Chapter 995 Beheading

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  Chapter 995: Killing

  Ronald looked at the enemy in front of him with a rather ugly expression.

  Although he already knew about the parasite before setting off, such a thing was standing here, and it had just launched a surprise attack on him.

  I experienced this experience myself.

  No one would think this was a wonderful experience.

  And upon careful observation, Ronald could clearly feel the original magic that permeated the entire island, and its root was in this half-living and half-dead host body.

  Looking more closely, from the exposed part of this 'man's' body, you can still see the runes engraved on his skin by the [Dawn Spell Society], as well as some signs of knife use and wounds left during the battle.

  Before this guy died.

  He definitely suffered a lot on the island, and finally faced death due to the greedy desires of these magicians.


  "Shi, Ka, I, I, come..."

  Just when Ronald had mixed feelings in his heart, the 'person' standing there spoke.

  In a very blunt and difficult way, this parasite controls the vibration of the corpse's vocal cords, making it sound similar to a human voice, but without the ability to hear the specific structure of the sound.

  Although it can be seen that this guy wants to express something.

  But even though Ronald had the blessing of language knowledge, he couldn't understand what it wanted to express at this moment.

  The parasite is not human after all.

  Although it has inherited part of the deceased to a certain extent and can even control body movements, it is still unable to communicate like a human.


  The communication failed, and the air was silent for a moment.

  Then the monster seemed to understand the futility of his efforts.

  After stopping for only a few seconds, it gave up the idea of ​​​​conversation, and controlled the body it had parasitized to rush towards Ronald.

  The way a parasite thinks is simple.

  Since there is no way to communicate, the problem can be solved through nature's most common law of the jungle, just like 'greeting' before.

  Judging from the experience of several previous battles with humans.

  Its strength can definitely crush most magicians on the mysterious side, especially in terms of physical fitness!

  "Humph, is that all?"

  However, the results of this attack far exceeded the monster's expectations.

  Ronald didn't take this guy's strength seriously at all!

  There is no smoke blocking his sight, and the enemy in front of him is always in his sight. Even for ordinary people, the speed of this monster is so fast that it is difficult to react.

  But Ronald...

  To be honest, when he occasionally teases El, the speed of the two of them is several times faster than this guy.

  So faced with this attack that can be seen through at a glance.

  Ronald simply stepped aside and then caught the moment when the monster was charging towards him but before he could react, he raised his right leg and stepped on the opponent's back.

  This move is extremely fast, extremely accurate, and extremely powerful.

  Ronald's attack was so powerful that he not only kicked the monster to the ground, but even stepped on it and embedded it into the floor, as if he had jumped into quicksand in the desert.

  The body suffered such a heavy blow that the parasite immediately made a painful sound.


  As a result, its mouth opened and its voice was leaking.

  Ronald's kick destroyed most of the body's structure. Many organs that could barely be used before were now completely useless, including vocal cords and organs.


  With this unpleasant air leakage sound.

  The parasite was not prepared to admit defeat at all, but turned around, preparing to look at Ronald with a vicious look, and then launch its own follow-up attack.

  However this glance.

  All it saw was the long black sword burning with flames, and a flash of light slashing towards its head.

  It's dangerous, you have to avoid it...

  Wow -

  Ronald's speed at full strength is beyond what the parasite can react to. Especially under the strengthening of [Sunlight Power], the strength of the corpse itself cannot resist Ronald's attack.

  So in just an instant, this strangely shaped corpse was separated from its head, and the long-dried blood didn't even flow from the wound. It looked like a broken scarecrow.

  Face the victory that is already in front of you.

  Ronald didn't intend to give the parasite a chance to struggle.

  Then he swung his sword in succession, cutting the parasite on the corpse's head in half and burning it to ashes. Only then did Ronald raise his right hand holding the sword again.

  Buzz, buzz—

  that’s when the real reason for forcing the [Dawn Spell Society] to retreat began to emerge.

  Without the last suppression of the parasite, the magic power originally exuded from the corpse began to surge rapidly, going from a relatively quiet state to the edge of the limit in the blink of an eye.

  For the quickest and most convenient solution.

  Ronald slashed with his sword, preparing to solve the problem by directly destroying the origin. He is not greedy like the Dawn Spell Society or the Twelve Witches. As long as he can solve the problem quickly, there will be no heartache even if he destroys this original book!
  However, halfway through the swing of the sword, Ronald's action stopped.

  He discovered that as the original code appeared on the corpse, a force of influence and interference spread outward at the same time, and a large part of it was at the location of Port Capone.

  Faced with such a situation, one can easily draw the conclusion that the

  marine creatures that are attacking the city have an extremely close connection with the original book in front of Ronald, and are even directly affected by the ability of the original book!
  Now we can't just destroy the original text.

  Ronald put away the Sword of Santa Caterina with an ugly expression.

  According to the mysterious knowledge he knew, directly destroying the original canon at this time would probably result in the group of ocean giants going completely crazy, which would lead to a disaster for Capone.

  The only suitable solution.

  It means that someone masters this original book and uses a gentle way to deal with the sea beasts besieging the city.

  Thinking of this, Ronald finally figured out the true nature of the whole thing.

  It’s no wonder that [Dawn Spell Society] was helpless before.

  If they want to master the original canon, this 'original canon holder' who is in a half-life and half-dead state makes it impossible for them to successfully master the original canon. After all, its owner has not really died yet; and if they want to deal with this 'original canon holder', the original canon itself goes berserk. The signs were so threatening that they had no way of starting.

  Then they evacuated the island, and the defensive formation also lost control in a hurry.

  The final result is to send people to the school headquarters and invite strong people who are truly capable of resolving this impasse.

  "Sigh -"

  "So now, do I still have to try this..."

  Ronald sighed. The only option that could solve the problem immediately was

  to conduct the original trial immediately.

  Use the method of thoroughly mastering this original book to calm down the crisis faced by Capone this time!
  (End of chapter)

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