Chapter 350: Leaving the Original Code

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  Chapter 350 Extracting the Original Book
  This is Ronald's first attempt to expel an original book from the enemy's body.

  And this process is just like Heloise said, no matter the technical difficulty or time consumption, it is not the type that can be dealt with in a short time.

  Even Ronald’s mastery of the Divine Comedy was masterful.

  However, it is still very difficult to cause stable and harmless changes in the complex magic circulation in Lumiel's body.

  ——But it is necessary.

  After all, he is different from the old man from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] before.

  Ronald needs to keep Lumil safe.

  At least after getting out of the original book, he still had many questions he wanted to ask this guy.

  In the apartment at night.

  Ronald was patiently tossing the girl in front of him in the bedroom, while Heloise sat quietly in the living room, not forgetting to make herself a cup of tea with one hand while guarding the house.



  When Ronald clearly perceived the time to be five and six.

  His night's work paid off with success.

  The magic power that was originally functioning perfectly in Lumil's body completely deviated from its original trajectory due to his persistent interference, and at the same time, it did not cause any harm to Lumil himself.

  ——At this moment.

  ——A faint red-black liquid seeped out from Lumiel’s chest.

  Finally in front of Ronald.

  The liquids gradually gathered together and formed an object that looked like a book.


  Ronald murmured in a low voice, reaching out and holding the original book.

  Accompanied by a 'pop' sound.

  The last of the three parts of the "Divine Comedy" was separated from Lumiel and fell into the hands of Ronald.

  It took almost half a year.

  This original book, which he had been exposed to since the Black Mountains, finally came to him in its entirety.

  Quietly stare at this original book.

  Ronald had an urge to open the book and read it immediately.

  However, after hesitating for a long time, he still shook his head, and then put the original code in his most personal and safe position:
  "Forget it, let's wait until the person is sent away..." "


  After all, there was Lumiel in front of him.

  There was Heloise waiting for him outside.

  At this time, it would be difficult for me and my companions to explain any big noise.

  And Ronald also had a vague premonition that something might happen to the completely merged "Divine Comedy".

  He has no intention of showing off everywhere with the original book.

  So dragging Lumil, who was still unconscious, Ronald returned to his living room.

  Hearing the noise coming from the bedroom, Heloise, who was quietly sipping her tea, tilted her head slightly.

  With just one glance, she immediately saw something from the expression on Ronald's face.

  "Oh, you've done it?"


  Ronald smiled wryly with a complicated expression:

  "I feel lucky that 'it's finally over.'"

  "If in a play or something like that, what happens to me? I'm afraid no audience will be willing to watch this stinky and long experience."

  While responding to Heloise, Ronald also came to the sofa and put Lumiel down.

  Looking at the motionless 'human girl', Ronald spoke:

  "Thor, does your 'truth serum' potion only work on humans?"

  Heloise immediately nodded and admitted:

  " Yes, we want to count on this when dealing with non-human beings."

  "The feeling for non-human beings drinking this stuff is probably the same as ordinary people lying in a mud pond and taking a sip of dirty water mixed with mud, and the investigator's lie detector test It's also something aimed at humans."


  "Then we can only do it ourselves."

  After receiving the response from Heloise, Ronald expressed some regrets.

  If there is no easy-to-use magic potion, then all you can do is make up your mind slowly.

  So he locked the ability of "Divine Comedy - Hell" to the power of 'Rage', and while monitoring the changes in people in the surrounding streets, Ronald finally lifted Lumir's coma.


  As soon as the spell effect was lifted, Lumil's eyelids twitched slightly.

  But soon, this trace of movement disappeared again.

  She looked like she was asleep.

  Looking at the other person, Ronald said in an indifferent tone:

  "Stop pretending, you know I can sense other people's emotional changes."

  "There is no need to waste time on this matter."


  Ronald heard After hearing De's words, Lumil only hesitated for a few seconds before opening his eyes.

  Lowering her head slightly, she leaned on the sofa and asked weakly:

  "I can't feel my original code anymore."

  "Did you withdraw from my body?"

  Ronald nodded:
  "You can't count on me. It's the second time, why don't you take it away from your body?"


  After hearing Ronald's answer, Lumil fell silent.

  Compared with the last time she was caught by mistake, this time not only the members of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] were knocked down, but even the original code in her body was removed.

  Under such circumstances.

  There is almost no possibility of a comeback.

  As if accepting his fate, Lumil sighed:
  "Oh -"

  "I understand..."

  "Just say what you want to ask, and I will answer honestly."

  If you want to cross-examine accurate information, It is not advisable to get straight to the point at the beginning.

  So Ronald asked a question that he cared about but did not involve the core of the incident:
  "Back in Montenegro, Thomson... was the merchant who went with us to rescue you. How did he die?"

  Probably because Show your attitude.

  Lumil immediately replied without thinking:

  "He himself was disobedient and was caught by my dear 'mother'."

  "I can guarantee that the cause of that Thomson's death was not my fault."

  Ronald said that he accepted the answer, and then brought the question back to the core of the inquiry:

  "Now tell me about your specific origin."

  "From the beginning of your birth."


  Faced with this Lumil thought carefully about the question for a few seconds before explaining:
  "If you want to know everything about me and my family, then you have to start from the Black Mountain Laboratory inside Montenegro." "


  The Black Mountain Experiment room?
  Suddenly hearing this subtle term, Ronald couldn't help coughing:

  "Cough cough cough!"

  Although he knew that this Black Mountain was not that Black Mountain.

  But suddenly he heard something that had played a big role in his childhood.

  He still had some doubts.

  When Heloise and Lumil both looked suspicious, Ronald waved his hand stiffly:
  "Nothing, keep talking."


  Heloise knew that now was not the time to ask.

  As a prisoner, Lumil did not dare to question Ronald who looked embarrassed.

  So I sorted out my interrupted thoughts a little bit.

  Lumil then continued to speak seriously:

  "Black Mountain is located on the border of Grid, and it is also just right away from Berenwich and Yuez Forest. So about five years ago, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] was established there. A secret base used to study the original scriptures..."

   [Thanks to Zongzi Under the Moonlight and Ji Xing for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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