Chapter 1356: Secret hidden in simplicity

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  Chapter 1356 The secret is hidden in the simplicity

  . Under the voiceover announcement.

  Ronald and Catalina walked into the village in front of them.

  "Maze Picture Book" still perfectly restores the state of this place.

  Almost no original residents can be seen here, but the army of Linyin City occupied it and used it as a temporary command point. The structure of the maze was also born under such special circumstances.

  Every road, every shop, and every residence in the entire village.

  They are all occupied by a large number of Linyin City magicians.

  Some of them are preparing spells to attack the salon that is not far away, while others are very tired and resting in place.

  Ronald and Catalina walked among them.

  It didn't take much effort, and it could even be said that he passed through the village easily, and then faced the dust monster in front of him again.

  They were quite close to this behemoth.

  At a distance that could easily be seen, Sharon's body was crawling on the ground. There is a white body rising and falling rhythmically, and it looks like a living object at first glance.

  "Is this also a maze?"

  Just as the two of them passed through the village easily and were about to continue on the road, Catalina suddenly pulled Ronald.

  "According to what you said before, what we have experienced along the way should be quite dangerous, right?" "

  But this village... came here so easily?"

  Catalina's question directly made Ronald stop where he was. land.

  Although they have only now walked through the canopy maze and the dark forest, from these experiences, they can roughly analyze the style of the "Maze Picture Book" this time.

  One maze after another, scenes accompanying moments of crisis, and a rhythm that barely gives anyone a chance to breathe.

  Suddenly there was a simple and relaxing village for them to pass through.

  It really doesn’t fit in with the overall style of the maze.

  "Katerina, you are right to remind me."

  "There must be something wrong here. We may have overlooked something very important."

  After making the decision, Ronald immediately turned his head.

  The danger level of the maze this time required extreme caution, and he could not accept a major oversight. After all, this may very well be the reason for their failure in the subsequent maze.

  As early as the first time I entered "Maze Picture Book".

  Ronald had already experienced the importance of such key clues.

  Catalina followed Ronald and changed directions while continuing to ask:
  "Where do you think we should start?"

  Ronald thought for a moment and came to a conclusion in his mind:

  "This small village maze is mainly made up of people. If there is something very important hidden here, it should be inseparable from people."

  Sure enough.

  As soon as Ronald answered, the voiceover sounded simultaneously.

  【Very lucky! The adventurer, alerted by his clever assistant, realizes that there is a key figure hidden in the village! ]

  [So can he find this important existence?

  Hear this sound.

  Ronald and Catalina looked at each other and immediately came up with an idea:
  "Since they are all the armies of Boulevard City, let's find their commander."

  The two of them turned back and fell into the maze of people.

  They also tried to talk to the soldiers in the Boulevard City, but after being transformed into a "maze picture book", these animated villains could only say a few fixed lines such as "I don't know" and "You can't pass here."

  Their only role in this village is to serve as a wall that hinders the movement of Ronald and the others.

  After a quarter of an hour, the general structure of the entire village became clear.

  Ronald and the others did not continue to waste time exploring the terrain, but walked directly through the crowd and came to the small square in the northeast of the village.

  The terrain here is open, there are houses with a large area next to it, and a well can provide people with drinking water.

  In the current maze environment, the probability of someone like an officer being present here is the highest.

  The scope was drawn up and the search resumed.

  Ronald and the two soon discovered the clues.

  At the entrance of a courtyard, there were a few soldiers standing there, but it was not the kind of obstruction that formed a human wall.

  In other words – this is a guarded house!
  With such a special target in front of them, Ronald and Catalina naturally walked over.

  Then - "Non-our personnel are not allowed to enter."

  Before the two of them entered the courtyard, the guarding soldiers changed their positions and blocked the door.

  Although Ronald and the others couldn't go in, they were in a much better mood.

  If there is such an obstacle, there must be something of great value in this yard!

  "Katerina, let's go take a look around."

  Knowing that he couldn't break in directly, Ronald naturally took Katerina away and prepared to find a way in from the surroundings.

  Then turn around.

  They found that the courtyard had only one entrance: the gate.

  The walls in other places were intact and the back door was tightly sealed, leaving no possibility of sneaking in.

  Just like that, she turned back to the starting position. Catalina immediately asked:
  "Ronald, what should we do now?"

  "Or should we give up the secret of this place and continue to focus on solving the maze behind it?"

  Ronald decisively He shook his head:

  "No, otherwise this test will be more difficult."

  "Katerina, the main purpose of solving the maze is to use observation and wisdom. This eagerness for success will only lead us astray. "

  After hearing this, Catalina stopped talking and worked with Ronald to figure out how to solve the problem.

  The two fell into a stagnant situation.

  They could not find a way in around the square, and there was no possibility of even going around from a high point. As for those soldiers - there is no one with whom they can communicate normally, and there is nowhere to make efforts in this regard.

  Another few minutes passed.

  Ronald is still observing the soldiers here, trying to see if he has missed any important clues. But Katarina on the side had a completely different point of view from him.

  The tower master of the astronomy department does not pay much attention to soldiers.

  Instead, he lingered on the surrounding environment, and finally his eyes gradually locked on a facility in the square.

  Catalina raised her eyebrows slightly and greeted Ronald without looking back:

  "Ronald, have you got any results over there?"

  Ronald shouted back:
  "I'm still trying!"

  Knowing that Ronald had no results so far, Catalina called her over directly:

  "Then why don't you come over to my place and have a look, I think this thing might be a little bit... Meaning!"

  "Oh?" Ronald walked over curiously.

  He came to Catalina and pointed to the facility that the girl was paying attention to. His tone and eyes were a little subtle:

  "Isn't this the well?"

  Catalina nodded, then stretched out her hand to gesture to Ronald.

  "That's right, it's this well."

  "You can't get in from the sky now, and you can't get in from the ground either."

  "I really want to find a way to get in, but I can only come down from the ground to find a way."

  (End of this chapter)

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