Chapter 1382 The starting point of landing

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  Chapter 1382 Landing starts
  on the southern continent, on a secluded hill.

  When the sun hung diagonally above the horizon and it was already evening, an inconspicuous wave of magic power suddenly appeared.

  The blue magic gradually became clear and then flowed in the air.

  The flexible appearance seems to be alive, and at the same time, it is looking for something here.

  Soon, these magic powers gradually stabilized and formed a ring in the air about two meters high. Within its scope, the space scene is blurred by the influence of the spell, as if it is gradually connected to a certain place.

  Bang bang -

  without any warning, two people fell out of it.

  They fell to the ground one after another and stood up hesitantly.

  Among them, the girl complained first:
  "Ronald, this teleportation spell is really exciting. I feel like I should repair my body again." The

  other person stood up and immediately replied:
  "Warnerson also said that there is something wrong with this matter. It's not a small risk. Since we are late, we deserve to be tortured like this."

  The people who appeared from here were naturally Ronald and Catalina.

  In the ruined land of Harmono, there are still unfinished wars and remaining invaders from other worlds that have not been dealt with. But the two have already dealt with the most troublesome dust behemoth, and time is running out.

  When things don't work out.

  They had no choice but to distinguish their priorities, and Warnerson used a spell to teleport the two of them from Harmono to the Southern Continent.

  As a teleportation mage who is second to none in Harmono, he is even the leader in research.

  Warnerson's spellcasting skills are undoubtedly excellent, but this does not make up for the problem of immature technology.

  After entering the teleportation spell, a powerful sense of tearing lingered around the two of them.

  Ronald couldn't even protect himself with [Guardian Angel], and finally activated [Human Limitation], and then passed through unharmed; as for Catalina, this guy resisted with her body!

  The tower owner of the Astronomy Department obviously has his own understanding of safety.

  She also activated the Art of Completeness, but unlike Ronald who was immune to damage, Katarina directly withstood the pressure caused by the tearing of space.

  Therefore, after leaving the teleportation for more than ten seconds, the two people with completely different handling methods had such distinct reactions.

  After moving his body a little and checking his condition, Ronald said with concern:
  "Katerina, if you really feel bad, can I help you take a look?"

  "It's okay, I've taken care of it." Katerina was generous. She waved her hand. The speed with which she healed her injuries was beyond the reach of others. "So, where are we now?"

  Ronald followed and looked around.

  Judging from the changes in time and climate, they had obviously arrived at the southern continent. If they even raised their altitude, they could see the Sunrise Ocean several kilometers away.

  But when it comes to the specific location, they are not very clear.

  Due to immature transmission technology, their landing could not guarantee high accuracy. In particular, Alia contacted friends in a hurry, and her grasp of the location was very rough.

  After the two disturbing details came down, Ronald and the others had to reconfirm their current position.

  The first choice is naturally the Bradshaw Railway Guide.

  Unfortunately, after trying it, Ronald found that the original code did not respond. There is no railway here, so naturally he cannot rely on the ability of this original code to determine the location.

  "The spell is ineffective, so we can only use more primitive methods." The

  so-called primitive method is naturally to fly up and see with your eyes.

  Although the efficiency is definitely not as simple and direct as a spell, the advantage is that it can be used by a person while still moving, and there will be no big mistakes.

  Consider that this is a completely new environment.

  Ronald and Catalina recited spells, and then went straight up to the sky, where they were almost invisible to ordinary people.

  Although it is already late, today is a beautiful day with no clouds in the sky. Ronald and the two gradually rose up, and while the view below became wider, the sun in the distance also made the surroundings brighter.

  It didn't take long for Catalina's attention to be drawn below, and she dragged Ronald to look at it together:
  "Hey, look to the north, it's really lively over there!"

  Ronald followed the direction. At first glance, the expression was indescribably complicated:

  "What the hell, here again?"

  The location where the two of them were looking down at the moment was the coastal area near the north, where a large city happened to be located.

  It is not surprising that a city appears in front of you.

  But there is a battlefield going on here!
  Ronald and Catalina had just left the war-torn Harmono, but turned around and teleported over, seeing another battlefield in front of them. Faced with such a situation, even if both of them have strong psychological endurance, they will inevitably feel a bit dumbfounded.

  Catalina suggested with a complicated tone:

  "Go and take a look?"

  Ronald nodded:
  "We are confused now, so we must collect intelligence first."

  Based on this simple decision, Ronald and Carter Linna flew towards the city without lowering the altitude - they did not intend to reveal their existence immediately, after all, this was already the theoretical sphere of influence of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  Then the distance got closer and closer, and the battlefield below gradually became clearer.

  One side is the fleet coming from the sea, and the other side is naturally the garrison of this seaside city.

  But if you look closely, you can find something weird inside.

  Regardless of the attacker or the defender, they launched the attack to the last minute. After more than ten minutes, there were almost no casualties.

  Is this a war or child's play?

  Seeing such a scene, Ronald and Catalina looked at each other, and then chanted a spell:

  "Its name is Styx,

  and the black water flows down to the foot of the dim and steep cliff..."

  " When the power of "The Divine Comedy" was activated, Ronald immediately extended his range of perception downwards, and he could see the emotional changes of the people in the city at a glance.

  Something is indeed strange.

  Call it child's play, but both warring parties are actually nervous, obviously worried about their respective future fates. But this is a war, and both sides have maintained a great degree of restraint. No one has murderous intention, hatred, or greed in their hearts.

  Based on Ronald's understanding of human society, this is really a strange scene that is difficult to explain.

  Catalina knows the effects of Ronald's spell.

  Seeing the strange expression on the man next to her, she naturally asked:
  "Ronald, what did you find? Why does he look weird?"

  "No matter how weird it is, it's not as weird as the guys below." Ronald shook his head slightly, and then told the truth, "The two sides are indeed at war, but they lack the emotions that a real war should have." After roughly explaining the situation, Ronald

  also Instead of staying in the air, he quickly continued to make a decision:
  "There's nothing to gain from just watching here."

  "Let's sneak into this city and find out what's going on."

  (End of Chapter)

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