Chapter 897 The goal is correct

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  Chapter 897 The target is correct.
  "Mr. Ronald, I'll go up and knock on the door."

  Arriving at the door of the ice cream shop, Oaker was still preparing to knock on the door as before.

  Only this time, he had just opened his mouth, and before he could take a step, he was caught up by Ronald from behind, who then grabbed his shoulders and prevented him from moving forward.


  "Ronald... sir?"

  Oaker cast a surprised look at Ronald.

  So the next second, he saw the powerful holder of the original code nodding towards him. Then he stepped forward alone and stood between Oker and the ice cream shop door.

  "Okel, we don't need such a formal visit here."

  While saying this, Ronald also showed a gentle smile to Oaker.

  And right after that—

  Ronald instantly raised his right foot and kicked it forward.

  While making a loud noise, this powerful force not only kicked the door bolts and hinges off, but even the door itself was kicked directly out of the door frame and hit the wall deep in the room, breaking into several pieces. The fragments fell weakly to the ground.


  Seeing Ronald's powerful way of scoring, Oker was speechless for a moment, and the expression on his face was also extremely wonderful.

  Such a strong and brutal move...

  He or Ronald, who is Entrod's real agent?
  "Okel, you have to be more careful next time. You can follow me and avoid danger." After

  Oaker was in a daze for a few seconds, Ronald had already taken the initiative to walk into the ice cream shop.

  It wasn't until Ronald's shout came from the ice cream shop that the Entrod agent suddenly woke up and took small steps to catch up.

  It was night time.

  There was no lighting equipment in the ice cream shop, so the environment was naturally darker than the sky outside.

  But right at the door of this seemingly deserted store.

  Ronald's extraordinary vision found a figure sitting behind the counter.

  It was a man with his head lowered.

  He wasn't tall, but he didn't have the malnutrition and thinness that was common in this era.

  At this moment, the man was sitting there, as if he was really tired after a long day's work, so he simply fell asleep sitting on the counter.


  Following Ronald, Oaker also followed the ice cream shop from behind.

  He noticed Ronald's solemn gaze, and also noticed the figure sitting behind the counter in the darkness along with his posture.

  "Mr. Ronald, is this...?"

  Ronald replied in a low voice,

  "He is not human, and he is exactly what I am looking for tonight."

  With the blessing of magic perception, Ronald was very convinced that he was sitting in The man there was not actually a human being, not to mention the movement when he violently broke in the door just now, but it failed to wake him up.

  At this moment, a lot of evidence comes together.

  Ronald was very sure that his goal tonight was in front of him.

  When such an answer was placed in front of Oker, the Entrod agent immediately had an idea:
  "It's not a human being... so what we are looking for tonight is a summoned creature lurking in the commercial street!"

  Oaker's expression was a little excited.

  The matter of summoning creatures has long been aroused in Waterfall City, or the mysterious side area of ​​Entrod, and relevant news has even been received abroad. As a genuine agent, Oaker is certainly aware of the impact of this incident.

  And based on what I saw and heard along the way with Ronald tonight.

  At this moment, he naturally thought of this aspect.

  Oaker even had a bold conjecture -

  maybe Lord Barty, whom Ronald mentioned many times tonight, might actually be an internal agent who summoned creatures to plant in Entrod. This is the reason why the opponent will take Kangding The reason for Lord Lant’s token.

  After all, in this country, there are not many things that can alarm these characters.


  "It's pretty much what you thought."

  Ronald nodded slightly towards Oaker.

  Tracing back to its roots, the origin of eukaryotes is really the summoned creature counterattack incident in Shuangxi City.

  This statement is not wrong.


  "Guest, we are not open at night."

  Just as Ronald and Oaker were talking quietly, the man sitting behind the counter finally reacted.

  He seemed to know that his identity had been revealed.

  So even though he was still speaking as an ice cream shop clerk, his body movements were completely different from those of a normal human being.

  Sitting there and raising his head with a rather stiff movement, the man tilted his head, and then looked at Ronald and Ronald with a cold and stiff look.

  "If you want to try the products in our store, please make an appointment according to the method in the promotion, or wait until the store officially opens, and we will start to receive customers here." "Come here first!" The man was still introducing

  . The ice cream shop was operating, but Ronald suddenly spoke at this moment.

  At this moment, Ronald stretched out his right hand at the same time.

  The moment he cast an object manipulation spell on the clerk from the air, the clerk's body flew up from behind the counter, and then stuffed itself straight into Ronald's outstretched palm.

  "Uh ah..."

  The clerk immediately made an unpleasant sound in Ronald's hand, and his body kept struggling.

  During this process, Ronald began to obtain more information about its body.

  - Cold skin.

  ——The blood flowing in the blood vessels in the neck also feels different from that of normal people.

  ——Special pupil and eye whites that can be clearly identified even in complete darkness.

  This guy's body has been completely invaded by eukaryotes.

  And unlike Barty, who needs to disguise his appearance, most of the people this guy comes into contact with are ordinary people, so he doesn't even have much external cover-up.

  "That's enough..."

  Ronald's tone was very bad and his expression was quite ugly.

  [The power of the sun] suddenly rose in the hand, and in a blink of an eye, the still struggling eukaryotic host was ignited.

  Boom -

  For a moment, the dark ice cream shop was illuminated by the flames like daylight.

  With the help of the process of burning the eukaryotic host, Ronald and Oaker also saw everything in the ice cream shop more clearly.

  Counters, shelves, and even some small baskets placed around the facade.

  You can see some small boxes here and there that have been packaged and stored.

  What is stored in these small boxes is the smooth and delicious 'ice cream' advertised by the store!


  Suddenly, Ronald heard some subtle sounds under his feet.

  He didn't think much, but followed his instinct to defend in a matter of milliseconds. While slamming the burning body in his hand onto the floor, he turned around and retreated to the other direction of the store.

  Immediately, Ronald saw the scene that had been covered up in the darkness just now.

  In the corner of the counter where he was approaching, some white ice cream was spreading along the gaps between the floors towards his feet!

  (End of chapter)

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