Chapter 804 Escape

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  Chapter 804 Escape
  Strictly speaking.

  This can be regarded as the first time Ronald saw Shesta taking the initiative to attack.

  Although the cult girl did use her spells in Beiquike before, she only brought down a few ordinary people at that time, which was a casual act that abolished the opponent's ability to move.

  This is indeed the first time for a life-and-death struggle on the mysterious side!
  His eyes turned to Siesta.

  At this moment, the cult warlock was sprinting towards Shitil.

  On Siesta's body, there are key locations such as her hands, wrists, feet and ankles, as well as her chest and neck. Magic props with different magic power fluctuations were activated by her at the same time.

  Combined with my sufficiently powerful magic level, the power of these spells and props with obviously different functions were strangely brought together to form a spell that looked very weird, but was also quite threatening.

  Even judging from Ronald's experience.

  This is also a fairly rare technology!

  However, it was at this moment that he was about to face an attack.

  On the contrary, Shi Tier had no special reaction, and still took the time to recite the third spell:
  "The use of labor force is labor. When the buyer of labor force consumes it, it makes the seller work..."

  Bang - -The

  moment the third spell was completed, Siesta staggered in sync with her feet.

  The originally indomitable momentum was directly interrupted.

  ——This is not because she was seriously injured.

  ——But in the body, that kind of weakness is increasing in speed again at this moment, even making this cult warlock somewhat uncomfortable with the changes that have occurred in his body.


  "What the hell are you doing?"

  The spell, whose details were unclear, was weakened again and again.

  Faced with such an opponent, Siesta, whose rhythm was once again interrupted, immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​competing with him on the strength of her spells, and all the attack methods she had just prepared were canceled amidst dissatisfaction.

  Brush -

  Then, Siesta's figure disappeared.

  While transforming his body into energy form, the cult warlock did not forget to take out a ball from his pocket, and in the blink of an eye he dropped it heavily on the floor in front of everyone.


  The sphere shattered.

  A mixture of red and green flames burst out instantly.

  The violent combustion drives the airflow and tightly affects the surrounding airflow. After only a moment, it spreads out in an even more violent form!

  "Sir, I understand."

  Unfortunately, the situation in the hotel room was somewhat different from what Siesta had expected.

  Although he did not buy his own house here, this is Ronald's residence in Entrod after all. Especially under the premise that the services here are very good, it is even more impossible for him to let Shesta use magic to completely destroy this place.

  So at this critical moment.

  Ronald used a spell that did not require chanting to guide the direction of the explosion in the room; Costat on the side also obeyed the order and calmed down the place with his superb air flow control ability.

  The final result... was that except for the dark scorch marks on many things in the room, the overall structure of the building did not suffer any serious damage.

  Only at the location where the bomb exploded immediately.

  Because the ground exploded at the first contact and there was no other protection, a crater was blasted out.


  "Isn't this possible?"

  Shesta blurted out unwillingly.

  At this moment, the cult warlock existed in the room in an incorporeal state, naturally avoiding the impact of the explosion that had just occurred. But even if she maintained her protective spell, Shesta could still feel a little bit - the weakness was still continuing.

  That kind of steady and continuous weakening is happening in my body without any wavering!

  Are you kidding me?
  Even the virtualization that modifies his entire human foundation cannot resist or even delay this corrosive effect... Judging

  from Siesta's knowledge.

  This is absolutely extremely rare and can even be said to be unheard of!
  Dang, Dang, Dang -

  At this moment, a clear bell rang on the street outside.

  The expressions of everyone in the room also changed.

  They all knew what it was—a method of contact commonly used by Entrod agents.

  Once the bell rings, it means the event is extremely urgent.

  And it is an incident that needs to be dealt with on the mysterious side!

  Any Entrod agent who hears this voice will rush here as quickly as possible to suppress and calm the incident.


  In a quiet hotel room.

  Ronald looked around with a normal expression.

  Kostat was unmoved. She didn't even care about the fight happening at the moment, but turned around and started to deal with the messy room.

  Only Shasta and Shitiel were at the center of the battle.

  The attitude of the two practitioners was still so nervous.

  Among them, Shitil frowned, obviously worried about this change, while Shesta made no secret of her happiness.

  "Come on! Let's keep playing!"

  In fact, that's exactly what happened.

  For Siesta, the current situation is definitely greatly improved.

  The cult warlock has a long-standing alliance with the Entrod Secret Service, making the ringing a signal of support for her. On Shitil's side, as a member of the resistance, she is inherently opposed to the current government, and they are incompatible with each other!

  What Siesta understands, Shitil will only understand more.

  I saw Shitil tearing off the clothes with some scorch marks on her body. The moment the resistance leader's eyes briefly glanced at Shesta's virtual body, he had some guesses about this state.

  Brush –

  A commanding action made.

  Pale ghosts immediately emerged from the surrounding walls and floors, and surrounded Siesta in the middle at extremely fast speeds.

  After all, Wandering Soul is an attack in the spirit state.

  Although Siesta's spells can avoid most damage, in the virtual state, she is not immune to the soul type.

  Just because she maintained this special state, Siesta fell into entanglement with the ghost almost instantly.

  Although the cult warlock also has plans to clean up the surrounding ghosts.

  But Shitil was usually well prepared. The number of such lurking ghosts was very sufficient, and Siesta obviously couldn't deal with them all immediately and quickly.


  Seeing a steady stream of ghosts, they trapped Siesta in place.

  Shitil cast an apologetic look at Ronald, then turned around and jumped out of the window sill.

  Plop -

  "Mr. Ronald, it seems that our discussion is coming to an end."

  With a farewell, Stil immediately disappeared into the lake outside the hotel.

  The room where Ronald lived had the best view. From the balcony, there was a lake formed by the water from Waterfall City.

  For Stir who needs to be transferred immediately.

  These are obviously the best ways to get out.

  Bang -

  As soon as Shi Tier left, someone broke into the room where Ronald lived.

  Several Entrod agents filed in. One of the leaders looked at Siesta's embarrassed appearance, and then frowned:

  "What happened?"

  "What just happened here, Mr. Ronald? We I felt a very violent fluctuation of magic power!"

  Ronald just smiled and pointed at Siesta, who had just torn the last ghost into pieces:
  "Actually, it's not a big deal."

  "It's just that the two little girls had a quarrel. In the end, there were some operational conflicts, right?"

  Ronald was a little happy in his heart when he was dealing with the agents in front of him like this.

  He was a little curious—

  Shasta knew the true situation of Shitir, or Raleye knew everything that happened tonight.

  What kind of expression will it look like?
  (End of chapter)

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