Chapter 1258 Chasing in the Fire

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  Chapter 1258 Chasing

  Qiang in the Fire -

  The moment the tongue of fire stretched out towards the crowd, Ronald cut out the sharp blade in his hand.

  The sword with astonishing power collided with the flame tongues extending out of the long river of flames with a bang, and then the surroundings burst into flames like fireworks.




  After staying in this city for a long time, they didn't even need to raise their heads. They only heard these movements and understood what was happening here.

  No surprise - death will come soon.

  However, Ronald had no such idea. He struck out with his first sword, immediately splitting the protruding tongue of fire into two, and then the violent magic power tore the still active tongue of fire into pieces.

  The tongue of fire was destroyed, and the long river of flames did not stop for even a moment.

  It immediately stretched out three tongues of fire that were thicker and more powerful than the first time. From top to bottom, they shot down Ronald who dared to resist with the hunting hot wind.

  A deafening sound exploded from Ronald's body, and a blindingly bright light bloomed from here, almost making the two nearby streets brighter than daylight.

  Yet Ronald was fine.

  The attack of the long river of flames on those who try to resist in the city is absolutely a disaster for most people who are unable to resist. The impact of the tongues of fire and the heat released are all tricks that can easily take away the lives of the strong.

  But the target of its attack today is Ronald, and this intensity is far from enough.

  Ronald even spared part of his attention to protect the mermaid Lilu beside him when he was fighting against the fire tongue attack.


  The light gradually extinguished, and the surrounding air was printed red by the flaming city.

  Sensing the breath of life here, the attack of the flame river did not stop. This time, twelve tongues of fire stretched out at the same time!
  Boom boom boom——! ! !
  The power of the attack has increased several times in intensity.

  If left to the outside world, Ronald is now determined to find it difficult to resist, and may even be forced to use his trump cards to compete with him.

  ——But this is [Sifangtian].

  Ronald, whose spell intensity had been extremely enhanced, still used normal sword slashes to kill off the impact of the tongues of fire one by one. Apart from defending against the high temperature of the spreading flames, no extra action is required.


  Blocking the attack, Ronald took a deep breath and prepared himself.

  Prepare for the next attack from the Flame River.


  One second, two seconds... Until half a minute passed, and the atmosphere on the field was a bit strange, the river of flames still remained silent.

  Ronald put down his sword and turned his gaze towards the river of flames.

  There was no reaction on the fiery fluid. There was no tendency to follow up the attack, nor was there any anger after the attack was blocked. It is like an emotionless river, flowing on the ground in the form of flames.


  "Is it just these three stages of reaction, and after it is completed, there will be no follow-up tricks?"

  In the quiet atmosphere, Lilu put forward her own opinion.

  "This thing probably doesn't have any subjective consciousness controlling its actions, so we're fine!"

  Ronald had a similar conjecture and was about to answer Lilu.


  The prostrate creatures around started roaring again.

  Ronald and Lilu could understand the roars at this time. These poor creatures were praising the greatness of Ronald and the two 'gods' because they had repelled the 'judgment'.


  "Even these newly civilized species are sent here. There is really no bottom line in these elemental creatures."

  Lilu cursed again, and Ronald immediately followed suit. :
  "Think about what happened to those goatmen - they have all used other worlds as fuel. How could this newly civilized species survive?" After explaining, Ronald took the translator and began to

  explain The creatures explain the situation and reveal that they are not the 'gods' they claim to be.

  Lilu saw this and joined in.

  But she also said in a voice that only Ronald could understand:
  "Ronald, I suggest that we don't stay here any longer. Although we have dealt with the things in the flame river, I don't think the fire element will This is the only thing left..."


  Before Lilu finished speaking, Ronald turned his head and looked aside.

  ——That is the road leading to the outside of the city.

  Ronald's excellent perception ability can detect that there are quite strong magic fluctuations, which are moving here.

  Something is coming!
  According to the direction in which it appeared, no surprise, it should be the back-up man of the fire element life that Lilu speculated.

  "Everyone run away immediately, don't stay here!"

  Ronald immediately dispersed these ignorant creatures crawling on the ground.

  The civilized civilization that had just regarded it as a god naturally did not dare to resist Ronald, who had just been regarded as a 'god', and immediately ran away obediently.

  Watching the surrounding area disappear.

  Ronald grabbed Lilu, picked a good position and rushed out.

  While running away, Lilu asked curiously:
  "Ronald, are you not going to continue fighting against the fire element?"

  Ronald paid attention to the surrounding environment and explained to the mermaid:

  "Of course not, we are not Those who came here to travel, just changed the target casually!" "

  It's just that this time the enemy came from the city wall - there is a high probability that it is a team organized by the fire element itself. Before we understand the role of this city, the frontal Confrontation is likely to lose a lot of information sources. I don’t think this is a wise choice.”

  “Collecting intelligence...” Lilu immediately agreed with Ronald’s plan, “That’s right. If we just focus on confrontation, I’m afraid we You will immediately be dragged into the rhythm of the battle, and you will not have the chance to understand many other things." "


  Ronald suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, no longer responding to Lilu's conversation.

  Because he found that the magic source he was avoiding suddenly turned and rushed directly towards their position!
  "He has locked our position and is chasing us."

  Ronald explained the problem succinctly, and then said in a more serious tone:
  "Lilu, we have to speed up!"

  "Ah? Alas alas!"

  The expression on the mermaid's face came to her senses, but the next second, Ronald was already leading her running wildly through the city.

  Although it is inconvenient to fly in the city of fire, Ronald's superhuman physique is no joke. Even with Lilu, she was still speeding through the city like a racing car.

  The imprisoned flame 'fuel' in the city peeked out from the shadow of the building, and they couldn't even see clearly as they passed by!
  However, although Ronald was fast, the fire element was still chasing after him.

  How do I get rid of this guy?

  – Ronald thought.

  A hand suddenly stretched out from the corner of the street, grabbed Ronald with incomparable precision, and then dragged the two of them into the shadows.

  Amidst the pleasant laughter, a greeting came out:
  "Old Yang, long time no see."

  (End of this chapter)

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