Chapter 911 Destination

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  Chapter 911 Destination:

  Antler Tavern The escape direction of these people has been pointing to the east.

  Ronald and Phil searched and thought about the various tracks left by each other, and followed them all the way, and finally came to the center of the entire city, near the lake below the waterfall.

  Continue along the shore of the lake.

  At this time, the signs of fighting around the two men had almost disappeared.

  Only far behind you can you hear the mixed sounds of fighting.

  Another few hundred meters passed.

  You can even see almost well-preserved buildings on the street ahead. Ronald's reconnaissance spell also sensed that many citizens were hiding in these buildings and shivering.

  After the war against Waterfall City spread to the entire city.

  Because it is in the hinterland, there are no important administrative agencies around. Instead, it has become the safest place in the entire city and the last safe haven chosen by ordinary people or neutral people.

  Ronald and Phil walked among them.

  It even felt like there was no war happening here, but just a deep silence in the middle of the night.

  Of course, this illusion is just an appearance after all.

  As they walked along the road, the lake on the side also reminded them of the condition of the city. The exaggerated statement of rivers of blood in the novel is probably gone here. But the lake water, which was originally relatively clean, has now been turned into a mess by the stirred silt. Just walking on the shore, you can smell a strange odor rising from the bottom of the lake.


  "Mr. Ronald, I, I, I..."

  After continuing to walk for more than a hundred meters, Phil suddenly stopped.

  The little girl followed her all the way here through her keen observation skills, and she has been confirmed by the discoveries along the way that she was right.

  But when she once again discovered the traces left by those in the Antler Tavern, Phil's body began to tremble.

  ——Phil seemed to realize a certain cruel reality.

  ——So much so that I lost the courage to continue tracking at this moment.


  This time, Ronald was also silent.

  He heard how nervous Little Phil was now.

  Being able to penetrate more reality means being exposed to more truths. What Phil faced at this time was probably the worst bad news in tonight's search journey!
  "Father, father, something seems to have happened to him..."

  Little Phil tried hard to suppress his trembling, and then spoke again.

  The situation was as bad as Ronald had guessed.

  After saying this, the child couldn't hold on anymore, so he leaned tightly on Ronald, and then grabbed Ronald's coat. Only then did he have the strength to continue speaking: "Father and
  Tyke I heard it when uncle was talking - he treasured his cufflinks very much and said they were high-end crafts bought from Greed. As long as he could still move, he would not let them fall to the ground. "

  Luo Nader followed Phil's gaze.

  On the town road along the lake, a small and delicate cuff that was difficult to detect was lying in the gap between two cobblestones on the ground.

  It was dark, and the surrounding environment did not allow people to search carefully.

  Only Phil, with his super powers of insight, could discover the cufflinks on the ground in such an environment.


  Ronald said nothing, then reached forward and the delicate cufflinks immediately flew into his hand.

  ——Little Phil is right.

  Ronald lived in Grid for a year.

  Although I cannot say that I understand everything, I am very familiar with the cufflink culture that is necessary for communication.

  The cuffs that fell into his hands at this moment were exquisite in shape and made of exquisite materials. They were obviously made by famous artists.

  This all fits Phil's previous description.

  What's even more frustrating is that the cufflinks are still stained with some dark red blood.

  Ronald stepped forward to take a look.

  In fact, around the two pebbles that stuck the cufflinks, there were also long strips of blood stained by friction.

  A picture immediately appeared in Ronald's mind.

  ——In the war-torn Falls City, Phil's father was seriously injured in the battle at the Antler Tavern. Although his companions successfully took Phil's father away from the Antler Tavern and came all the way here. However, he had lost consciousness at this time and could only be dragged away. So much so that the cuffs that Phil's father cherished fell to the ground on the dark street together with the blood.

  In addition to speculation about this scene, Ronald had something more helpless in his heart.

  ——He can guess this kind of thing.

  ——Then Phil, who has stronger observation and inference skills, must have guessed it, and even knows more than Ronald.

  After all, this little guy's insight and reasoning ability is really strong.

  I had awakened little Phil's superpower before. Was this really the right choice?
  Just when Ronald was depressed by this discovery.

  Little Phil, who was leaning against him, suddenly shook Ronald's body, and then said in a trembling and fearful tone: "

  Mr. Ronald, let's keep walking."

  "I want to continue to see."

  "... ..."

  "Okay, I understand."

  Ronald nodded, but his tone was a little low.

  It was obvious that Xiao Fei'er was in a bad state at the moment, so he naturally wouldn't let the child continue to walk on the ground, so he directly stretched out his hands, and Ronald held Fei'er in his arms again.

  The two continued to move forward, and soon the blood stains on the ground began to increase.

  Both Ronald and Phil knew what this meant.

  Phil's father's companions tried to stop the bleeding, but the wound eventually burst, leaving more and more traces.

  Judging from the condition of the blood -

  the blood stains have completely lost their activity, which shows that Phil's father has been injured for a long time.


  In silence, the two continued to move forward.

  After finally crossing another street, Ronald stopped.

  This is an ice sculpture exhibition hall.

  In Entrod, the ice sculpture technology that was born based on local conditions is very popular among people, so there are also related practitioners in the city who make a living from it. This house built next to the lake is an ideal building that takes into account the advantages of exhibiting to the public and directly collecting materials.

  In Ronald's mind, the detection spell that had not been closed reminded him that the target he was looking for on this trip was now inside it.

  "Phil, we're here."

  Ronald spoke softly, but at this moment Phil did not answer his thoughts at all.

  The little girl just looked up at the building, glanced at the entrance, and then buried her head in Ronald's arms.


  Ronald could feel Phil's body shaking.

  The little girl had already confirmed the reality, so much so that the grief in her heart prevented her from making any response.

  "Huh -"

  Ronald sighed heavily, but still did not give up hope.

  Because in addition to the cruel truth that Xiao Phil expected, he also felt a hidden magic wave in the building.

  There is also a magician here.

  If you ask the other party about the situation, you may get unexpected results.

  (End of chapter)

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