Chapter 1011 Defeat the Prime Minister with one arrow

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  Chapter 1011: Defeating the sky with one arrow
  is equivalent to the moment when the three-tailed wolf opened its beast eyes. In the outside world, Sister Jin, Li Fengyi and others who were close to Li Luo suddenly felt an extremely ferocious energy wave. Since Li Luo Erupted inside the body.

  The energy was so strong that Sister Jin couldn't help but take two steps back, while shock appeared in her eyes.

  She looked at Li Luo and saw that the latter slowly pulled the bowstring. As the bowstring pulled, scarlet energy gathered, and there were signs of condensation at the bowstring.

  Boom boom!

  Waves of energy storms continued to erupt from Li Luo's body, and the ice ground under his feet continued to crack.

  Everyone was also shocked and retreated.

  "How could he burst out such terrifying energy?" Sister Jin's eyes widened and she couldn't help but lose her voice. The wave of energy bursting out from Li Luo's body was not weaker than the real Xiaotian phase, and that wave The awe-inspiring and ferocious aura is even more frightening.

  "I think it must be a trump card hidden by the third brother." Li Jingtao also said with a look of surprise.

  Deng Fengxian and Lu Qing on the side stared at Li Luo with shocked expressions. They had never seen Li Luo use such a trump card before, and they had never seen it revealed even in the dragon head dispute.

  But then they guessed something. This kind of ferocious energy was incompatible with Li Luo himself. It must not have been cultivated by him, so it should be strengthened with the help of some external force. The battle for the dragon head has some rules, each of which Maimai Capital is always watching, so Li Luo naturally can't use this method.

  But right now, training outside is a matter of life and death, so these methods can naturally be used at this time.

  While everyone was shocked, Li Luo's expression became indifferent. He felt the evil energy pouring out from the scarlet bracelet. However, as the evil energy became stronger, Li Luo also felt a kind of evil energy. A vague and heavy sense of oppression is emanating from this space.

  Thinking about it, this should be the suppression of rules from the spiritual cave.

  Although the "Three-tailed Sirius" possesses the power of a feudal lord, due to the suppression of this rule, this power does not dare to explode easily.

  However, it is enough to deal with the current situation.

  Violent and majestic scarlet energy roared out, but such huge energy also brought a burden to Li Luo's body. The flesh and blood on his arms were also being eroded, and there were faint bones exposed.

  Li Luo didn't care about this. The dragon-shaped mark between his eyebrows burst out with light, and the dragon roar sounded.

  "Nine Scales Heavenly Dragon Battle Body!"

  "Thunder Body!"

  Two secret techniques to increase the strength of the physical body were cast simultaneously to strengthen Li Luo's physical body and resist the erosion of the physical body by the energy of the three tails.

  In the past, when Li Luo mobilized the power of the three-tailed wolf, he had to always beware of the erosion of his own mind by this power. Dean Pang had also reminded him before that when he used the power of the three-tailed wolf, he would also be affected by the evil power contained in it. The energy eroded his mind, and he gradually turned into a wolf slave controlled by the three-tailed wolf.

  But this hidden danger has now been reduced a lot by Li Luo's ingenious means, which is the "Nine-turn Dragon's Breath Refining Technique". He helped the three-tailed Sirius to master this technique, and then combined it with the "Qing Ming Banner" to mobilize The way to control the power of the three-tailed wolf.

  This is equivalent to treating the three-tailed Sirius as another kind of "Qingming Flag" to carry around.

  One wolf can equal eight thousand bannermen!
  As Li Luo activated the technique of strengthening his body and endured the scarlet energy, his two fingers also completely stretched the bowstring.

  The energy condensed and turned into a scarlet arrow. The arrow struggled crazily, like a wild beast trying to escape, and a terrifying energy pressure spread out in waves.

  Mu Yao, who was locked by this arrow, had a sudden change in his expression.

  At this time, he had no time to think about why Li Luo was able to burst out such a terrifying arrow, because as the arrow locked in, the skin all over his body emitted a sharp tingling sensation.

  This arrow brought him a fatal crisis.

  Therefore, almost at the same time when Li Luo drew the bow string, Mu Yao's figure suddenly shot back, and in a few breaths, he retreated thousands of feet. At the same time, he roared and his seals changed.

  Boom boom!

  The earth shook, and walls of hundreds of feet of earth rose up from the ground, like city walls, guarding the front.

  Mu Yao obviously intends to temporarily avoid the edge. Li Luo's energy must not belong to him, and this external power must have many limitations. As long as he avoids Li Luo's fatal blow, he will naturally have the opportunity to launch a counterattack. .

  Facing Mu Yao who was trying to retreat, Li Luo's eyes flashed with a ray of cold red light. He glanced at the fingers holding the bowstring. Blood was dripping on them. The power contained in this scarlet arrow was far away. It was even more amazing than the "Thunder Talisman Arrow" he used before.

  "The name of this arrow"

  "Sirius Arrow."

  As Li Luo's last words fell quietly, he resolutely let go of the bow string. At that moment, there seemed to be a deafening wolf howl, exploding in the ice cave. .

  The palm of Li Luo's bow string was blown to pieces.

  A stream of scarlet light penetrated the sky, vaguely, as if it had transformed into a ferocious wolf filled with overwhelming evil energy, running through the void.

  Wherever the scarlet stream of light passed, the earthen walls that stood up from the ground melted almost instantly.

  In just one breath, the ground was torn apart, and all defenses and obstructions were destroyed.

  The scarlet light quickly enlarged in Mu Yao's eyes. The hair on his body stood up. He already knew that ordinary methods had no effect at all, so he immediately cast the Marquis Technique that he had prepared for a long time.

  Mu Yao formed a seal with one hand, his figure quickly slid back on the ground, and at the same time he slapped the ground with his palm.

  When the earth shook, seven dark brown portals rose up from the ground in front of them. Those portals were about a hundred feet in diameter, and they were tightly closed, filled with mysterious light patterns.

  The art of enfeoffment, thick soil and nine gates!

  Although this is just a psychic level sealing technique, Mu Yao has put a lot of effort into this technique. Now that the seven portals have reached the level of Dacheng, and combined with his own earth element, it can be regarded as a life-saving weapon with extremely strong defense. technique.

  Unfortunately, it was of no use.

  The seven brown earth portals only blocked the scarlet stream of light for a few breaths, and then exploded with a bang. The stream of light penetrated the void and shot hard at Mu Yao, who used his movement speed to the extreme.

  At this moment, Mu Yao could only hear the sharp sound of the wind filling his ears.

  Then, mud rolled out of his eyes and nose, covering his body completely.

  In the midst of the many shocked gazes, the scarlet arrow penetrated Mu Yao's body directly, and then the light tail flew out with his body, and finally hit the mountain wall in the distance fiercely.

  The mountain wall covered with ice cracked and collapsed at this time.

  The energy aftermath is still spreading, shaking the thick ice in the cave into pieces.

  But the Ice Mountain Cave, which was still a little chaotic, fell into a dead silence at this time, and people looked at the mountain wall in the distance absently.

  There, Mu Yao's body was nailed tightly, like a piece of rags, floating in the biting cold wind.

  (End of chapter)

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