Chapter 74 The First Snow

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  Chapter 74 The first snow
  fell early the next morning.

  Ronald said goodbye to Ms. Hudson and left the boarding house where he lived.

  What was different from before was that today he did not take away the Coastline Daily from the mailbox at the door.

  To be honest -

  the entire Burrenwich, except for the office building [Burren House] where the local consul handles official business.

  The information that should belong to the Investigation Bureau headquarters is the most timely and accurate.

  Except for those confidential documents that were sent directly to the top brass of the Investigation Bureau and were determined to be mysterious side events. A sample of each news agency's new newspaper issue of the day will be sent to the front desk of the Bureau of Investigation.

  But for the Bureau of Investigation.

  These things have only general reference value.

  Basically, within no more than three days, someone will sort out these newspapers and send them to the database of the police station next door for placement.

  For Ronald, he thought this was bad news.

  The journalism industry in Burrenwich was only average. The combined number of newspapers every day could be consumed by him in almost two hours, which was not enough to cope with a full day's work.

  Click -

  close the apartment door and step out onto the street.

  Looking at the scenery on the street outside the door, Ronald was stunned for a moment.

  He didn't pay attention when he got up this morning.

  At this moment, bits of white fell from the sky, making the dusty ground of Burrenwich wet.

  The whole street became fresh as if it had rained lightly.

  Among the pedestrians who were walking outside with Ronald, some of them ran to the street alone like him, letting the snowflakes fall on their shoulders; there were also some who paid careful attention to the weather, holding umbrellas and walking methodically on the roadside.

  "It's snowing."

  Ronald murmured, then stretched out his hand to the outside of the eaves of the apartment door.

  The cold snowflakes are small and thin. When they fall on the hand, they are warmed by the temperature of the skin into water droplets in the blink of an eye, leaving a little water stain.

  This was the first snow he experienced in another world.

  Although it's not big, it still has a bit of fresh flavor in it.


  After a moment of confusion, Ronald discovered something speechlessly.

  My original scripture is actually invalid.

  The "Magic Hammer of Rain and Mist" really only protects against rain damage.

  It doesn't care if it snows!


  Shaking his head helplessly, Ronald thought of the price of his coat.

  Without hesitation, he turned back to the apartment and grabbed an umbrella near the porch before getting ready to go out.

  Before closing the door and leaving, Ronald shouted back as if he remembered something.

  "Ms. Hudson, it's snowing outside!"

  "Okay, I understand."

  The landlady's voice came immediately, and she did not forget to greet Ronald:
  "Mr. Ronald, would you like a drink?" Do you want to leave before you get hot soup?"

  "Thank you, no need."

  He politely replied to the other party, and Ronald opened the door and left the apartment.

  Holding an umbrella above his head, he could not hear or feel the snowflakes falling on the umbrella as he walked on the street. Even if the dissolved water droplets accumulated in small amounts, it would be difficult for any of them to drip down the ribs and fall in front of him.

  Walking in the light snow, I don’t know why.

  Ronald's thoughts gradually drifted away.

  In this more than a month of life, he has learned a lot about the world.

  The Greed where he is located is not only a country near the sea, but also located in the mid-latitudes of the northern part of the planet.

  After a while, the weather will get colder.

  In the seaside cities further north in Grid, you may still be able to see the scene of the sea freezing after winter.

  Ronald walked slowly down the street alone.

  Surrounded by the busy or leisurely figures of ordinary citizens of Burrenwich.

  After an hour passed, he arrived at the door of the Investigation Bureau.

  The situation here is exactly the same as when he left last night.

  Under the protection of the art of expelling idlers, there is no trace of ordinary people's activities near the investigation bureau. Everything was quiet and stable, as if one night couldn't change it to any degree.

  Walking up the steps, Ronald opened the door of the Investigation Bureau.

  "Good morning!"

  A girl's shout sounded from the front desk.

  As soon as the sound of the door being opened entered the hall, Nicole, who was lying on the bed behind the front desk, jumped up suddenly.

  After seeing that the person entering the door was Ronald.

  The investigator girl's expression dropped and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "It's you, Ronald."

  "Yes, I'm here to work."

  He put his umbrella in the umbrella cabinet next to the door, and Ronald shook his clothes before walking to the front desk.

  "Miss Nicole, how did you rest last night?"


  Nicole covered her mouth and yawned lazily, then stretched and replied to Ronald:
  "It feels very comfortable. ."

  "The lobby of the Bureau of Investigation is a hundred times warmer than my damn rental house, and there won't be any inexplicable guy who suddenly jumps out to fight with me." "That's right!" At


  point, Nicole suddenly As if remembering something, he bent down and took out a cup and toothbrush from the cabinet at the front desk.

  "Ronald, please wait for me."

  "I'll go to the bathroom in the back to wash up, and I'll be back soon."

  After saying this, the investigator girl ran to the back without waiting for Ronald to agree.

  This guy...

  really has everything he needs.

  Shaking his head, Ronald walked around behind the front desk and sat on the bed as well.

  When his palms were placed on the bed, the warm quilt transferred the warmth of the girl last night to his palms.

  Like a live fish frying on a hot pan, Ronald jumped up hastily.

  From the "Shoreline Daily", "Grade Times", and "New Factory Daily" on the shelf, Ronald picked out the "Shoreline Daily", laid the pages flat in front of him, and then read it calmly. .

  [The gas pipeline on Baiyu Road exploded. City government personnel are urgently repairing it. Residents passing by should be careful to avoid it! ]

  [There was a fire in the Golden Theater warehouse, the damage is unknown for the time being, and it is planned to be closed for a week! ]

  [The warden said that the criminals arrested and brought to justice since the beginning of winter will be punished.

  [In order to reward the enthusiastic participation of the general public, the Virginia Private Collection Exhibition will be held again during Double-Sided Month next year! ]

  "Alas -"

  Ronald sighed and shook his head slightly.

  In just a few days, the news in this column went from good news to frequent incidents.

  From these contents, it can be seen that the mysterious incident three days ago spread throughout the city, and its subsequent impact is still continuing to ferment.

  The Bureau of Investigation has already dispatched personnel to deal with the most conspicuous major incidents at the beginning, such as Burrenwich Railway Station.

  But even so, they can't really solve all the problems.

  Not to mention that there are some relatively hidden incidents that they haven't had time to investigate yet.

  The Bureau of Investigation is really short of manpower.

  In this world, uncontrolled mysterious forces are simply more troublesome than terrorist attacks.
   [Thanks to Zhique for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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