Chapter 108 The realm of fortune teller

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  Chapter 108: The Realm of the Physician:

  Three days before the start of the school year at Shengxuanxing Academy, Li Luo finally sensed an opportunity for a breakthrough.

  But the first attempt to condense the phase seed failed.

  This is not surprising. Condensing phase seeds has a failure rate. Li Luo had a trying mentality for the first time, so the failure was expected.

  Moreover, he had not even used the bitter lotus pill that the old dean had given him before.

  But on the second day, Li Luo, who had regained his strength, made all preparations and began to truly attack the realm of fortune teller!
  Li Luo entered the gold cultivation room.

  Burn spiritual sandalwood. This exotic fragrance can deepen the body's sensitivity to the energy between heaven and earth, which is conducive to breakthroughs.

  Ouch, swallow the bitter lotus pill.

  Li Luo's breakthrough began.

  This time, there were no glitches in this breakthrough. It was so smooth and natural that people had no interest in expressing it.

  So two hours later, Li Luo successfully broke through.

  He entered the first stage of the fortune teller realm, the seed stage.

  "It seems very simple." In the golden training room, Li Luo opened his eyes and laughed.

  With a thought in his mind, he sensed the palace in his body.

  Then he saw a light group rising and falling in his water-light palace, and at the deepest part of the light group was a light pill the size of a thumb.

  The light pill showed a blue color, and it seemed that water was surging inside, and there was a faint sound of rushing water. However, this was not real water, but the phase force in Li Luo's body.

  There is light refracting in the water-like force inside the light pill, making it look exceptionally bright, bright and pure.

  This is the Xiangli seed condensed by Li Luo, which can be called Shuiguang Seed.

  The first stage of the fortune teller realm is the seed opening stage.

  The seed opening stage is divided into two realms, the first realm is white seed, and the second realm is flower seed, and these two realms are further divided into upper and lower levels in more detail.

  The so-called white seed does not mean white, but refers to the blank surface of the Xiangli seed at this stage. That is because the Xiangli within it is not strong enough and many traces of Xiangli have not been condensed on the surface of the Xiangli seed.

  These traces are like spots, scattered on the surface of Xiangli seeds. Generally speaking, the more traces of Xiangli, the stronger the Xiangli itself is.

  And when there are enough traces of this phase force to spread all over the surface of the phase force seed, like layers of petals, it is considered to have reached the second level of flower seed.

  At this stage, the traces of phase force on the surface of these phase force seeds will change and turn into a mysterious phase pattern.

  This is the second stage of the fortune teller realm, the birth pattern stage.

  However, there is no need to think too much about these for the time being. Now Li Luo has just broken through to the white species realm, the first stage of the physiognomist realm. Strictly speaking, it is the lower level white species state, so if he wants to touch the second stage, he may still have to It takes a period of brewing and accumulation.

  "The phase force has become much stronger."

  Li Luo stood up. With a thought in his mind, the power of water phase rose from the surface of his body. This phase force was far stronger than his previous ten seals. territory.

  Obviously, there is indeed a huge gap between the Ten Seal Realm and the Prime Minister Realm.

  Li Luo stretched out his palm, and blue phase forces gathered together, turning into a water ball, with light flowing in it. He flicked his finger, and the water light bomb whizzed out, directly hitting the golden wall. In an instant, Suddenly, a bright light burst out, illuminating the gold cultivation room like daylight. The light of this water-optical bomb is also several times stronger than before. Once the person who is hit by it is caught off guard, he may become blind in a short time.

  "Yes, this level of mutual strength should be able to support the consumption of some secret source water at the Xiyangwu headquarters." Li Luo was relieved. Recently, the Xiyangwu headquarters has been urging the secret source water every day. If he doesn't supply some more, If so, I'm afraid those tempering masters at the headquarters will suspect that he, the young master of the palace, is deceiving others.

  After a little calming down the joy of the successful breakthrough, Li Luo turned his attention to the jade box on the small table beside him, in which lay the second acquired phase, the wood and earth phase, that he had successfully forged a few days ago.

  Now that he has broken through to the realm of fortune teller, it is time to start filling in his second empty fortune palace.

  He was looking forward to this very much, because he understood from the beginning that the first acquired appearance only made up for the gap between him and other geniuses, and only when the second acquired appearance appeared, could he truly of transcendence.

  Li Luo stretched out his palm and picked up the turquoise light group that shone with mysterious light in the jade box. The green light was reflected in his eyes, causing his expression to change slightly.

  As he had worried before, he was a little unsure about the price he would have to pay to refine this second acquired aspect.

  The first time he directly stretched his life to only the last five years, but what about this time? If the lifespan is simply lost, will it be cold?
  Although this possibility is relatively low, you still have to be mentally prepared.

  Li Luo stared at the "wood and earth sign" in his hand in silence for a long time. Finally, his eyes gradually calmed down, because these hesitations were not necessary. He had done everything well from the time he accepted the first acquired sign. Prepare.

  He has many things to do, and these require sufficient strength.

  He wanted to keep the inheritance left by his parents in Luo Lan Mansion, and he also wanted to be able to say to Jiang Qing'e one day, "Get out of here, I will protect you this time." He thought that at that moment, he should be so handsome. No, and this big white goose should also be excited, right?
  Moreover, the big white goose at home is too outstanding. Didn't you hear her saying in the past two days that even the Zihui instructor of Shengxuanxing Academy was attracted to her? If you don't have the power, how can you protect this big goose?
  Of course, in the end, he still wants to find his father and mother.

  So, how is it possible without taking risks?

  Li Luo smiled, and immediately without hesitation, he stuffed the green light in his hand into his mouth.

  As soon as the green light group entered the body, Li Luo felt that the phase force in his body suddenly boiled and rioted, and a strong repulsive force appeared, trying to drive this second acquired phase out of the body.

  This is the first acquired phase that instinctively drives away foreign objects entering the body.

  However, Li Luo tried his best to suppress the uprising of the water and light phase, and with little difficulty drove the "wood and earth phase" to shuttle through the body, gradually approaching the location of the second phase palace.

  This process lasted for half an hour.

  Li Luo was sweating profusely and his face turned red, but he did not dare to relax at all. With his willpower, he opened a gap in the riot of his own phase force, and finally destroyed the "wood and earth phase" Sent to the second phase palace.

  And the moment the wood and earth elements entered the second phase palace, the rioting phase force in the body seemed to have lost its target and immediately began to calm down.

  But before Li Luo had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he felt a terrifying suction force suddenly erupted in the second phase palace.

  Under that kind of suction, the essence and blood all over Li Luo's body surged crazily, and finally rolled away.

  Unimaginable pain erupted in Li Luo's body, and he could feel his own essence being swallowed up by the mad devouring of the second acquired phase.

  His consciousness was almost overwhelmed in an instant, and Li Luo was unable to make any resistance.

  The vision in front of him also gradually became dark, and his body directly behind him slowly fell upwards to the sky.

  Only a cry sounded in his heart.

  "Damn it, isn't it really cool?"

  (The college entrance examination is today. I wish readers of the college entrance examination all the best, perform exceptionally, and strive to be as amazing as Li Luo in the college entrance examination!)

  (End of this chapter)

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