Chapter 462 An unexpected name

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  Chapter 462 Unexpected Name

  Waiting Ronald and Heloise arrived in the next room.

  Hot tea has been placed in the room, and teachers and students Fanny are also waiting for them here.

  Ronald glanced around the room.

  When the great witch Theresa lived here, he often came to visit and was quite familiar with the layout of the house. As Teresa's student, Fanny has the same room layout and some defensive spells.

  "Mr. Ronald, please sit down."


  "Can we talk about business now?"

  Following Fanny's guidance and sitting down, Ronald directly guided the conversation to the topic.

  "The time I spent with Ms. Teresa was quite pleasant. Just tell me if you have anything to say." "


  Upon hearing this, the witch who was about to say some polite words was stunned.

  Thinking of her teacher Teresa's introduction in her mind, and looking at the kind-faced Ronald in front of her, she finally breathed a sigh of relief after understanding that this powerful original code holder was someone who could communicate well.

  "Since you are so generous, Mr. Ronald, then we will not do those hypocritical things here." "

  Eddie, bring over the gifts we prepared."

  The gifts prepared...

  Something in Ronald's mind Confuse.

  [Twelve Witches] In this organization, the personal relationship between the great witch and myself is quite good, and there is no problem in sending gifts to each other. But looking at Fanny's attitude after she appeared today, it didn't look like she was entrusted by the teacher.

  So as representatives of the [Twelve Witches] school...

  these two magicians came to the door, and they also prepared specially prepared 'gifts' - the purpose of their visit was definitely not simple.

  While Ronald was making a judgment in his mind, with Fanny's wave of one hand, her student Eddie immediately walked to the edge of the living room, and then solemnly took out a wooden box the size of a pastry box.

  "Teacher Fannie, Mr. Ronald."

  Nodding to show respect to the two people sitting on the sofa, Eddie's hand emerged with a faint ray of magic power, and then he gently flicked it through the keyhole of the wooden box.

  Click -

  a soft sound, and the mechanism in the lock springs open.

  The surface is different, with color and texture similar to stone, black charcoal, and glass. A total of three small stones are lying inside.

  Ronald glanced over at first.

  Just confirm that this is not a magic item, and it does not contain any level of magic power fluctuations.

  Take a second look.

  There is no clue about the shape and texture of the stone, and even if you think divergently, you can't think of any special occult symbols.

  Third eye...wait!
  Suddenly, Ronald's eyes were locked on that piece of glass-like texture. Things of this texture usually do not burn properly when the temperature is high, so the physical properties change is not complete enough.

  High temperature, complex and irregular materials, the gift I need...

  these three stones, can't they be three meteorites?

  If his guess is correct, then if Ronald accepts these three 'stones' and turns back home, he will immediately have three more powerful original spells!
  Ronald subconsciously wanted to ask about the material of the stone, but as soon as he started to speak, he immediately changed his words:

  " did you know that I need this?"

  "Who knows that I collect meteorites with different materials ? It shouldn't be much."

  Fanny looked prepared for Ronald's inquiry.

  As soon as the question came out, she immediately answered:

  "The Chamber of Commerce supported by us [Twelve Witches] has dealt with Ginkgo Leaf. Although their search for meteorites was concealed, we still surmised something."

  Ronald realized everything in an instant.

  As early as when he was in Burrenwich, he had learned about the rival relationship between the [White Bird Business Federation] and the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Federation]. As one of the forces supporting the 'White Bird', the [Twelve Witches] could It is reasonable to deduce this kind of information after getting the news.

  Staring at the three small meteorites in the wooden box, Ronald shook his head with a wry smile and said,
  "You...really prepared a gift that I would find hard to refuse."

  As soon as Ronald spoke, Fanny's expression suddenly became tense. Standing up:

  "Mr. Ronald, please don't get me wrong!"

  "This is a gift we specially prepared for you. It is definitely not a reward for entrusting things!"

  At this moment, Heloise stepped forward and sat down. Beside Ronald.

  She seemed to be unable to stand the state of the two of them, so she decisively interrupted Fanny:

  "Miss Witch, please be more specific."

  "As long as it's not something outrageous, Ronald and I will not refuse you."

  Fanny had already been prepared before coming to the door, so she naturally knew the relationship between Ronald and Heloise.

  Seeing that the 'mistress' had spoken, she let go and continued:

  "This matter is actually related to a person named Lumil."

  "She suddenly appeared in one of our secret strongholds a month ago. Steal important things, and finally escape to the city of Springs. Because the stolen items are not convenient for the investigation bureau to intervene, we only found you after conducting extensive inquiries." "...


  Lumir ?
  Why does this name sound so familiar?
  Ronald now really wanted to turn around and glare at Heloise, but he couldn't do so because there were two [Twelve Witches] in front of him. So he controlled his expression and looked very concerned about the other person:

  "As Lumil said, I have indeed dealt with it." "

  But according to the information I know, it should have no chance of causing trouble anymore?"

  Fen Ni's tone was very serious when she answered:

  "Mr. Ronald, we have no reason to deceive you in this matter."

  "If the current environment in Springs is not too complicated, [Twelve Witches] and many If we have a very close relationship with the organization, we will never ask others for support." "


  Fanny's attitude, eyes, and expressions were impeccable when she spoke.

  With the assistance of the power of 'Rage', Ronald was also convinced of the seriousness of the attitude of the spellcaster in front of him.

  After thinking for a few seconds, he sighed slightly and nodded and replied:
  "I know, I can and am willing to help

  with this matter." "But I hope you can provide some other information about Lumil. I am I haven’t followed this guy for a while.”

  “Thank you for your kindness!”

  Seeing Ronald's attitude, Fanny smiled from the bottom of her heart for the first time.

  She reached out and pushed the wooden box on the table in front of Ronald, then turned her hand and took out a stack of organized pages from the side of the table and placed it between the two of them.

  "This is all the news we have about Lumil."

  "Whether it is useful or useless, we have sorted it out in detail."


  Ronald subconsciously raised his hand to scratch his hair.

  Sighing, he finally picked up the page and began to study the information on it.

   [Thanks to Yunzhong Gumeng for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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