Chapter 109 Something went wrong

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  Chapter 109 Something went wrong.
  When Li Luo opened his heavy eyelids again, he saw the familiar top of the bed. He took two deep breaths, then twisted his neck and turned his head to look at the bed.

  I saw there, on the bed next to a beautiful figure, none other than Jiang Qing'e.

  She was leaning against the bedpost, her eyes slightly closed, as if she was resting. Her beautiful and smooth face reflected the luster in the light, and her straight nose seemed to be full of pride even in its curvature.

  Obviously, she has been taking care of him here, and she doesn't know how long he has been unconscious.

  As his breathing gradually calmed down, Jiang Qing'e seemed to notice it, and suddenly opened her eyes, her golden eyes staring at Li Luo, who also opened his eyes and looked at her.

  Their eyes met for a few breaths.

  Immediately, Jiang Qing'e showed a smile and said: "Are you awake?"

  Li Luo nodded, and then sat up, Jiang Qing'e leaned over to help him place a cushion behind him, and her soft hair floated across Li Luo's face, shaving It makes people feel itchy on the face, but also itchy in the heart.

  "You were unconscious in the gold cultivation room last night. Someone came in to clean up and found you." Jiang Qing'e glanced at Li Luo and said, "Did something go wrong in cultivation?"

  Li Luo smiled helplessly, and immediately sensed a wave of energy in his body. An extremely strong weakness emanated from every part of his body. He faintly felt that his life span seemed to be intact, but for some reason, he always felt an inexplicable emptiness.

  He must have lost something.

  Li Luo focused his attention on the second phase palace again, and saw that the now empty phase palace was exuding a green color and full of vitality.

  And in the green, there are dark yellow light spots surging, and the two complement each other, making the vitality even more intense.

  Li Luo's second acquired appearance was successfully refined.

  It's just that the quality of this "wood and earth phase" is extremely low, and it is actually the worst first grade. But this is normal. Li Luo's ability to forge this acquired phase is all due to Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan. He has a small formless divine wheel and a lot of experience left, so he is lucky to be able to successfully refine it, and there is no need to expect its level.

  Anyway, he can use the spiritual water and strange light without limit, and then he can upgrade it a lot. Anyway, with the financial resources that he can mobilize in Daxia City, he can easily upgrade his second acquired appearance to the fourth level. Grade or fifth grade.

  Moreover, what surprised Li Luo the most was that in this second phase palace, there was also a green phase power seed.

  It's just that this phase seed is about the size of a mung bean, several rounds smaller than the phase seed in the first phase palace. This is because the phase power of the second phase palace is too weak.

  But as Li Luo's phase power increases in the future, the seeds of phase power in this second phase palace will definitely develop.

  Li Luo looked at the Xiangli seeds in the second Xiang Palace, but the more he looked at it, the more he fell in love with it.

  At this moment, he finally understood why the advantages of his multi-phase palace would only start to show up after the second acquired phase was placed in it.

  The existence of Xiangli seeds can speed up the absorption of energy between heaven and earth. This is the advantage of Xiangshi Realm that is different from Ten Seals Realm.

  And now Li Luo has a dual phase species, which means that in the future practice, his speed of absorbing the energy of the world will be naturally stronger than others.

  This is equivalent to doubling the speed of cultivation.

  In addition, the phase palace is also the place where the phase force is accommodated. It is equivalent to a container. The volume of the container determines the upper limit of the phase force. Once the upper limit is reached, the growth of the phase force will become extremely difficult. At this time, Maybe you can only start trying to break through. If you succeed in breaking through, you will naturally move to the next level. But if you can't find an opportunity to break through, you can only stop at this level and start training for a long time.

  Li Luo now has the second phase palace open, which means that the upper limit of phase power he can withstand will be far higher than that of people of the same level.

  Of course, the grade of Xiangxing determines the quality of the Xiangli seeds. The higher the level of Xiangxing, the higher the quality of the Xiangli seeds condensed. Whether it is the speed of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, Or the upper limit of phase power that can be endured will be far beyond that of a person of low quality.

  Similar to Jiang Qing'e's ninth-grade light phase, Li Luo felt that only when he evolved both of his acquired qualities to seventh-grade could he be able to compete with her at various levels.

  But this is already a huge advantage. As time goes by and the level increases, Li Luo's acquired appearance will gradually reveal the potential to shock the world.

  "What are you laughing at?" Jiang Qing'e asked a little annoyed, because the smile on the corner of Li Luo's mouth couldn't help but bloom.

  Li Luo smiled mysteriously, then stretched out his hand and took Jiang Qing'e's delicate little hand. Without waiting for her to react, green phase force slowly rose in his palm. Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes suddenly condensed. At this moment, even she couldn't help but have a look of shock on her cheeks.

  "Is this the power of the wood element?!"

  "What's going on? Aren't you the water element?" Jiang Qing'e said in a loss of voice.

  Li Luo said with a smile: "Guess."

  Jiang Qing'e's eyes flickered, and after a moment, she bit her red lips and said: "In this breakthrough, did you open up a second phase palace?"

  Li Luo thought for a while, "That's right,"

  he said. He didn't tell Jiang Qing'e that he still had a Kongxiang Palace, so as not to have too much impact on Jiang Qing'e.

  Jiang Qing'e stared at Li Luo blankly, and then said: "This is the first time I have seen someone actually owning the Second Prime Minister Palace before becoming a Marquis." "

  Li Luo, I knew you would not be mediocre. Although you were Kong Xiang before, you possess an even rarer talent. In the future, no one will think that you are some kind of so-called tiger father and son." A beautiful smile appeared on her cheeks, making

  her Li Luo was slightly absent-minded.

  "Sister Qing'e, you touch me so much." Li Luo said.

  Jiang Qing'e smiled slightly and said: "Li Luo, I'm touched. If you touch my hand again, I'm going to beat you up." Li Luo quickly took back the palm holding

  Jiang Qing'e's little hand and said angrily: "I can't give it to you. Any benefits for the injured?"

  Jiang Qing'e rolled her eyes at this ungrateful guy. She has been here all night, what more benefits do she want?
  While the two were talking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then Li Luo saw Niu Biaobiao's shining bald head walking in, holding a steaming soup in his hand.

  "Young Master, are you awake?" Niu Biaobiao said happily when he saw Li Luo regaining consciousness.

  Li Luo smiled and nodded, and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Biao."

  Niu Biaobiao brought the Dabu Decoction over and said: "Young Master, your body is too weak. You have been practicing until you fainted this time. I feel like eating more."

  Li Luo looked at the big tonic soup in front of him, the smoke was rising, and just after taking a sip, he felt a heat flowing in his body.

  Obviously Niu Biaobiao made it specially for him.

  "Thank you, Uncle Biao." Li Luo thanked him, then took a sip and drank it all.

  The hot tonic soup entered the body, and a wave of heat came over, which gradually dissipated some of the weakness.

  Niu Biaobiao shook his head with a smile, then stretched out his big greasy hand, held Li Luo's wrist, and said, "Uncle Biao, let me show you what's going on." Li Luo didn't care, and said, "It's not too big

  . Question."

  Niu Biaobiao held Li Luo's hand and didn't know what he was checking. But after a while, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e both saw the smile that had always been on his face. At this time, he suddenly gradually He restrained himself.

  For a moment, both of them looked at each other in concentration.

  The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment. Niu Biaobiao released his palm and looked at Li Luo. Some deep voices sounded in the room.

  "Young Master, this is no small problem."

  (End of Chapter)

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