Chapter 223 Yuhongxi’s proposal

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  Chapter 223 Yu Hongxi’s proposal:
  Jin Longbao goes out.

  Yu Hongxi and Lu Qing'er sent Li Luo and his party out. The high-end antidote medicines had been loaded onto the convoy, and Lei Zhang led the team to provide strict protection.

  Yu Hongxi kept looking at this scene with a calm expression. Before leaving, her eyes paused on Li Luo's face that looked like someone else. Finally, she sighed and said, "Li Luo, although you purchased these in time, Antidote medicinal materials, but they may not be able to resolve the poisons of those phase tempering masters." "

  Others have been preparing for this for a long time, and I am afraid they will not allow you to resolve this plot so easily."

  Li Luo smiled silently. Said: "Thank you, President Yu, for reminding me. I will try my best to deal with it." "

  Sometimes, trying my best may not be effective."

  Yu Hongxi pondered for a few breaths and said: "If Xiyang House is severely damaged this time, And your Luo Lan Mansion has no ability to save it. I think that surviving by cutting off the tail may not be a way out."

  Li Luo was startled: "Surviving by cutting off the tail?"

  "Jinlong Baoxing can give you a contract to acquire Xiyang House. Luolan Mansion sells Xiyang House to Jinlong Baoxing, I will give you a high price, and when your Luolan Mansion is stable, you can take back Xiyang House at the original price." Yu Hongxi said calmly.

  Li Luo was also a little surprised by Yu Hongxi's proposal, because the other party had given him very good preferential treatment. After all, if he could not solve the crisis here, Xiyang House's reputation would be ruined, and he would not stay in Luo Lan any longer. It has also become a burden in the hands of the Luo Lan Mansion. At this time, Jin Longbao Bank acquired it. The funds can alleviate the crisis of the Luo Lan Mansion. Of course, the most important thing is that after the Luo Lan Mansion is stabilized, the Xiyang House can be purchased at the original price. Take back.

  It can be said that this condition is very considerate of his side.

  And Li Luo could also feel some kindness in Yu Hongxi's words, which was the main reason for his surprise. After all, Jinlong Baoxing had been under the control of Yu Hongxi in these years, and its relationship with Luo Lan Mansion was not that close. .

  However, although he felt the kindness of the other party, Li Luo did not accept it, but smiled and said: "Thank you, President Yu. If Xiyangwu really can only go to that step by then, I will consider this But before that, I still want to work harder. After all, this is the inheritance left by my parents, and I don't want to let it fall casually." Yu Hongxi nodded, not surprised by Li Luo's answer

  . .

  "I'll take my leave now." Li Luo bowed slightly to Yu Hongxi, then stopped staying, waved his hand, and left quickly with the convoy.

  Yu Hongxi looked at the motorcade going away and said quietly: "This Li Luo looks kind and gentle, but the arrogance in his heart is not much weaker than that of Li Taixuan." On the side, Lu Qing'er held Yu Hongxi's arm with a smile and

  said : "Thank you, mother."

  "Why are you thanking me?" Yu Hongxi glanced at her.

  "Thank you for your help today, and for leaving a guaranteed way out for Li Luo in the end." Lu Qing'er said with a smile. She knew Yu Hongxi's past behavior style, that is, she would never suffer a loss, but she had previously proposed to acquire Xi Although the Yangwu cannot be said to have suffered a big loss, it must not have made much profit.

  After all, Xiyang House at that time was nothing more than an empty shell, and it was still an empty shell with a bad reputation.

  And according to her understanding, Yu Hongxi didn't have any closeness to Luo Lan Mansion in the past. Especially after Jiang Qing'e took charge of Luo Lan Mansion, the two parties basically only had some occasional business dealings. In her opinion, when it comes to In terms of communication, among the five major mansions, Luolan Mansion and Jinlong Baoxing are the most unfamiliar.

  But Yu Hongxi came to help twice today, which surprised Lu Qing'er.

  When Yu Hongxi heard this, she curled her lips slightly. In the past, Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan were in charge of the Luo Lan Mansion. After some events in the past, she certainly did not want to have anything to do with the Luo Lan Mansion. Since then, the Luo Lan Mansion has changed drastically. , Jiang Qing'e became the leader. This girl was indeed very outstanding, but her personality was too similar to that woman Tantai Lan. Every time she saw her, Yu Hongxi was reminded of Tantai Lan.

  This is the only woman who has ever tasted failure.

  Yu Hongxi and Jiang Qing'e were both strong people, and when they met occasionally, it was only business matters, without any unnecessary interactions. In this regard, Li Luo seemed completely different.

  This boy has a much gentler personality and knows how to keep a low profile. Of course, Yu Hongxi has to admit that it is mainly because Li Luo looks more similar to Li Taixuan.
  Otherwise, she would really be too lazy to get involved in these things.

  And when Li Luo obtained the antidote medicine from Jinlong Baoxing and rushed back to Xiyangwu headquarters, he was in a private room facing the street somewhere.

  "Did Li Luo really get those antidote medicinal materials from Jinlongbao Store?"

  Pei Hao couldn't help but smile after listening to the report, and said, "Sure enough, he has some abilities."

  In front of Pei Hao, Pang Qianchi frowned He said: "With these medicinal materials, wouldn't the crisis in Xiyang House be resolved?" "

  It can't be that easy." Pei Hao waved his hand and said calmly: "The strange poison I worked so hard to get, if it can be so If it can be resolved easily, that's too much to underestimate the price I paid." "

  Those detoxifying herbs are indeed useful, but the therapists invited by Li Luo may not have that ability."

  Pang Qianchi said with some surprise: "Have you investigated all the therapists he invited in advance?"

  "Otherwise, do you think I have really done nothing these days?" Pei Hao drank tea, and the gold sword earrings on his earrings reflected in the light. With extremely sharp luster.

  "There are only a handful of healers in Daxia City who are capable of resolving my strange poison. However, on the day I arrived in Daxia City, these healers temporarily left for various reasons."

  " None of the therapists Li Luo found since then have this ability."

  Hearing this, Pang Qianchi looked at Pei Hao with a frightened look. It was obvious that the strength shown by the other party shocked him. After all, those top therapists were not Ordinary people, but Pei Hao was able to transfer them away, which shows his ability or the unfathomable and huge power behind him.

  "Then I would like to congratulate Pei Hao in advance for coming to the city in advance. After today, this Xiyangwu will become notorious in Daxia City." Pang Qianchi said with an awed smile.

  When Pei Hao heard this, he shook his head and said calmly: "I originally didn't want to destroy Xiyang House. After all, it was the hard work of Master and Mistress. But I didn't expect that in just about half a year, Xiyang House would be here." The Young Mansion Master has grown like this in his hands."

  "If we give him some more time and really allow him to develop Xiyang House, then Luo Lan Mansion will also benefit from this and gradually stabilize the situation and start to grow."

  He looked through the window at the Xiyangwu headquarters in the distance, his face dark and unclear.

  "In the past, I really underestimated this good-for-nothing young palace master."

  During this period, as news related to Li Luo came one by one, Pei Hao gradually changed from being unconcerned at the beginning to being suspicious. .

  He never expected that when they met in the old house before, he was just a young master of Kongxiang Palace with no future, but he could undergo such a huge change in just half a year.

  And as the reputation of the young master of the palace gradually spread in Luo Lan's mansion, Pei Hao found that the people and forces he originally controlled were also talking about this matter secretly, and there were even some faint signs of wavering. Although This sign was wiped out by him in time, but it also forced him to start paying attention to the impact brought by Li Luo.

  After all, no matter from any perspective, Li Luo is the most orthodox heir to the Luo Lan Mansion.

  At this point, even Jiang Qing'e is weaker, let alone a registered disciple of the Palace Master like him?
  In addition, Jiang Qing'e is still engaged to Li Luo, and the two are one. Now that these two people join forces, it is really possible for Luo Lan Mansion to be stabilized by them.

  Half a year has passed since we said goodbye to the old house, and there is still half a year left for Luo Lan Mansion's "Mansion Festival". Originally, Pei Hao wanted to wait until then to come to Daxia City to complete the final game with Jiang Qing'e. See Who can take over the Luo Lan Mansion in the end.

  But the rise of Li Luo forced Pei Hao to change his plan and come to Daxia City in advance.

  "Pei Hao has great skills in charge, and Li Luo is just a young boy. If he didn't rely on the shadow of the two palace masters, how could he possibly fight with you?" Pang Qianchi complimented with a smile.

  "This is what makes people jealous."

  Pei Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't know how many years of hard work and effort I have put in to achieve today's power, but he only needs four "justifiable names" Even words can force me into a state of embarrassment. The two palace masters still feel more sorry for this biological son. Even if he left, he still left a lot of money for him." Pang Qianchi gave a compensatory laugh, and he didn't know how to respond

  . , he could hear the emotions that Pei Hao didn't hide in his words, but Li Luo is the biological son of the two palace masters. If people don't feel sorry for him, they can't feel more sorry for you, a registered disciple, right?

  However, he also understood Pei Hao's mentality. He worshiped the two palace masters too much at the beginning. Maybe this worship was too strong, which caused him to become a little sick. So when he saw that Li Luo only needed to be born to enjoy When the two palace masters showed their unreserved love, their minds might have become a little twisted.

  It's a bit pitiful to think so.

  Pei Hao ignored Pang Qianchi's random thoughts, and still stared at the huge Xiyangwu headquarters in the distance, with a faint smile on his lips.

  Li Luo, if I can't get something, I won't leave it to you even if it is destroyed.

  (End of chapter)

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