Chapter 1179 Use again

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  Chapter 1179 Used again
  "You old guys are really fast enough."

  Ronald couldn't help but sigh after hearing the news about Heloise.

  Heloise, who had just stood up, naturally asked:

  "Ronald, what do you know?"

  "Before we found you, we had actually encountered your former colleagues..."

  Ronald did not shy away from anything.

  In this dungeon, he slowly told the story of his previous encounter with the [Entrode] agent, and explained some of his activities in [Don Jom].

  It wasn't until the matter was explained in detail that Ronald concluded:
  "It seems that although they have blocked their way to obtain information in [Don Jom]." "

  But these former colleagues of yours have finally found a way to continue tracking you. Ah."


  "After all, that's what we do. Just cut off one source of intelligence and get information from other sources."

  Heloise sighed, her eyes a little complicated.

  Being targeted by my old colleagues with such a purpose, even if there is no relationship between the two parties, there is still some resentment in my heart.

  At this time, it was Prior who was behind him who breathed a sigh of relief.

  He heard the conversation between Ronald and Heloise.

  Apart from the development of those things, this businessman especially understood what the word 'original code' meant.

  If he continues to make judgments from here, he will most likely be safe.

  On the other side, the conversation between Ronald and Heloise continued.

  Heloise had no intention of giving up, and naturally there was no reason for their actions to end here.

  So, the former secret agent asked:
  "Ronald, do you still have the blood-striped butterfly I gave you before?" "

  Of course! I have kept everything you gave me!" Ronald Without saying a word, De took out the bottle containing the blood-striped butterfly, and also took out the truth serum potion. "It's a pity that I have used a lot of this potion, and now I only have this little left." ."

  Seeing what Ronald took out, Heloise's memories came to mind, and her eyes showed a thoughtful look:


  "I heard about Entrod's current situation. It’s an extremely difficult potion, and I don’t know if it can be made there again.” “

  It’s no longer possible.”

  What people never expected was that Patricia answered the question:

  “[Well After the new leader over [Entrode] came to power, he released a lot of originally confidential information, including the abolition of many regulations of the old era [Entrode]." "This kind of thing

  can only be produced by gathering the strength of the whole country in the past. Magic potion, at least in the past few months, has no signs of circulation on the black market."

  Patricia's words are absolutely credible.

  Due to geographical restrictions, except for a few routes, most of the trade in [Entrod] must pass through [Gred]. This is an unavoidable reality.

  Hearing the news, Heloise nodded towards Patricia and opened the bottle containing the Blood-striped Butterfly in her hand:
  "I actually know how to make the truth serum. That thing is really not good at all." Good work."

  While communicating with her companions, Heloise also cast her magic power around the blood-striped butterfly. It's just that unlike when she was used to track down the murderer, this time she hasn't added a single drop of blood.

  Ronald asked curiously:

  "Heloise, is this usage different from last time? I remember that it requires the blood of the murderer?" "

  In most cases, blood is indeed needed." Hai Lois smiled slightly at Ronald, "But my current usage is not in most cases." As

  soon as she finished speaking, the patterns on the wings of the blood-striped butterfly began to change.

  Ronald remembered clearly that the last time this kind of butterfly had the appearance of the blood owner directly printed on it. But at this moment, under Heloise's manipulation without adding any blood, the pattern on the blood-striped butterfly finally turned into a pattern of a human face wearing a mask.

  At this time, Heloise also explained:

  "This is a hidden method among agents."

  "The Blood-striped Butterfly is naturally a weapon for tracking enemies. But due to the nature of the work, [Entrod] ] agents often encounter situations where they need to identify their identity or find local organizations." "

  So based on the needs, we made corresponding improvements to this guy."

  Ronald understood everything:
  "It's still okay. Confirm the location of the surrounding [Entrode] agents, even without blood assistance?"

  Heloise nodded slightly:

  "This technique has extremely strict requirements on the input magic structure."

  " ..."

  While the two were talking, the pattern on the back of the blood-striped butterfly finally took shape. Just like the one Ronald used before, the blood-red butterfly flew into the air and left the dungeon with a clear purpose.

  The three Ronalds followed the Blood Striped Winged Butterfly and left without hesitation.

  Only at the end, Ronald left a piece of advice to the big businessman here:

  "Mr. Pryor, let's take our leave for the time being."

  "It's just a piece of advice - and Shi Shu who currently rules [Looney Kingdom] It's not a good thing to come into contact with others, so you'd better be careful." "


  Staying in the dungeon, Pryor had a mixed expression on his face.

  On the one hand, he was shocked by what he had just experienced. At the same time, as a businessman, he also vaguely understood the meaning of Ronald's reminder.

  Prior was slightly awakened.

  Like last night, after hearing the mysterious information, I spent a lot of money to buy 'goods' that shouldn't be that valuable.

  I should try to do this kind of thing as little as possible in the future.


  On the other side, Ronald and the other three were also walking on the street following the Blood-striped Winged Butterfly.

  Many people saw them following the sound of the Blood-striped Butterfly, and wanted to come up and inquire about it, or even buy it, which was obvious at first glance. Some of them even wanted to rob it directly.

  It's just that there is a clear gap between these people and the three Ronalds in terms of strength.

  So the final result was that a string of inexplicable spellcasters fell down on the road.

  Ronald and Patricia were quite uncomfortable with this situation.

  But Heloise, who has lived here for a while, no longer takes this kind of 'greeting' seriously.

  Even while rushing on her way, she completely ignored these interruptions and analyzed the current situation:
  "Ronald, I think this is an invitation and a trap."

  "According to my understanding of those 'old guys', they will even come up with something based on our actual situation that is completely devoid of humanity and moral bottom line. Come out..."

  "Heloise, don't worry." Listening to Heloise's careful analysis, until the other party stopped, Ronald said in a tone as if it was an established fact, "No matter what happens next I will help you solve all kinds of troubles."

  Heloise raised her eyebrows and said,
  "Ronald, are you really different from before?"

  Ronald pointed at himself, with an innocent expression on his face:
  " After all, compared to when we were separated, I am actually a lot stronger now?"

  (End of Chapter)

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