Chapter 126 126 Contact Four (Xie Taiping, the alliance leader rewarded)

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  Chapter 126 126 Contact Four (Xie Taiping, rewarded by the alliance leader)

  Zhao Funing was attracted by Li Chengyi's appearance before, and the aura generated by him gradually faded under this contrast.

  His attention was gradually attracted by Li Qingpeng.

  In comparison, Li Qingpeng is young and promising. He graduated from a prestigious university and is now a small leader of his work unit. He has also bought a house in the provincial capital and has full potential in the future.

  Li Chengyi is taciturn. Although his income is not bad, he still lives with his parents and is just an ordinary undergraduate.

  This trick is commonplace, but it works.

  At least now, in Zhao Funing's eyes, although Li Chengyi has better appearance and temperament than Li Qingpeng, after comparison, these things become like silver pewter gun heads, just superficial.

  While chatting, Li Qingpeng asked Li Chengyi a few questions about biopharmaceuticals from time to time. As a result, Li Chengyi couldn't even answer. It was either that he didn't know or his knowledge was superficial and his level was average.

  After many times, Zhao Funing also noticed that the biopharmaceutical work mentioned by Li Chengyi might be fake.

  I guess I made it up just to brag.

  The statement of a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan is probably just trying to be flattering.

  Soon, Zhao Funing's attitude towards Li Chengyi slowly softened, and his conversation with Li Qingpeng became more and more heated.

  Li Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief. Not only was he not disgusted with Li Qingpeng's actions, he actually found them a bit funny.

  At his level, the opponent's behavior was like a child running over to compete with him to see who could knead the plasticine better.

  Seeing the two of them leaving him aside and chatting about themselves, he could also tell that Li Qingpeng had thoughts about Zhao Funing.

  Simply stand up and give the opportunity to the two of them.

  However, not long after he left, the news spread among several people that he did not work in biopharmaceuticals at all.

  In order to brag and keep up appearances, he said that he had a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan and worked for a biopharmaceutical company.

  Such rumors also made everyone look at Li Chengyi in a wrong way.

  After all, no one would appreciate a person who loves to brag and lies to show off his incompetence.

  At this time, Li Chengyi had already stood up, greeted Chen Xudong, and walked towards the sunflower field.

  He didn't care what these former playmates thought.

  Just like people don't care about the whispers of insects in the grass on the roadside.

  The sunflower field is less than a hundred meters away from the farm lawn, just around the corner.

  Enter the shed.

  Li Chengyi was instantly stunned by the flower field in front of him.

  At a glance, there are at least hundreds of sunflowers planted in neat rows and vertical directions.

  The densely packed golden flower disks are as wide as the eye can see.

  There were many tourists around who were taking photos and recording videos with their mobile phones. The number of people watching was even better than at the farm.

  It can be seen that this scenery really attracts many people.

  Li Chengyi took a breath and walked slowly along the path in the middle of the flower field dedicated to tourists.

  As he walked, he gently stretched out his hand to touch the flower plates with gold edges and black hearts.

  Wisps of floral energy continued to flow into the mark on the back of his hand.

  This is another kind of oil sunflower cultivated by technology, which is different from the one he touched last time.

  Seeing the flower energy increasing continuously, my mood, which was a little dazed just now, quickly improved.

  Suddenly, he paused his hand and saw some small golden flowers scattered from the cracks on the ground below.

  The little flower obviously did not fall from a sunflower, but it had a strong fragrance.

  'It's osmanthus, golden osmanthus. 'Li Chengyi's eyes lit up.

  He likes osmanthus very much. After all, people who have often eaten osmanthus cakes since childhood have a good impression of this small flower with a strong fragrance.

  'Yes, the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms in October, and now it's the season when the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms. '

  With a no-touch attitude, Li Chengyi squatted down and quickly touched the sweet-scented osmanthus that was broken off by someone on the ground.

  A faint trace of flower energy flowed into the back of his hand, followed closely by the subsequent message.

  'Jingui: evergreen trees or shrubs that like warmth, require a deep soil layer to grow, prefer acidic soil, are not drought-tolerant, and like light. Flowering period is September-October. The medicinal properties are pungent and warm, and can be used to refresh the mind and treat insomnia, forgetfulness, dreaminess and other symptoms. However, excessive consumption can cause vomiting, shortness of breath, and nausea. '

  'Flower Language: Harvest Wind (can produce subtle airflow to blow external objects. Anything that needs to be planted, after being continuously affected by the Harvest Wind, will have a 20% increase in survival rate, a 20% increase in growth rate, and a 20% increase in the number of flowers and fruits produced. Doubled.)'

  'Flower scale clothing collection rate: 0%. Li

  Chengyi didn't feel anything about this flower language at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly discovered something abnormal about it.

  This is about anything that needs to be grown.

  In other words, if the flowers in the dead spots can be transplanted, they can be assisted by this flower language to improve their survival.

  'And there seems to be no rule here that it must be a plant.' Thinking of this, Li Chengyi felt awe-struck.

  After all, there are many behaviors in biology that can be defined as planting.

  What is sown in the soil is seed, and what is planted in flesh and blood is also seed.

  'Maybe it will be useful when we need to study transplanting in the future.

  He secretly wrote down Jingui’s flower language.

  Then he continued to get up and touch the sunflower.

  The collection level of the three evolutions quickly rose to 56%, but soon all the things on the roadside were touched, and next, you need to enter the flower field.

  But there is no road in there, so it is obviously not for people to go in and play.

  And there are so many people around.

  Standing on the side of the road, Li Chengyi began to think, how could he go in and touch around? Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at a farm worker wearing gray overalls.

  The other person was wearing a mask and holding a bag in his hand.

  "Hello." He immediately walked over to get closer, and then said that he was a student and needed to do a research project on the relationship between the oil production of sunflowers and the shape of the flower disk.

  ten minutes later.

  Li Chengyi was missing two hundred yuan from his wallet and had a temporary inspection sticker on his body.

  According to the staff member, this was a temporary identification mark used by the experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences when they came. As long as the flower field is not damaged a lot, a little picking is fine.

  According to that person, this is not a private job, but a channel within the farm itself.

  It is to facilitate many experts, researchers, and college students to come and study on the spot. So I had to collect money...

  With the sticker, Li Chengyi followed the staff member generously into the flower field, walking through the narrow gaps between the rows of flowers.

  As he walked, he touched.

  Feeling the continuous flow of flower energy, his third evolution level also increased rapidly, and he immediately felt better.

  After struggling for a full twenty minutes, the last burst of flower energy poured into the mark.

  The Flower of Evil finally stopped absorbing new sunflower energy.

  The third evolution degree of Hua Lin Yi has completely reached 100%.

  'Cool! '

  Li Chengyi was in a happy mood, but soon, he thought of new problems.

  'Wait a minute. The Titan Sunflower itself only has two evolutions, and the third evolution was added after the new flower god position was opened. In other words, my third evolution has absorbed the evil thoughts. Once completed, there will be nothing else to do next. Continue? '

  'Calculating it this way, Wisteria should have evolved the most times. '

  Thinking of this question, Li Chengyi quickly looked at the wisteria flower mark.

  A thought came to my mind.

  Information belonging to the wisteria flower leaked out rapidly.

  And the number of times it can evolve is also impressive: 2+3 times.

  'Sure enough. If you look at it this way, the wisteria flower with the greatest potential should be Wisteria.'

  Li Chengyi knew it in his heart.

  'Anyway, at least it's done now, and now it's time to absorb the evil thoughts. Well, all the evil thoughts from the last pack have been used up. I have to start over again.

  Li Chengyi frowned slightly when he thought about the evil thoughts .

  With luck like that time, he met several people with strong willpower, so he was able to harvest them all quickly.

  But it's different now. He's surrounded by ordinary people, and even if he has a strong willpower, it can't be seen from the outside.

  'Evil thoughts. Evil thoughts'

  walked out of the flower field and returned to the path.

  Li Chengyi's mind was filled with how to find evil thoughts quickly.

  'There are many categories of evil thoughts, and the type is not limited, but the intensity is limited.

  As long as the intensity is strong enough, any evil thought will do. If you look at it this way, you don't necessarily have to rely on killing to harvest. It's hard to find a strong-willed material. It must be used repeatedly,"

  Li Chengyi thought carefully.

  'If I could use different categories of evil thoughts to form a harvesting cycle, that would be the most perfect model. '

  'For example: first make someone hate me, then tell him it's a misunderstanding, then make him hate me again, and then tell him it's a misunderstanding, and the cycle continues.' 'Anger is also considered an evil thought, so I can definitely put it

  first When someone gets angry, it makes him want to hit me, and then I compensate him and comfort him to calm him down.

  Then make him angry again, then comfort him, and make him angry again."

  "You can also do this with murderous intent, making him think he can kill me when he has a chance, and then the chance is gone. Give him a chance next time, and then the chance is gone. Then next time

  , this idea opened up, and suddenly, Li Chengyi felt that his horizons had broadened.

  At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had been too wasteful before.

  Once this sustainable development is successful, it is entirely possible that he will have no shortage of evil thoughts and will pluck wool by himself until he dies!
  'Although it has marginal utility, you can change the routine and continue trying.

  Walking back along the trail, Li Chengyi took a few photos of the beautiful scenery as proof that he really came to enjoy the flowers .

  On the way back, he put away his phone and thought about where to start.

  But after taking a few steps, he met a young girl wearing a bright yellow dress.

  He recognized the other person, who seemed to be named Zhuang Yijing, who was Yuan Lai's best friend, and they came over to relax together.

  Seeing the other party holding a professional camera, Li Chengyi felt unfamiliar, so he nodded politely.

  "Want to come and see the flowers too?"

  "Well, there were too many people just now, so I didn't come in. Now there are fewer people."

  Zhuang Yijing smiled. She was not very beautiful, but she had a very good temperament and was very gentle. type. The bright yellow dress exposed the delicate skin of her arms. Under the skirt, slender black silk legs are vaguely exposed.

  Compared with Zhao Funing's standard makeup beauty, Zhuang Yijing feels like the sister next door.

  "I'm leaving now after reading, see you later." Li Chengyi waved his hand.

  Zhuang Yijing also smiled and nodded, and the two of them passed each other without saying anything more.

  'Lust +2. "

  ???" Li Chengyi suddenly paused. Look back at each other.

  (End of chapter)

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