Chapter 129 129 Idea Three

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  Chapter 129 129 Thought 3

  'Why is it her again? Isn’t this woman following me all the time? Li Chengyi looked at the other party, feeling a little confused.

  To say that I am afraid, I am definitely not afraid. It's not uncomfortable, but it feels weird.

  Zhuang Yijing looked at him softly from a distance. The late autumn wind at night was already a bit cold, causing the hem of her skirt to rise slightly.

  In addition, her appearance is top-notch, her temperament is dignified and generous, with a strong bookish air, and her long hair is slightly flowing down. It should be a beautiful picture.

  But combined with the inexplicable evil thoughts he just felt, Li Chengyi felt a strong contrast at this time.


  He was thinking about how to eliminate this evil thought. Being able to suppress his inner desires calmly and outwardly, Zhuang Yijing is definitely the strongest person in terms of will among all the people he has ever met.

  Such a strong person is the most suitable material for making flower fertilizer!

  I was thinking about how to absorb such evil thoughts. After all, it was my first time to see lust.

  Zhuang Yijing took a few steps forward, with a trace of doubt and worry on his face.

  "Uncle and aunt, what happened here just now? I heard a loud noise, so I came over to take a look."

  Naturally, she was talking about Li Chengyi's parents.

  This woman, who I had probably seen just now, now looks like I don't know anything.

  Li Chengyi couldn't tell what she was thinking. When his parents hesitantly tried to hide the truth about the fight between their siblings, he didn't expose it.

  While he was thinking about something, he suddenly saw Zhuang Yijing looking at him under the dim moonlight, with an inexplicable smile in her eyes.

  He nodded slightly to the other party, turned around and left, walking towards the distance of the farm.

  The parents still have to comfort the beaten and crying sister. After all, they are all children in the family, and adults will always favor the weaker one.

  Because the strong do not need pity and protection.

  In the past, this situation was often encountered by the predecessor. For the first time, this was the first time that he and his sister had switched sides.

  On the way back, I met Li Qingpeng, Zhao Funing and others who came to watch the excitement.

  "Hey Li Chengyi, what was the sound over there just now? Why did it sound like someone was yelling?" Li Qingpeng asked.

  "I don't know, maybe there is a child crying?" Li Chengyi replied casually. "Excuse me."

  He nodded towards a few people and passed by.

  Several people vaguely felt that Li Chengyi was a little different at this time, but they didn't know what the difference was.

  Chen Xudong felt the most obvious. Because he had the closest relationship with Li Chengyi and knew him best, he saw his best friend changing more and more.

  In the crowd, Yuan Lai looked at his back, as if he wanted to say something, but seeing the crowd around him, he still had no words.

  What she actually wanted to say was that her best friend Zhuang Yijing had just come to her and asked her for Li Chengyi's phone number.

  Although Zhuang Yijing is her best friend, she does not appreciate his personality and lifestyle.

  The two of them have common interests in their studies and reading, but have opposite views in many other aspects.

  Especially the concept of love.

  According to a word that boys like to describe the most - green tea.

  Zhuang Yijing is a typical green tea, and it is an old tea, which has played with the feelings of countless boys.

  What she likes to do most is to conquer those of the opposite sex who seem to be strong, and then suddenly kick them away when they are completely devoted to her and are about to enter the marriage hall.

  But now it was too late, so Yuan Lai planned to call Li Chengyi or send a message to remind him. After all, he was the one growing up, and the other person was his best friend. Some things were best not to let happen.

  Watching Li Chengyi go back to the lawn chair and sit down to rest.

  The group of people continued to rush towards the creek. Before they reached it, they met Zhuang Yijing who was returning quickly.

  "Jingjing, what happened over there? Was it so loud just now?" Yuan Lai was the first to ask quickly.

  Zhuang Yijing's nickname is Jingjing.

  "Well, I didn't see anything." Zhuang Yijing shook her head. "When I passed by, it was already over there. It seems that Li Chengyi's sister was injured. She may have sprained her foot or fell. I saw it was red and swollen. ."

  Her expression was extremely natural and blank, as if I, like you, don't know anything and everything depends on guessing.

  "Really or not? Li Chengyi's sister was a top student in the military academy! How could she sprain her feet so easily?" Chen Xudong looked in disbelief.

  "Then I don't know. Anyway, when I went to look at it, it looked like that." Zhuang Yijing was still at a loss.

  "Looking at Li Chengyi's appearance just now, it's not like the two siblings were fighting, right?" Li Qingpeng guessed with a smile as he rolled his eyes.

  The others didn't say anything, but they all looked very gossipy.

  Modern people are like this. When they are tired from daily life, they like to read gossip when they finally encounter something new.

  In gossip, I am especially interested in the affairs of the people around me.

  Soon, the group arrived at the creek.

  The first thing you notice is the small potholes on the ground. The entire grassland was in a mess, like the surface of a desolate planet that had been hit by a meteorite.

  The original green space had completely lost its beauty. If you count it carefully, you will find that there are at least forty or fifty potholes.

  "Are you kidding me? Is this the result of a fight?" Zhao Sikai has always had no sense of presence, and he was indeed the first to speak out.

  Although he is dark and thin, he is very interested in and knowledgeable about fighting boxing, weapons and equipment.

  Considered a professional audiophile.

  As the saying goes, the more you lack something, the more interested you are in it. That's what he is.

  Seeing the fighting situation on the grass at this time, he immediately thought of what kind of intensity it would take to beat the ground like this.

  "I have seen the power of top students in military academies. They all have to take and inject strengthening drugs, otherwise they will not be able to keep up with the performance assessment. The better the strengthening injection, the easier it is to absorb, the better the effect, and the smaller the side effects. But most military

  students They all don’t have much money, so they choose poor or average ones.

  All these types of medicines have one thing in common, which is that they require a lot of training to digest and enhance the absorption of the medicine.

  I went to visit, and the traces left by their exercise sparring at that time were all It's not as exaggerated as this place."

  His popular science gave several people a better understanding of the war situation in this place.

  "So, Li Chengyi and his sister are good at fighting?" Zhao Funing asked curiously. She doesn't know anything about this.

  "Well, he's very good at hitting." Zhao Sikai said seriously. He walked to a shallow pit with footprints, squatted down and touched it.

  "Looking at these marks, they should be caused by back pedaling. Here you can see the mark pattern on the front half of the sole. The soil and grass have been stepped on together and flattened. This kind of power is very powerful! I have received at least three strengthening injections. ."

  "How big is it? Military cadets must be very strong, right? If I can get a booster shot, I can do it too." Li Qingpeng said with a smile. Not impressed.

  "The average person's absorption rate for strengthening injections is only half. Military cadets can reach 80% by exercising hard. You can't." Zhao Sikai shook his head.

  "Why not? Isn't it just money to get injections? Wouldn't it be better to have more injections?" Li Qingpeng was told no in front of several girls, and he suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

  "There is a certain number of injections that a person's body can take. Because the human body will adapt, the effect will become worse and worse if you take more injections. Just like a person who eats chili peppers, the more he eats, the spicier he can get. It makes sense. Because for him, the feeling of spiciness is always weakening. Only by constantly adding spiciness can he always feel that it is delicious enough." Zhao Sikai explained seriously.

  "Haha, what's the point of talking so much? No matter how good you are at shooting, how can you beat a gun these days?" Li Qingpeng said in a deep voice, a little worried.

  "We are all adults and social beings. When conflicts arise these days, the competition is about connections, relationships, backgrounds, and resources. If you are really stupid and hit someone face to face, you will be waiting to go to jail." He added Finished sentence.

  This statement made everyone nod, because this is indeed the case in modern society. The national army is the most powerful institution of violence. No matter how strong you are in training, it will explode with just one bullet.

  Although Li Qingpeng's words are unpleasant, this is the truth.

  Among this group of people, he has the strongest resources, connections, and background, so his words have reaffirmed his position in everyone's hearts.

  At this time, there was no one at the creek.

  Except for the other groups of tourists who came to watch the excitement, Li Chengyi's parents had already taken Li Chengjiu to rest far away.

  "There's nothing more to see. Let's go back and continue singing!" Chen Xudong sighed secretly and greeted the others back.

  Everyone saw the novelty and walked back one after another.

  "By the way, after talking so much about strengthening needles and strengthening needles, what exactly is this? Is it of great benefit to people?" Zhao Funing asked with interest.

  "Yes, can we ordinary people buy some to enhance our physical fitness? I feel like sitting all day will cause my lumbar disc to bulge sooner or later." Chen Xudong laughed.

  "Li Chengyi and his family can afford the injection. It shouldn't be expensive. I'll go back and see if there are any channels. I'll buy a shot for everyone to try and see the effect. I'll organize the next gathering, just as a bonus for coming next time. Don’t be absent, everyone.” Li Qingpeng said boldly.

  "The cheapest booster shots are available on the market, but you have to make a reservation." Zhao Sikai suddenly said quietly, "One shot costs 380,000 yuan."


  Li Qingpeng, who had been smiling just now, suddenly froze.

  Three hundred and eighty thousand shots! ?

  And just now Li Chengyi and his sister had at least three injections, so wouldn’t that be over a million! ? ?
  And their siblings fight so ferociously, has Li Chengyi also fought?
  How much does it cost? ?
  Everyone instantly calculated the approximate number in their minds, and suddenly took a breath of air.

  And Li Qingpeng said that everyone should buy one shot as a benefit.
  Except for him and Li Chengyi, there were only five people present.
  "The most important thing is that the booster shot will be very painful and uncomfortable! And if most people want to buy it, they can only buy one shot at most. , because they are worried about something happening, the officials dare not sell it casually. So those who can buy three shots must either be in military schools or have strong connections." Zhao Sikai once again added another shot.

  This time Li Qingpeng stopped talking.

  Li Chengyi's sister is a military academy student, but Li Chengyi himself is not
  "Brother Peng." Zhao Sikai patted Li Qingpeng on the shoulder, "The average price of a small house in the provincial capital is about three million." "

  ." Li Qingpeng remained silent, just His face became increasingly ugly.

  "But since their family is rich, why are they still living in the old house and not moving out?" Zhao Funing's question quickly rescued him from the cold winter.

  "Well, I should have spent all my money on the development of my children. With this money, it is better to buy a few houses. I made a mistake just now. I didn't expect the booster shot to be so expensive, which made everyone laugh. Don't worry about it, everyone." Li Qingpeng quickly showed a helpless and embarrassed expression.

  Although his words did calm down the situation, he was able to bend and stretch, and apologized immediately.

  But the previous image has collapsed a lot.

  Several girls lost their previous good impressions of him. After all, he looked too embarrassed before.

  (End of chapter)

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