Chapter 224 Antidote Potion

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  Chapter 224: Antidote Medicine
  When Li Luo successfully delivered the antidote medicine to Xiyangwu Headquarters, the panicked people in the headquarters could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  "Young Master, this batch of antidote medicinal materials of yours has really solved an urgent need." Even Cai Wei was stroking her chest, her charming oval cheeks full of joy.

  "Didn't the other people purchase the antidote medicine?" Seeing their expressions, Li Luo knew that the other purchasers should have returned empty-handed.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded and said, "Golden Insect Ointment and Sky Glauber's Salt are two high-end detoxification herbs. All other medicine stores are out of stock today." "

  Fortunately, you asked me to go to Jinlongbao Store." Li Luo sighed. Jiang Qing'e had obviously anticipated this situation before, otherwise he would not have been allowed to go to Jinlong Baoxing in person.

  Yan Lingqing put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "How can Jinlong Baoxing have the goods? Then Pei Hao came prepared, he couldn't let such a conspicuous place go, right?" Li Luo said: "The supply of

  Jinlong Baoxing today has also been It’s all gone. I got this batch of goods from the reserve warehouse of Jinlong Baoxiang.”

  Yan Lingqing raised her eyebrows and said, “Tsk, tsk, I heard that the reserve warehouse of Jinlong Baoxiang needs jade from Yuhongxi. The talisman can be opened, you are so proud."

  Li Luo glanced at Yan Lingqing and felt that there was something in her words.

  "But this time, it's all thanks to President Yu Hongxi. If she hadn't nodded, we really wouldn't have been able to buy back this batch of detoxifying herbs." Li Luo briefly explained what happened this time, especially Yu Hongxi. That unpredictable attitude.

  When Jiang Qing'e heard this, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she said: "Maybe only if you go, you can achieve this result, otherwise if it were me, I'm afraid Yu Hongxi wouldn't even show his face. , let alone want to pick up the goods from the Jinlong Baoxing warehouse."

  Li Luo was stunned: "Is it so real?"

  Jiang Qing'e smiled but didn't answer. She had actually met Yu Hongxi a few times, but both parties could sense some indifference and resistance from the other, and since they both had relatively strong personalities, it was naturally impossible for them to lose face and take the initiative to show kindness. .

  Yu Hongxi and Tantai Lan have a bad relationship, and Jiang Qing'e admires Tantai Lan the most, so even though she knew that building a good relationship with Yu Hongxi would be beneficial to the Luo Lan Mansion, she never did so. She was so arrogant. Like a big white goose, its walking posture is elegant and proud, never bowing its head.

  Jiang Qing'e didn't say much more on this. She turned her golden eyes to the several therapists present and said, "Now that the antidote materials have arrived, I have to trouble you all to quickly develop the antidote." "Miss Jiang, please don't worry, we will do our best to develop it

  . But it is also a coincidence that my teacher is not in Daxia City these days, otherwise it would not be difficult for him to solve this poisonous crisis." The speaker was a young-looking

  man with a warm smile. His appearance is quite gentle, and it can be seen that under Jiang Qing'e's gaze, his mood is much higher and more enthusiastic.

  "That's troublesome." Jiang Qing'e nodded gently, her beautiful face not showing much concern.

  On the other hand, Li Luo was a little stunned, and then he smiled helplessly. He remembered that this therapist seemed to be called Qin Wang. He was well-known among the therapists in Daxia City, and his teacher was the top therapist in Daxia City. , is also one of the people that Li Luo has not invited this time.

  When he invited this person before, Qin Wang was a little cold and arrogant. Now that he had just left and came back, Qin Wang looked enthusiastic and wanted to develop an antidote immediately. This can only be said to be the charm of Jiang Qing'e. It's really too high.

  In the room at this time, many equipment for developing detoxification potions were already ready. When many antidote medicinal materials were moved in one after another, the development began in a hurry.

  An unpleasant pungent smell immediately spread out in the room.

  However, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e have not left, but are always keeping an eye on the development process. After all, these antidote medicines are too important, and they have to be on guard against whether any of these therapists will cause trouble.

  In order to cope with the treatment of the little emperor, Li Luo had used some therapist methods before, so he could barely understand it now, but if he was really asked to go up and develop it, it would really be a black eye. After all, He didn't have the time or energy to understand much of the knowledge involved.

  While waiting, Li Luo suddenly looked at Jiang Qing'e and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Do you think they can develop an antidote? Or, will the antidote they developed really be useful?" Jiang Qing'e looked at it

  . He glanced at him, was silent for a few seconds, and said, "What do you think?"

  Li Luo sighed softly and said, "I always feel a little uneasy, so Pei Hao came prepared this time. If he gets the antidote, It seems too simple to be able to solve everything."

  Jiang Qing'e said calmly: "There is news I didn't tell you. When you went to purchase medicinal materials, I also sent people to invite some of the top therapists in Daxia City. But you know? None of them are in Daxia City."

  Li Luo's eyes narrowed slightly. Of course he understood what Jiang Qing'e meant. It was obviously impossible for those top therapists to leave Daxia City for no reason. This must be Someone is secretly pushing it.

  And who that person is, the answer is self-evident.

  But with the power Pei Hao has in his hands, it may be too difficult to achieve this step. Therefore, there must be other forces behind him.

  "This bitch."

  Li Luo cursed lightly. While the two were talking, Cai Wei suddenly walked in in a hurry and whispered to the two of them: "The situation of those poisoned physiotherapists is getting worse and worse. It should be that the poisonous gas has spread in the body." "

  And The news of the poisoning of the phase quenching masters in Xiyang House has spread throughout Daxia City, and there are even rumors that these branch phase quenching masters have offended the young master of the palace, so they were given the secret method of poisoning by the young master of the palace. Source water."

  There was anger on her cheeks. This rumor was too vicious. It not only wanted to destroy Xiyang House, but also wanted to splash Li Luo with dirty water that was difficult to wash off.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e both frowned. The current situation was getting worse and worse for them.

  But it is useless to say this at this time, everything still has to wait for the antidote to be developed.

  So their eyes turned to the busy therapists again. Time passed quickly in this tense atmosphere, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

  Suddenly, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e heard the excited voices of the therapists in the field. When they looked around, they saw several therapists gathering together. One of them was Qin Wang who had spoken before. At this time, he Holding a jade bottle in his hand, inside the jade bottle is the developed antidote.

  But it's not quite done yet.

  Just like refining the magical light of spiritual water and finally condensing the source water source light, the development of detoxification potion also has the same steps in the end. This step is called "the finishing touch" in the therapist industry.

  In fact, to put it simply, it is to highly condense the phase power that has the healing effect, integrate it into the detoxification potion, and then merge the two to maximize its healing and detoxification effects.

  It's just that this is the same as refining the magical light of spiritual water. It still requires the refiner's own phase force to stimulate the medicinal properties. Otherwise, the integration of other people's phase forces will cause the entire bottle of antidote to be directly destroyed due to the conflict of phase forces.

  The first antidote potion was refined by Qin Wang. Naturally, he did the "dotting" step without hesitation. He dropped a drop of highly condensed phase force light into the bottle, and suddenly there was something strange. There was a sound, followed by a pungent smell.

  However, the healers around him looked happy at the pungent smell, because it showed that Qin Wang's refining was indeed successful.

  "Brother Qin is truly worthy of being Master Lulong's favorite disciple." These therapists praised one after another. Everyone developed it at the same time, but only Qin Wang refined it first, which shows that he still has the ability.

  Facing the adulation from everyone, Qin Wang couldn't help but feel a little proud. Then he looked at Jiang Qing'e's beautiful face and said, "Miss Jiang, you live up to your expectations."

  Jiang Qing'e's eyes lingered on his body for a while, she nodded slightly and said: "Master Qin is worthy of being a disciple of Master Lulong. Now that the antidote potion has been refined, let's test it first to see if it is feasible." She lifted it

  . Raising his hand, he saw an attendant carefully holding a wooden box and walking in. When he opened the wooden box, he saw jars of black blood contained in crystal bottles.

  "These are poisonous blood extracted from the poisoned person's body. If the antidote is really effective, it should be able to resolve the poisonous blood." Jiang Qing'e said.

  When Qin Wang took out a piece of poisonous blood, his expression became much more solemn. Because he also knew the overbearing power of this poison, he was not sure whether the antidote he developed would be useful.

  Under the gaze of many nervous eyes, Qin Wang opened the poisonous blood, and then poured in the antidote he developed in his hand.

  With the influx of antidote, the jar of poisonous blood immediately began to react, and countless green light spots erupted from it, rapidly eroding and dissolving the surrounding black blood.

  Under the erosion of this green light spot, the black blood began to show signs of fading.

  "It works!" A therapist said in surprise.

  Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, Cai Wei and others also held their breaths and nervously looked at the black blood that was beginning to fade.

  However, their surprise did not last long. The green light spots expanding everywhere in the poisonous blood seemed to have encountered the backlash of some terrible force at the next moment. In just a few breaths, green light spots began to appear one after another. Covered by black poisonous blood, everything was dimmed and destroyed bit by bit.
  In the blink of an eye, the green spots in the black blood disappeared, leaving only a bottle of black blood, still standing there quietly, as if exuding a fishy smell. Chilling.

  Qin Wang's face turned slightly pale, and the other therapists also looked at this scene with ugly expressions.

  This poison is more sinister than they thought.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e on the steps also gradually frowned. They looked at each other and saw the caution in each other's eyes.

  Sure enough, everything was as they expected.

  Even with these corresponding antidote medicinal materials, it is still not that easy to resolve the poison.

  Pei Hao's attack this time can be said to be watertight. He will not give up until Xiyang House is destroyed
  (End of Chapter)

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