Chapter 865 The Second Maze

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  Chapter 865 The Second Maze

  "Nicole, let's go."

  Ronald greeted and took the investigator girl forward.

  Before the two left here, Ronald looked at the white object behind him with some regret that saved them.

  If he had time, of course he hoped to study what this thing was. Unfortunately, the voice-over message in the void is very clear, and the pursuit of the predatory individual is imminent.

  At this moment.

  The situation no longer allowed him to delay from here.

  Otherwise, by the time Ronald's curiosity is satisfied, Baichuan's need to prey on individuals may also be satisfied!

  "Ronald, what a pity..."

  The two of them continued to explore upwards on the last ice layer. While moving forward, Nicole also had some regrets in her voice:

  "Looking at what happened to the two of us, you, the original canon, should be Based on the terrain generated in the real world, if we return to Burrenwich later, will there be no chance for skating?"

  In addition to what she said, there were other reasons for Nicole's depression.

  Just after the two stopped gliding, the skateboard they were originally riding on shattered into pieces without any warning. It was impossible to reassemble it back to its previous appearance, and Nicole was also quite shocked by this.


  The investigator girl liked the speed gliding experience just now very much.

  Not only is the game gone, but the souvenir skateboard is also damaged. This is really an overkill.


  "You are less than twenty this year, why are you worried about this?"

  In response to this question, Ronald comforted Nicole a little while moving forward.

  His advice focused on time.

  Let’s not talk about Nicole’s lifespan after Ronald’s adjustment. Even if her lifespan does not increase and the problems caused by the surgery are solved, Nicole herself will have a life worth looking forward to in the future.

  Considering the identity of the other party's caster...

  it really doesn't matter how many times he visits the Arctic continent in his lifetime.

  "I hope that's the case."

  The investigator girl didn't get too entangled and spread her hands to reveal the matter completely.

  Afterwards, the two of them walked in search of a path.

  The path to the surface is not difficult to find either.

  After just crossing two forks, they got an upward slope from a natural crack in the ice. After crossing the last ten meters, Ronald and Nicole successfully returned to the ground.

  "So, this is the Arctic continent?"

  Nicole scratched her hair cutely as she set foot on this land completely covered by ice for the first time.

  Although this is the cartoon world described in "Maze Picture Book".

  But in front of us was the vast expanse of pure white land, and the polar scenery that had never been seen before, consisting entirely of ice and snow.

  All of these are brand new things that Nicole has come into contact with for the first time.

  If there were no predators from Shirakawa behind them, this would be a good place to enjoy the scenery.


  "Okay, let's move on."

  At this time, Ronald, who waited for a few seconds, spoke again to get Nicole's attention.

  He confirmed that the investigator girl had accepted this new environment.

  The most important thing next is naturally for the two of them to continue their escape to the Arctic continent.

  keep going.

  Compared with going from underground to above ground, this journey leaving the Arctic continent is also full of hardships.

  You must know that even outside of the maze chasing game, it took Ronald several days to reach this location from the border of the Arctic continent relying on his flying ability.

  Even excluding the factor of chasing from behind.

  Just judging from the fact that Ronald and Nicole could not activate the spell, it would definitely take a lot of time for them to leave successfully.

  "Ronald, would these ice cubes behave like this in the real world?"

  The two of them headed south, and Nicole took time to ask about the things she was curious about on the way. The investigator girl knew their current location in her heart, but due to the interference of "The Maze Picture Book", she was not sure whether the North Pole in the real world was the same as what she was experiencing at the moment.

  "Apart from ice, is there nothing else on this land?"

  Ronald naturally shook his head and denied,

  "The environment is indeed as bad as what you see now, but in other aspects it is not. Probably because the original code placed this place Due to gamification, we cannot see some rare creatures that should exist in the Arctic."

  Nicole nodded thoughtfully:

  "So that's it..."

  The peaceful conversation did not last long.

  As an original text.

  The maze world constructed in "Maze Picture Book" naturally must fully implement the essence of the maze elements.

  So a quarter of an hour after Ronald and Nicole walked south, the surrounding ice gradually began to deform. Large and small dead ends and countless branch roads were isolated from here by endless high walls of ice.

  The originally flat ice field turned into a natural ice maze in the blink of an eye.


  "Ronald, are we going to go through this exaggerated maze?"

  Facing the bar in front of her, it seemed that if she looked in any direction, there was a huge maze with no end in sight, Nicole The cartoonish face couldn't help but be stunned by this.

  "If we put it in reality, I'm afraid that people will freeze to death from this environment before they even get out of this damn place!"

  Ronald nodded with great approval and said:
  "The danger of Arctic exploration is here, come here. All explorers are brave men who are fully prepared and willing to bear all the consequences."

  Then, before entering this maze.

  Ronald found the nearby high point first, and then climbed up this small ice and snow slope.

  in a relatively high position.

  He confirmed the area covered by this maze, spanning all the land in sight.

  If you want to continue to move south, then this is an obstacle that must be overcome.

  "It would be great if I could use the [Star Map]..."

  Ronald sighed in a low voice, then stood on tiptoes and looked as far south as possible.

  It's a blessing in misfortune.

  Although this maze is so huge that you can't see the end at a glance, it is not a type with only one correct path in the traditional sense. Even though the internal situation is extremely complicated, there are still many paths that can lead all the way south among the intertwined routes.

  Being in it, as long as you can maintain the stability of the direction.

  Although it will take a lot of time, the two of them still have a chance to pass successfully.

  "Okay, that's it!"

  After confirming the situation, Ronald jumped down from the ice hill.

  Then he pointed to the maze in front of him and told the investigator girl in a very serious tone:

  "Nicole, listen."

  "In the next maze, the two of us will hold hands and move forward."

  "I am responsible for the maze. Looking for a way forward, and pulling you forward at the same time, while you ensure that the direction you are facing never changes, let us not lose our way." "

  As long as there is no problem with the general direction of progress, you can definitely escape from here! ”

  (End of chapter)

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