Chapter 1012 Changes in Daxia

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  Chapter 1012: Changes in Great Summer

  Inside the Ice Cave, the cold wind was biting, and all eyes were a little dull looking at the figure hanging on the mountain wall.

  Those who followed Mu Yao all had blank expressions on their faces. No one expected that Mu Yao, whose strength had reached the level of Xiao Tian, ​​would actually meet him directly and be nailed to death by an arrow from Li Luo, who had just been promoted to the level of Dzi Bead. on the wall.

  For a moment, the morale of the teams that besieged Lu Qing'er was demoralized. Then they realized that what they were going to do today was unacceptable, and they immediately retreated without saying a word.

  One after another, the embarrassed figures retreated quickly and fled outside the Ice Cave in panic.

  Sister Jin and others did not pursue them.

  Sister Jin's eyes slowly retracted, and then she looked at Li Luo with some fear. The latter actually didn't look well at this time. His palms were almost bloody and bloody, and blood kept dripping down. Obviously, The previous burst of energy of that level also caused considerable trauma to himself.

  Moreover, that fierce aura hovered around Li Luo's body, making his eyes look a little redder, and he looked a bit cruel, making people afraid to get close.

  However, Lu Qing'er didn't care about this at this time. She took two steps forward and took Li Luo's bloody palm. Suddenly, frost air filled the air and quickly stopped the flowing blood. At the same time, the extremely cold The anger also made the redness in Li Luo's eyes quickly dissipate.

  Li Luo's expression returned to normal. He smiled at Lu Qing'er, then took out the "Xuanmu Feather Fan" and fanned out white light, which fell on the palm of his hand. The gentle recovery power spread out and began to repair the flesh and blood.

  "Third brother, your method is too deep. You killed a strong person in the Xiaotian phase with one arrow?" Li Jingtao murmured in shock.

  Deng Fengxian and Lu Qingmei on the side also stared at Li Luo with somewhat complicated expressions. They shot and killed Xiaotian Xiangjing in the Tianzhu Realm. Such outstanding achievements were simply shocking.

  Li Luo smiled and shook his head, saying: "I only severely injured him, but did not shoot him."

  He looked at the stiff body nailed to the mountain wall, and saw that Mu Yao's body suddenly turned into sand and fell, but as the sand faded, some flesh and blood mixed with it fell down. , and eventually Mu Yao's body completely disappeared.

  "The art of surrogate death?" Li Fengyi asked in surprise.

  Obviously, at that last moment, Mu Yao also performed some kind of secret life-saving technique, and then escaped from Li Luo's arrow with his life.

  Li Luo was not surprised by this. Mu Yao was not of low status, so it was normal for him to have some life-saving means in his hands. It was also within his expectation that he was hit hard and retreated.

  However, the main reason was due to the suppression of the rules of the Spiritual Aspect Cave, which prevented him from unleashing all the power of the "Three-Tailed Sirius". Otherwise, Mu Yao might not have been able to escape with his life today.

  Li Luo lowered his head and glanced at the scarlet bracelet on his wrist. In fact, in Tianyuan Shenzhou, it is not uncommon for powerful people to be granted lordships. The strength of the three-tailed wolf is not outstanding in Tianyuan Shenzhou, but so far , Li Luo has not seen similar methods from other geniuses.

  This is obviously not because of the rarity of the three-tailed wolf. Strictly speaking, Dean Pang's sealing bracelet should be very special. If it weren't for the fact that this bracelet sealed the three-tailed wolf and channeled its power in an extremely subtle way, It was impossible for Li Luo to borrow his power.

  Therefore, what is really powerful is not the three-tailed wolf, but Dean Pang's bracelet. This thing must be the hard work of a king-level powerhouse.

  Lu Qing'er also looked at Li Luo with a smile at this time, and then said to Sister Jin on the side: "Sister Jin, is my "Nine Aperture Refining Pill" a good deal?" Sister Jin was dumbfounded. Previously, Lu

  Qing'er When she gave Li Luo a "Nine Apertures Refining Pill", she told her that the pill would definitely be worth the money. At that time, she just thought it was a young lady who was being tough to protect her face, but looking back now, she had to admit that Lu Qing'er He was indeed very discerning, or in other words, Lu Qing'er trusted Li Luo very much.

  However, the young lady's personality has always been as calm as ice and snow. These words are somewhat inconsistent with her personality, so is she trying to defend Li Luo?

  "The young lady has sharp eyes, but I am shallow and don't know Li Luo Longshou's methods." A smile appeared on the corner of Sister Jin's lips, and then she said slowly: "When I return to Jinlong Mountain, I will also explain to the head of the family that the young lady and Li Luo Longshou have a deep friendship. , this time we all rely on the help of Prime Minister Li Luolong."

  Lu Qing'er said angrily: "Sister Jin, don't talk too much."

  Li Luo on the side heard this, his eyes moved slightly, Jin Longshan? That is the real center of Jinlong Baoxing, and its status is just like the position of Dragon Tooth Mountain in the Dragon Tooth Vein. Lu Qing'er's father actually still has such a status in Jinlong Mountain? No wonder she came to Tianyuan Shenzhou. "Qing'er, go get the treasure quickly." Li Luo urged with a smile. Now that the powerful enemy was temporarily forced to retreat, it was a good time to get the treasure and leave quickly, lest Mu Yao cause any trouble again.

  "You come with me." Lu Qing'er glanced at the ice platform and said.

  Li Luo naturally agreed, and then followed Lu Qing'er up the steps made of ice, heading towards the top step by step.

  Stepping on the cold steps, Li Luo felt Lu Qing'er's eyes glance at him from time to time, and immediately smiled: "When did you leave Daxia?"

  Lu Qing'er said softly: "Soon after you left, I left too. Daxia was too chaotic and Shengxuanxing Academy was destroyed, so my mother sent me back to Jinlong Mountain to my father's side." Li Luo sighed. He grew up in Daxia, where he

  lived All memories, especially Luo Lan Mansion, were the most important place in his heart. Perhaps the cultivation conditions there were far inferior to those of Longya Vein, but that was his home.

  "How is it going at Shengxuanxing Academy now? Do you have any news? Where are Yu Lang and the others?" Li Luo asked.

  "Our Golden Dragon Treasure Shop is located in all the major divine states. In terms of intelligence, we have an advantage over your lineage, King Li Tian." Lu Qing'er smiled slightly and said, "So I also know some of the information about Daxia." "Daxia's

  experience During that great change, it was split into two, led by the eldest princess and the regent respectively. The two sides had many battles, which led to continuous wars in Daxia. Coupled with the raging "extraordinary disaster", today's Daxia is really not a good."

  "Yu Lang and the others are said to have made great progress. Although Shengxuanxing Academy was destroyed, they still have some foundations. Now they are slowly accumulating strength. It is said that Shengxuanxing Academy is mainly fighting against the ravages of aliens. For this reason The school also paid a heavy price, but Yu Lang stood out among his peers in this year's battles with aliens." "

  Yu Lang and others, perhaps because of you, The school has given them a lot of training, and he himself seems to have other opportunities." "

  Mengmeng also researched a lot of formulas for spiritual water and strange light, and she gave these formulas to your Luolan Mansion. It is said that The elders of the Bai family had some objections to this and caused some trouble."

  "Xin Fu returned to "Lanling Mansion" and all the news was lost."

  "Luo Lan Mansion is doing well under the leadership of Sister Cai Wei. It's just that the war in Daxia has made everything difficult."


  Hearing the soft voice coming from his ears, those familiar names also made Li Luo feel a little dazed. He had only been away from Daxia for nearly a year. That's all, but the changes in Daxia are like a vast ocean.   "Yu Lang is actually very tough

  . Although his temperament is a little low, if the school pays attention to him, he will not disappoint."

Yangwu studied the formula, and she really took it seriously."


  Li Luo sighed softly. His old friends were now scattered across the world, and he didn't know when they would meet again.

  "Li Luo." Lu Qing'er looked at Li Luo and asked softly: "Will you come back to Daxia?"

  Hearing this, Li Luo nodded slowly but firmly.

  "Of course I will go back."

  "When I return to Daxia, none of those who have taken action against my Luo Lan Mansion will be able to escape."

  (End of Chapter)

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