Chapter 1181 Obolek

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  Chapter 1181 Obolek
  "You... let go... of me first."

  Obolek tried his best to open his mouth, but even his words now were intermittently.

  In order to ensure that the girl below is not 'executed' by this guy.

  The control of Ronald's spell is extremely strong, and this is the dead end that Obolek faces.

  Seeing Obolek become like this, Heloise also gave up the idea of ​​talking to him first, and instead dragged the girl kneeling on the ground out.

  There was a trace of ridicule in Heloise's eyes:
  "Shinan, you are really not afraid of death."

  "In order to give Obolek an excuse, you can even risk your life?"

  This is not the first time Heloise has been in this scene. An encounter.

  In other words - this is actually a common trick of their agents.

  Although it seems very artificial and false, on many occasions, such falsehood can be an excuse to ease the situation. Even for some upper-class rules, this falsehood is quite common.

  It's a pity that the people standing here today are not those nobles who weigh the pros and cons to a perverted degree, but Ronald who can completely crush them with his strength.


  The girl kneeling on the ground was dragged out by Heloise, but she was completely silent now, with no intention of saying a word.

  So, Heloise leaned close to the other person's cheek and whispered in an extremely intimate manner:
  "Shinan, I know you are not the kind of guy who is not afraid of death. You definitely have a reason to do such a move. "

  Tell me quickly?"


  The girl whom Heloise called Shinan still didn't speak.

  She just stared at him, as if she wanted to see something unforgivable through Heloise.

  "You guys really haven't changed at all."

  Heloise shook her head and stood up.

  Faced with this uncooperative attitude of her 'old colleagues', she had no choice but to wave to Ronald:

  "Ronald, give me the Veritaserum!"

  "Take it -"

  Ronald The German general could only throw the last potion over.

  Heloise caught it without looking back, and then went straight to Obolek:

  "You didn't cooperate first, so don't blame me."

  After saying this, Heloise did not give it directly to Obolek. Drink the potion.

  Instead, she put her palms together and punched the opponent in the stomach.


  Heloise's punch was a special attack with magic erosion.

  As agents from [Entrode], those of them who hold the truth serum potion also understand the function and prevention of this thing best.

  The best way to deal with this kind of potion is not to let your body absorb the effects.

  And through the spells provided by "The Structure of the Human Body", the [Enterode] agent who is good at controlling his own body can really achieve this level.

  So Heloise first interfered with Obolek with magical attacks and confirmed that it was impossible for him to control his stomach organs in a short period of time, and then finally poured the magic potion into this guy's mouth.


  Obolek let out a violent struggle.

  However, all of his self-rescue methods were unable to be used at this moment, and in the end, his eyes gradually became dull, until his mind was completely controlled by the magic potion.

  "Tell me, where are the slaves you took away? Have you taken action against anyone else during this period?"

  Obolek answered honestly:

  "The slaves you took away are in the basement of the Wanderers Hall. During this period, besides sending I went to [Don Jom] to inquire about Heloise, but no other actions were taken."


  Heloise relaxed after hearing this answer.

  He and Ronald moved quickly enough to end everything before this group of dangerous elements did anything more.

  Now as long as he rescues people, he will have no problem in [Looney Kingdom].

  Heloise was in a good mood after the matter was over. Thinking not to waste the last potion, she asked one more question: "
  Obolek, are you trying so hard to find me just because of the original book in my hand?"

  Then , Obolek replied:

  "It's not just for the original code."

  "People from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlocks have contacted me privately. They want to catch you and then carry out some secret plans. The original code in you , It's just one of the rewards they gave me."


  Heloise's eyes suddenly looked wrong.

  The previous threat came from the 'old colleagues' in front of her. She relied on her familiarity with these guys to deal with them calmly.

  But if it were the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlocks who came together...

  [Nine Rings Secret Society] Leaving aside those dangerous guys and just thinking about the cult warlocks, that would be unimaginable trouble.

  You must know that the current [Luni Kingdom] is completely ruled by cult warlocks, and the locals are very welcoming of their policies. To oppose it in this situation is almost the same as opposing the entire country!
  At this moment, Ronald, who also noticed the news with his extraordinary hearing, immediately came to Heloise:

  "Heloise, what an unexpected discovery."

  A look appeared on Heloise's face. Wry smile:
  "[Nine Rings Secret Society] Come with the cult warlock, Ronald, can you handle this scene?"

  Ronald directly gave Heloise a confident expression:

  "This is not about whether you can handle it or not. problem."

  "In this case, it saves me the time to find their location!"

  Both Ronald and Heloise knew the truth of the current situation, but they had a tacit understanding not to reveal it.

  ——Why is Heloise being targeted by the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlock?

  the reason is simple.

  Although Heloise has personal value, she has never reached this level.

  The reason why the two organizations contacted these [Entrode] agents was definitely to use their familiarity with the agents to find Heloise from [Looney Kingdom].

  As long as Heloise is controlled by then...

  then it will not be an impossible delusion to interfere or even control Ronald!
  The next second, Heloise kicked Obolek.

  She knew that she could not continue to waste the duration of the potion, so she immediately asked this 'old colleague' in detail in a completely different ferocious tone than before: "Obolek, tell me the   whole
  process of your contact with them!"

The potion is still working.

  Unable to resist, Obolek naturally replied honestly:
  "First of all, a month ago, the cult warlock found me in the tavern and issued a commission, indicating that you should be in the [Looney Kingdom]..." "

  Then... Two weeks ago, people from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] also came into contact. Unlike the cult warlocks, they directly stated that they wanted to use you to control Ronald..."

  (End of this chapter)

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