanned: "Jiang Qing'e? Duze Honglian? They are all the top students of Sanxing Academy. But with their strength, I am afraid they cannot stop the natural disaster level aliens." After reading the list, Zi

  Hui The instructor is even more troubled. Jiang Qing'e, Duze Honglian and Li Luo are all top students in the academy. Their talents are even noticed by the top leaders of the academy. If something happens here, it will be a big trouble.

  But in the end, Instructor Zihui responded quickly. "Send a message to the Four-Star Team closest to Stronghold No. 13 and ask them to gather as quickly as possible and then rush to Stronghold No. 13 to provide support." "Yes!

  " Someone agreed quickly.

  Instructor Zihui looked at the person who quickly delivered the news, his brows still furrowed, and in the end he could only sigh.

  "I hope it's too late."

  The deeper area outside the dark cave is called the sweep area. This is the combat area for the students of the Four-Star Academy and some Jinhui instructors.

  As for the aliens that appear here, almost none of them are white eclipse level. At worst, they are all red eclipse level. Catastrophe level aliens are not only rampant everywhere, but they are definitely not that rare.

  Even occasionally, you will encounter some natural disaster-level aliens, and whenever this level of aliens appears, it will trigger a fierce battle.

  At this time, in a certain direction in this area, some teams from the Four-Star Academy received some information that suddenly came from the Aoki Card.

  That came from within the academy.

  It's an urgent message asking for help.

  Support stronghold No. 13.

  This sudden request for help caught these Four-Star Academy students and some Jinhui instructors off guard. They could not believe that a natural disaster-level alien would pass through their blockade and appear in the outer area.

  However, the dark cave is so vast, even if they are closest to Stronghold No. 13, it will still take a long time to get there.

  I'm afraid it's too late!
  A gathering point somewhere in this area.

  The team here also received a sudden order, and they all fell into a dispute for a while. Their dispute was whether it was too late to rescue. If it was too late, wouldn't it be in vain?
  Somewhere in the crowd, there was a beautiful figure of national beauty that attracted special attention. It was the eldest princess.

  She was wearing lavender clothes, which looked simple but exuded a sense of nobility and magnificence. At this time, her pretty face also changed slightly: "No. 13 Stronghold ? Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e is in this stronghold?"

  "How could it be so unlucky?"

  The eldest princess frowned and gently clasped her slender fingers. This was a sign of her irritability.

  The quarrels among the other four-star courtyard teams were still heard around her. The eldest princess took a deep breath, her chest heaving. Then she stood up and stomped the ground heavily with the weapon like a white jade scepter in her hand, making a deep sound.

  The quarrels around him became much quieter, and a series of glances came over him.

  Then they saw the eldest princess's pretty face, which usually had an approachable smile, was now covered with frost.

  The eldest princess glanced away with a majestic glance, and said in a cold voice: "I don't want to say any nonsense. I just want to tell you that our classmates are facing the crisis of destruction. If we don't go, they may even They will all die in this dry and cold land."

  "If you are no longer students of Shengxuanxing Academy at this time, then I will not ask you to do anything, but since we are still in this Shengxuanxing Academy, then We have the obligation to save them."

  "Whether it's too late or not, I will never give up on them."

  When the eldest princess' voice fell, she said no more, turned around and walked away from the stronghold.

  Behind him, some students from the Four-Star Academy followed immediately.

  The other students from the Four-Star Academy looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and finally followed them with cheers. The entire gathering spot instantly became empty.

  It has to be said that the eldest princess's appeal in this four-star courtyard is indeed unparalleled.

  Listening to the many footsteps coming from behind, the eldest princess's expression did not show any disturbance. She looked at the direction of Stronghold No. 13 with some worry in her eyes.

  She was so anxious mainly because of Li Luo.

  After all, he had to rely on him to treat his younger brother's congenital defects.

  "Li Luo."

  "You have to hold on."

  She murmured, and then her silhouette rose into the sky.

  (End of chapter)

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