Chapter 127 127 Idea 1

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  Chapter 127 127 Thought 1
  'What the hell? Lust? ? ! 'It's hard for Li Chengyi to imagine how far a person's love for a man and a woman must reach before it reaches the intensity of plus 2?
  He looked around and made sure that no one around him was paying attention to him. The only one who spoke just now was Zhuang Yijing.

  'That's interesting. 'Li Chengyi suddenly became interested.

  He would not let go of a strong man who could add 2 just by meeting him. Such a strong-willed person might not always be found wherever he looked.

  He pretended he didn't find anything, turned around and continued walking out.

  They are not yet familiar with each other now, and this is not the time for contact. There will be opportunities later as
  the distance between the two people increases. Because the evil thoughts cannot be eliminated in time, the lust added by the two points slowly disappears. .

  This made Li Chengyi understand more and more the mechanism of increasing evil thoughts.

  'Evil thoughts must be eliminated by me in a timely manner after they arise, or they will be destroyed or transformed into other emotions. Only then can it be absorbed into evil thoughts.

  If you are just procrastinating for time, it doesn't count.

  All the way back towards the farm, but only half way, in the middle lawn area.

  Li Chengyi's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Daxiong.

  He picked it up and pressed connect.

  "Brother Cheng, Sister Tang is about to go through a catastrophe. She just came here." Daxiong said in a low voice on the other end of the phone.

  "Is this a sign? Can you speak normally?" Li Chengyi was speechless.

  I thought that among the few people, Big Bear was the most normal, but now it seems that this guy is just hiding deeper.

  "Okay, Sister Tang is coming. It's a blind spot on the stairs, like an endless staircase. She just came out, and I stayed with her at her home." Daxiong was normal this time.

  "You must be better than me at searching for information and prototypes. What preparations should I make? I can flash my memory at any time." Li Chengyi agreed immediately without saying a word.

  Skittles had only helped him before, because the hand he was clinging to in the dead zone was injured.

  The omen will come soon, and he will take the initiative to help regardless of emotion and reason.

  "We are looking for the prototype but we don't have much information collected. There is no way to flash into a blind spot if there is only a warning. Only when people are completely inside and the blind spot is stable can we flash in from outside. So there is no rush now. As for preparations, Xiao Brown I'm already working on it." Big Bear replied.

  "That's good. We can't help with anything else, but when it comes to taking action, we can still do it." Li Chengyi said seriously.

  "We haven't found anyone else inside yet, because the flying instrument exoskeleton will lose part of its functions and its power will be weakened if it enters it, so we first determine the time and flow rate difference before making a decision." "That's good, I'll be on standby at any time." Li Chengyi replied


  "Thank you, Brother Cheng!"

  The phone hung up.

  Li Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief. His thoughts, which were a little sluggish just now, suddenly became active again.

  When he heard that another blind spot had appeared, what actually appeared in his heart was not danger, but a hint of excitement.

  'That's right. In such a peaceful society, I have no use for the flower of evil. It cannot be exposed, it cannot be touched, and it is not even easy to use the flower language ability at will.

  But a blind spot, a place where the strong and unscrupulous survive, is more suitable for me.'

  He understood immediately.

  'Perhaps, for the next flower language, I should choose abilities that are more beneficial to the development of modern society. If I can have the most advanced aircraft, the most powerful intelligence collection network, and the assistance of research institutions, maybe my exploration of blind spots can be improved several times. A step up.
  At least for the products stored in the quiet store, you might be able to find out how to use them. '

  Isn't Utopia a quiet little shop that was used like this before?
  They can develop and grow. There is no reason why he can't compare to the other party even though he has the power of flower language.

  Back on the farm lawn, someone had already set up a portable KTV in the pergola next to it and showed off his singing voice with a miniature microphone.

  Although the singing was a bit unpleasant, with the barbecue stalls and drink carts nearby, the atmosphere was still very good.

  The farm also hired a small band to help with the accompaniment.

  Li Chengyi did not disturb anyone when he came back, but returned to his parents and eldest sister.

  The family had a meal alone and went to the small restaurant on the farm to eat.

  Looking at the grass outside the restaurant, Li Qingpeng, Zhao Funing and others sang and clapped, and the atmosphere was lively.

  "Xiaoyi, why don't you go play with Dongzi and the others? It's rare to see so many people here." Mother Feng Yurong asked.

  "It's not interesting. Too many people make it too noisy. I don't like it." Li Chengyi shook his head.

  "I have to go back after eating in a while. I have something to be busy with." Li Chengjiu said coldly from the side.

  Her temper seems to be better now than before. She is worried every day and always feels tired.

  Li Chengyi asked his boss to help him check, but he couldn't find any details.

  All I know is that she goes to the suburbs every day, out of the scope of the Sky Eye, and doesn't know what to do.

  "Are you still short of money?" Li Zhao was an honest man. He didn't know how to communicate with his daughter for a long time, so he could only use stupid methods.

  "No shortage. If you haven't passed the exam, you won't need it." Li Chengjiu said coldly.

  "If you have any difficulties, just tell us. Although we may not be able to help, we can always give you some advice." Feng Yurong said warmly.

  "Can you be quieter?" Li Chengjiu frowned.

  "Can you please speak respectfully to your parents?" Li Chengyi suddenly said.

  The atmosphere at the table suddenly solidified.

  Li Chengjiu opened his eyes wide and stared at his brother intently.

  It wasn't the first time she spoke like that. Li Chengyike had never spoken back before.

  But this time he actually spoke out?

  Li Zhao and Feng Yurong had long been accustomed to their eldest daughter being rude to them, but they didn't expect Li Chengyi's sudden outburst of defense, leaving them at a loss as to what to do.

  "Say what you just said again?" Li Cheng stood up in a flash and pointed at Li Chengyi.

  "I said." Li Chengyi picked up the tea and took a sip slowly. "Your attitude just now was very rude."

  He raised his eyes and looked at each other without flinching.

  "What? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Despite the lively atmosphere outside, the atmosphere in this corner of the restaurant instantly changed from mild to freezing.

  "Come out!" Li Chengjiu pushed away his chair, pointed at Li Chengyi, and walked out of the restaurant.

  Li Chengyi smiled. It would be fine if he didn't come before and didn't replace his predecessor, but now, let him see the uncultured behavior just now.

  He doesn't mind personally replacing his predecessor and educating this good sister.

  After all, he is a blind spot.

  The people in the blind spot have no fear of heaven or earth, and have no scruples.

  Pushing the chair aside, he stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

  "Xiao Yi! Don't be impulsive. You know your sister's temper." Feng Yurong stood up quickly and held his arm worriedly.

  "It's okay, Mom. My sister and I were just having a friendly exchange, it's nothing serious."

  He gently opened Feng Yurong's fingers, took off his coat, put it on the back of the chair, and walked out.

  He had long wanted to communicate with this sister, but he had been too busy before and had no chance.

  This time I just took the opportunity to attack.

  Walking out of the small restaurant, bypassing the singing and accompaniment area outside, we came to a corner of the farm near the stream.

  Several wild cats were quietly drinking water by the stream. They were startled by the two approaching people and hurriedly ran away.

  Li Chengjiu was already standing by the stream, crossing his arms and looking at him coldly.

  "I have been practicing in the gym for a few days. I think I have become stronger and more courageous, right? It seems that I haven't touched you for a long time and my skin is itchy." "Actually, I have wanted to teach you a lesson for a long time, but I never did before

  . Time. With your attitude at home, our conflicts are not left in a day or two, they have been saved for many years, right?"

  Li Chengyi said calmly.

  He didn't seem as angry as he was in the restaurant when he came out.

  "Okay, since I'm your sister, I'll let you go." Li Chengjiu smiled contemptuously and pointed at his chest.

  "You can use all your strength, as long as you can hit me, I will stand still and let you beat me today!"

  As soon as she finished speaking, Li Chengyi turned into a shadow under the moonlight and rushed to her side.

  One punch.

  Just as Li Chengjiu had time to raise his hand, he saw a fist already in front of him.

  'Why so fast! ! ? ? '

  'How is that possible! ! ?

  Her eyes were wide open, showing an incredible look.

  I tried my best to raise my hands and protect my face, but I was slow for a moment and everywhere, and it was already too late!
  When her hand was still a fist away from her face.

  Li Chengyi's fist had hit the left side of her face.

  Bang! !

  There was a muffled sound.

  Li Chengjiu was hit so hard that he tilted his head back and took several steps back, almost losing his balance and falling to the ground.

  The nosebleed suddenly came out and sprinkled on the grass, turning a faint dark red.

  "How do you feel now?" Li Chengyi stood there, not pursuing her, but just looking at her calmly.

  "You practice traditional fighting skills?!" Li Chengjiu stabilized his body, touched his nose, and instantly recognized the style used by his younger brother.

  "Not yet proficient. But it should be enough to deal with you." Li Chengyi replied.

  Although he had hit his sister just now, he clearly felt that at the moment of the hit, most of his power was removed, leaving only a little bit in place.

  That is to say, Li Chengjiu didn't seem to have received many strengthening injections, and his physical fitness was far inferior to that of him who had been strengthened by Hualinyi.

  His reaction speed, strength, and physique are all inferior to him.

  In addition, I was caught off guard, so I didn't take precautions.

  "Interesting." Li Chengjiu chuckled a few times, wiped away the nosebleed, pressed on both sides, and quickly stopped.

  "But, do you think that after all these years of hard training, I will be defeated so easily by a loser like you!!?"


  She growled, rushed out quickly, and when she was about to approach Li Chengyi, A wrong step, a fake move.

  It looked like he was about to kick his legs and knees, but in fact, his left elbow suddenly struck out and hit Li Chengyi's chest.


  Li Chengyi caught the elbow with one hand, but it felt a little heavy even with his strength. He was suddenly surprised by Li Chengjiu's strength.

  You must know that his physique has now reached the limit of one ton of boxing power even without wearing flower scale clothes.

  It can make him feel a little heavy.

  It is conceivable that my sister must have received cost-effective booster injections in the military academy.

  The price of booster injections ordered internally by the state officials is definitely much cheaper than those circulating in the outside market.

  He suddenly remembered that Li Chengjiu had been going out to work every now and then to make money, and he also kept taking money from home. He had paid for exams many times before.

  Now it seems that I might just go for a booster shot.

  (End of chapter)

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