Chapter 371 Subtle fluctuations

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  Chapter 371 Subtle Fluctuation

  [Before falling into the train, Pullman had no obvious abnormal reaction...]

  [Cage translated everything as normal, but when he got off the train, his expression became obviously dull, and then he fell down inexplicably... ]

  [Leitor showed no signs before his death, but his condition at the time of death was that of a sudden outbreak of a hidden illness. After identification by doctors, this was a normal sudden death from a heart attack...] "..." After reading the three


  , Ronald frowned.

  The records at the Chamber of Commerce include professional ones, as well as more scrawled emergency records.

  However, no matter how you look at it, the information provided in the records can only prove the 'accident' of the three deceased people, and cannot bring any degree of help.

  As expected, there is still no way to deal with the mysterious side of the problem by relying on pure inference...

  Thinking of this, Ronald began to control the magic power to make subtle changes. In addition to the most common spell checking methods, Ronald also obtained some side methods at the [Scroll Research Association].

  Now it’s time to try out these techniques.

  As the magic power circulated, a pattern collected from barbaric tribes' sacrifices began to spread on the surface of the corpse.

  Ronald could clearly see the fluctuations of his magic power spreading on the surface of his body, and there was a faint black light swimming around.

  In just ten seconds, the wave completely covered the three corpses.

  Ronald connected his magic power and finally found the only trace with the help of this special operating technology.

  ——It is a vague and ever-changing fluctuation residue.

  ——The weak fluctuations almost completely disappeared, and Ronald could only capture a trace of the residue.

  But what concerned Ronald even more.

  What is left in the fluctuation is not magic at all, but something similar to what is affected by a spell.


  Ronald immediately had an idea.

  Perhaps this spell does not completely erase traces of one's own magic power.

  Instead, it caused an impact by interfering with something, and continued to launch such fatal attacks without staying out of the incident.

  But if it is true as Ronald guessed.

  So in the Adler family's mansion, there may be monsters beyond imagination...

  Thinking about this, Ronald couldn't help but shook his head:
  "What exactly is in that house?"

  Bang bang bang - —

  "Where is the body? In this warehouse?"

  "Yes, Mr. Ronald is in charge of inspection."

  "I understand..."

  Outside the warehouse, the sound of leather boots suddenly appeared from far to near. .

  This was followed by the sounds of a guard talking to a man.

  But after hearing this conversation, Ronald's expression became subtle.

  Silently, he turned to look at the warehouse door. Within a few breaths, Spencer, dressed in formal attire, walked in with another investigator.

  This man had been ordered to support Burrenwich.

  An elite investigator who later had contact with Ronald in Springs.

  In this sudden way, he appeared in front of Ronald again!



  Meeting in such an unexpected scene, the two people who had met more than once were stunned.

  After hesitating for a moment, Spencer, who puts his work first, spoke first:

  "Ronald, you probably know the purpose of our coming."

  "I'll check the body first, and you can tell my companion the specific situation."

  Ronald De nodded in agreement.

  The relationship between the two is relatively familiar, and the identity of the investigation bureau needs to be respected.

  But on this occasion, Ronald fully agreed with Spencer's arrangement. .


  Looking at Ronald's attitude, Spencer simply walked over to the corpse, and then inserted the cane into the corpse with a 'swish' sound.

  That's when he started examining the three corpses.

  Another investigator came to Ronald with a serious expression:

  "Mr. Ronald, I am Robert. As you can see, I am also an investigator. I would like to talk to you about this attack. "

  Ronald roughly looked at the other party.

  This is a relatively young investigator. While questioning himself, he has taken out paper and pen with a serious expression to prepare notes, and his words are completely businesslike.

  So, Ronald came up with the explanation he had prepared for a long time:
  "Okay, the matter started when I entrusted the Chamber of Commerce to go to my hometown to count the properties." "

  Because I plan to settle in the Springs for a period of time, I have some concerns about my ancestral home. I am also somewhat concerned about things over there..." "


  "In the end, Mal died in front of me, so I rushed over immediately."

  The content was quite detailed, and Ronald told the person in front of him everything he knew. investigator.

  And after saying everything, he did not forget to remind:
  "By the way, I have actually informed the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation before about the problem of my mansion." "

  The result of their feedback is that everything is normal. "


  After listening to Ronald's description, the young investigator shook his head regretfully:

  "Although it's not a good thing to say."

  "But Mr. Ronald, I don't think the investigators from Burrenwich can Compare them to the investigators at Springs. In some of the more difficult incidents, they can easily miss very important clues."

  Robert made no secret of his disdain for the country people in his words.

  After briefly chatting with Ronald, he put away his paper and pen and went to Spencer who was still inspecting the body.

  "Mr. Spencer, how's it going?"


  Upon hearing his companion's inquiry, Spencer pulled out his short staff from the corpse with a solemn expression, and then shook his head at the other two people:
  "Not at all. The offensive magic remains."

  "If these three deaths were not so strange, I would definitely treat them as accidental deaths if I encountered such corpses."

  Robert frowned:

  "That is. Say, we don't have any clues?"

  Spencer affirmed:

  "At least with my magic ability, I can't find any remaining information."


  Faced with this result, Robert stepped forward to check it himself.

  After finding nothing, the young investigator also stepped back with a solemn expression.

  "There is actually no residue..."

  "Logically speaking, the victim died not long ago, shouldn't it be like this...?"

  Seeing the two professional investigators, they were very helpless.

  Ronald had no choice but to step forward and said,

  "Although there is no magic power left, I actually found something here."

  "That is a very weak wave residue..."

  Before Ronald opened his mouth to describe what he had discovered. At this time, both investigators just listened quietly without disturbing.

  And wait until he finally ends this introduction.

  Spencer spoke first:

  "Ronald, why did you discover this thing? Is it your exclusive spell?" "

  If so, then I will record it according to your situation."

  Ronald He shook his head quite frankly:

  "That's not the case."

  "This is an exploration technique I got from the [Scroll Research Society]."

  (End of this chapter)

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