Chapter 130 130 Idea 4

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  Chapter 130 130 Thought Four

  The other side.

  Li Chengyi was lying on his back on a chair, holding a mobile phone and chatting with his teammates in the Cucumber Night Chat, asking about the situation there.

  "According to the characteristics of this blind spot, after entering, all light sources will be reduced to one-tenth of their original intensity. It seems that there is some special rule that suppresses the light." - Skittles Candy.

  "In addition, I also found a little moss in the corner of the stairs, which proves that there is moisture here, but no living creatures were encountered. I have not encountered repeated cycles of the stairs yet." - Skittles Candy.

  "What's the year? What's the style of the stairs?" - Dahei.

  "Black and gray cement steps, the walls on both sides are white, and the wall above the head is also white.

  Each step has eight steps, and then turn right, and there is a new step.

  There is no lighting equipment, so you have to hold a light source to see clearly." --Rainbow Candy.

  "How's the air condition?" - Xiao Brown.

  "The humidity is 68, which is suitable. The temperature is stable between 17 and 19 degrees. The wall feels cooler than it actually is, and the ground feels slightly higher. The function of the equipment I brought is broken and there is no way to measure the bacterial colonies." - Skittles Candy.

  "Sister Tang, how many floors have you walked?" - Big Bear.

  "There are a total of one hundred and thirty-two floors, all going down. At that time, I just wanted to see what would happen if I kept going down, but I never encountered anything. Until the omen disappeared." - Skittles Candy.

  "Is there any airflow?" - Cheng Yi.

  "Yes! It was precisely because I felt the subtle airflow blowing from the bottom up that I kept going down." - Skittles.

  Air currents blowing from bottom to top?

  Li Chengyi frowned slightly.

  Under what circumstances will airflow flow from bottom to top?
  The flow of wind follows physical principles.

  Generally, in areas with high temperatures, the air density is low. In areas with low temperatures, air density is high.

  Therefore, it is often the low temperature that blows to the high temperature.

  In other words, there must be vents upstairs and downstairs, and the temperature difference is likely to be large, so there is still air flow in so many floors.

  "What about the prototype search? Are there any clues?" Li Chengyi asked again.

  "No, there are too many prototypes of stairs, and there are so many similar features that it's impossible to check them out." - Skittles Candy.

  "There are no windows? Can you see outside?" - Cheng Yi.

  "No. But even if it is a fully enclosed stairwell, there are many of them." Rainbow Candy was a little helpless.

  "Where did you predict the omen?" - Cheng Yi.

  "There was a hot spring hotel in Qingzhao. There was a power outage at the time. We were living on the fifth floor, so we wanted to go down to buy something to eat and drink. Unexpectedly, something happened just as we were walking down the stairwell." - Skittles Candy.

  "Give me the location. You can go and have a look later." ——Cheng Yi.

  Soon, Skittles sent the location and Li Chengyi took note of it.

  Although the blind spot prototype is generally not located where omens occur, some clues may be found.

  He thought for a while and sent another message to his boss Sindra to inquire about the situation. Send the blind spot characteristics of this staircase to ask him to help check.

  "There will be news in about three days." - Syndra.

  The boss is still as reliable as ever.

  I asked Brother Turtle if his injury was healed? After chatting with the boss for a while, Li Chengyi felt that time had almost passed before he sat up.

  A slight creaking sound.

  A bright yellow figure gently sat on another lounge chair to his right.

  "I saw everything just now." Zhuang Yijing also held the mobile phone, her voice was very soft, as if she was talking to herself, but she also seemed to be talking to Li Chengyi.

  No, not like.

  Li Chengyi looked around and saw that there were only two of them within a radius of five meters, so he could only say this to him.

  In the past, he would have been very impatient chatting with strangers like this because he was very busy and had too many things to do to waste time.

  But now, after discovering that Zhuang Yijing was also a strong person, he suddenly became more energetic.

  "What did you see?" He glanced at the other party.

  "You and Sister You." Zhuang Yijing said seriously. She spoke carefully and enunciated her words very clearly. If she was a little more serious, she would give people a very sincere feeling.

  "They said that you must be too fierce, with a bad temper, and bad temper, because after all, you are your own sister, how could you do it.

  But I think that freezing three feet is not something that can be done in a day. How can you do that? Heavy Hand must have been accumulating energy for a long time, right?"

  Is this a test?
  Compare yourself to others and then highlight yourself as the one who truly understands and is sober.

  Li Chengyi is not a fool. He just likes to deal with many things in a direct way, but it does not mean that he does not understand.

  "How should I put it? My sister is very conceited, has a masochistic temper, and has always had a bad attitude towards my family and me. This has been going on for many years," Li Chengyi replied.

  "Are you tired?" Zhuang Yijing said softly, "Actually, I feel the same way. My brother, he is highly valued by his parents. He is also very talented and works hard. But he doesn't know why. He doesn't like me and has a bad attitude towards me."

  "Really? He wouldn't hit his sister, would he?" Li Chengyi said, "My sister has always beaten me since she was a child, and she beat me hard." "No,

  my brother He never thought of me as a girl, because he is much better than me, and every time he hits me, my parents will favor him." Zhuang Yijing showed a look of regret.

  "He is domineering, arrogant, powerful, knowledgeable, and far surpasses me in all aspects. Speaking of which, he really looks like your sister."

  She sighed.

  "How do you deal with people like them? Living next to them is often a torture."

  "Make yourself stronger than them, and then beat them back in person." Li Chengyi replied. "This is the best way."

  "I saw it." Zhuang Yijing nodded seriously, "I saw what you just did. Really, before I met you, I never thought that I could use this method. Way to fight back and take revenge on people like them! It feels really good." "Then do it." Li Chengyi said.

  "But I can't do it. I don't know how to start, and I don't know how to catch up. I just woke up now, maybe it's too late."

  She bent her knees slightly, took off her shoes, stepped on the lounge chair, and shrank up. Hold your knees with your hands.

  The thin black stockings were slightly exposed from the lower part of the skirt. From Li Chengyi's angle, as long as he tilts forward slightly, he can see his buttocks covered in black stockings.

  This kind of vague temptation, coupled with Zhuang Yijing's sense of weakness that seems to be immersed in emotions at this time and not paying attention, can very well inspire men's protective desire.

  "It would be great if I were as strong and powerful as you. If my brother met you, he would definitely not dare to treat me like he did before." Zhuang Yijing said softly.

  If a normal man heard this, he would probably go along with the flow and immediately start to comfort and gain favor.

  But Li Chengyi
  said seriously, "If you are weak, you have to work hard."

  "I have been working hard." Zhuang Yijing said, she turned her face sideways, and there was a hint of water in her eyes.

  "But no matter how I chase him, I can't catch up with him. Just like a few days ago, there was a bad guy who wanted to chase me. I was studying alone in a foreign country and there was no one around me to rely on, so I didn't dare to refuse too hard. It just happened

  . He came here on a business trip and met that man. Not only did he not help me, he also blamed me for being indiscreet and deliberately seducing that man!"

  Zhuang Yijing's face turned a little red.

  "But I'm obviously the one being harassed!"

  "Isn't Yuan Lai your best friend? Doesn't she help you?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "She's just a little girl and my best friend. I don't want to hurt her because of me." Zhuang Yijing lowered her head, "But I really... really have no choice. That's why I came out this time to find a chance to breathe. ."

  "The person who harassed you has a good background?"

  "No, just an ordinary student. But he is very strong and is the captain of the university's graduate basketball team." "

  About the same as me?" Li Chengyi pointed at himself.

  "Of course it's impossible to be far worse than you. In life, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen." Zhuang Yijing showed an expression that was embarrassing when praising others. He secretly glanced at Li Chengyi's strong upper body.

  'Lust +4.'

  This guy is so strong that he can even generate evil thoughts.

  The two sides chatted and the emotions were brewing to this point. Normal men would definitely have no worries at this time.

  The harassing man had no background and was not strong enough to fight. He was just an ordinary student.

  Isn't this a good opponent that can be used as a background board?
  Looking at the other person so weak and pitiful, there is still a vague gravitational image.

  I'm sure most people would slap their chests and say, 'If you meet that person again, call me. When encountering such disgusting people, people with a sense of justice will help. 'And things like that.

  But Li Chengyi said
  , "Come and learn fighting from me."

  He looked at the opponent seriously.

  "Steel can be made into steel after a hundred times of tempering. Not to mention women, even a monkey can turn into refined iron after a hundred times of tempering!" "

  ." The expression on Zhuang Yijing's face froze slightly. The lust just now was instantly poured down by a basin of cold water.

  "I can introduce you to my master's Longxu Sect." Li Chengyi continued, "As long as you can pass the first level of the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation, you can start to truly gain the power to protect yourself!" ".Sounds very powerful.

  " Zhuang Yijing's stiffness just flashed for a moment, and she immediately returned to normal.

  "But even if I start practicing now, I won't have enough time."

  "You are discriminating against women!" Li Chengyi said in a deep voice. "If a man can do it, a woman can do it too. In today's technological society, hormone secretion cannot hinder your pursuit of power!" "And I am the only one in my class now, so it's just right for you to come

  . If you have someone to practice with, you will make rapid progress." He said seriously.

  Sparring? Just two people? ?
  Zhuang Yijing's heart trembled, and she immediately imagined scenes of two people fighting against each other, colliding with each other, and bursting out with passion.

  'Lust +3'

  'Lust +3'

  The emotions welling up in her were almost uncontrollable.

  "You have a strong will. I think you are stronger than most people when you take it seriously!" Li Chengyi said sincerely.

  This is not a cliche, but his true thoughts.

  So far, the person with the strongest will that he has encountered is indeed Zhuang Yijing in front of him.

  This guy is obviously weak and untrained. Without training, he is more likely to have evil thoughts than the person in the blind spot, his sister Li Chengjiu, and the materials he encountered before.

  After training, wouldn’t it be like going to heaven? ?
  And if you can pull her into the Dragon Beard Gate and get along with her day and night from now on, it will be much easier to absorb evil thoughts.

  "Don't always say you're not good enough. Don't you want one day to burst into the room where your brother is sleeping, pick him up from the bed like a chicken, slam him against the wall and beat him up?" Li Chengyi

  described The vivid scene made Zhuang Yijing's newly aroused lust turn into a trace of passion.

  She imagined that one day, her cold and domineering brother would be treated like this, violently violent, and then kneel under her skirt in tears and beg for mercy.

  For a moment, she felt a real sense of joy in her heart!

  She was actually tempted! ?

  etc! ?
  Suddenly her expression changed slightly.

  Wasn't she here to pick the next material to play with? Why do you feel like something is wrong?

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  (End of this chapter)

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