Chapter 117 Local Writings

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  Chapter 117 Native Writings
  Standing alone in the living room.

  Ronald could vaguely smell the smell of barbecue coming from the corpse in front of him.

  Under the merciless attack of the power of 'rape', the blacksmith who had lost his will was roasted inside and out, and he could no longer die.

  Ronald calmed down and felt it carefully.

  There is one more suffering soul in the river of blood, there is no doubt about it.

  But this incident did not bring him any intuitive strength, but a feeling that developed naturally.

  If you give an example, this is like a person hoarding a lot of food in a warehouse. Only in an emergency will these hoardings play an irreplaceable function.

  However, in normal times, I don't feel anything special at all.

  "Alas -"

  Ronald sighed and threw the chair he was holding on the ground.

  Click -

  the pitiful wooden chair shattered, and the entire structure completely fell apart.

  Although the quality is excellent, the chair was basically damaged after being beaten with all its strength.

  Then, Ronald waved his hand.

  He tried to bring the blacksmith's soul out of the blood river, at least to try how the soul inside appeared.

  ——Almost at the same time when I first came up with this idea.

  A faint gray shadow immediately emerged from the black mist on the floor, and the human figure surrounded by green smoke seemed to be in a misty dream.

  He took a rough look at the humanoid virtual image.

  Ronald was silent for a few seconds before stepping forward to take a closer look.

  This soul imprisoned in the river of blood is really blurry when it appears in reality.

  Even if you stand within half a meter, you can't see the detailed face of this guy clearly, and you can only barely make out a vague expression of pain.


  "Can you speak?"

  Ronald tried to communicate with this soul.

  It was a pity that this guy didn't respond at all when faced with the inquiry. Apart from maintaining his presence and that painful look, he just stood there blankly, waiting for Ronald to issue an attack command.

  In silence,
  Ronald waved his hand, letting this soul return to the black mist formed by the power of 'rape'.

  If there was a chance, he planned to take animals such as mice after returning to the city to try out the specific attack mode of this thing.

  For now, let’s put it aside for now.

  Moving his wrists and body, Ronald slowly walked to the fireplace in the living room, and then picked up the fire tongs hanging on the side.

  Tsk -

  the fire tongs were inserted directly into the blacksmith's corpse, and he immediately dragged the already cooked corpse back to the previous bedroom.

  ——Although he is already dead.

  But Ronald felt that it was safer to keep the body within his sight.

  Return to the bedroom, among the ruins after the wardrobe was smashed.

  The magic book I saw earlier was still lying in it.

  The appearance of the black mist makes it obvious at a glance that it is extraordinary.

  ——It’s time to see what the origin of this thing is.

  With this thought in mind, Ronald directed the black mist to cover the surface of the grimoire.

  The menacing power of 'rape' covered it, and there was only a 'whoosh' sound, and the black mist on the surface of the magic book instantly evaporated and disappeared.

  Directly touched by the power in "The Divine Comedy", it couldn't even make a splash.

  But it was at this moment.

  Along with the power that haunted the grimoire was completely eliminated.

  At the same time as it dispersed, a special kind of magic power spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

  Ronald immediately stretched his hands in front of his chest, and the black mist also rose simultaneously.

  However, this inexplicable force only swept his position and then continued to spread away. Other than that, it didn't bring him any feeling.


  What is this?
  Ronald recalled the knowledge he had read in the Bureau of Investigation.

  This situation is not like a curse, nor is it some kind of attack.

  Could it be that this thing is simply a warning technique to warn others from coming into contact with the magic book?

  After hesitating for a moment, Ronald turned his head and glanced around.

  During this time, nothing in the room changed, and neither did the body lying on the floor.

  There was really no
  guarantee of any additional effects, so Ronald took two more steps back, and then commanded Black Mist to pull the magic book in the ruins in front of him.

  This time, nothing unnecessary happened.

  The magic book was placed in front of Ronald's eyes smoothly.

  However, after the smoky special effects dissipated, he discovered that this thing was actually not as exaggerated as he imagined.

  Specifically, this is a very simple little notebook.

  There are no words or pictures on the cover, it's just like a primary school student's homework book with the outer cover torn off.

  Not wanting to come into direct contact with this thing, Ronald simply held the magic book up with the black mist and opened the pages at the same time.

  Immediately, some crooked words came into view.

  Because the handwriting of the person who wrote it was so miserable, Ronald could only barely recognize that it was a type of Latin alphabet.

  As for the content,
  as long as he has a good understanding of the language, he can still read it without any problems.

  To put it simply, most of the content is related to psychological terms, such as 'simulation of similar behaviors', 'subconscious diffusion', and 'environmental interference consciousness' are everywhere.

  But at the same time, the contents of this magic book do not form a word order connection with each other. Using Chinese as an example, it is as if someone wrote in a diary "Big tree, small bird, big explosion, complete cupping".

  The actions and names lack prepositions and do not constitute normal language at all.

  Immediately, Ronald tried to read out the words above.


  The surroundings were surprisingly quiet, and the magic book still showed no reaction at all.

  This also proved that Ronald's previous feeling was correct.

  The book in his hand is indeed not the original text.

  According to the information previously seen in the investigation bureau, in addition to extraordinary items of unknown origin such as original scriptures, a very small number of knowledgeable and mysterious people in this world can actually make some magic books containing power.

  This thing seems to be such a product.

  It's a pity that due to the power of the Divine Comedy Black Mist, the magic power attached to the magic book has been completely defeated.

  If it were not repaired by the maker of this magic book, this thing would be an ordinary notebook, and no one would be able to cast spells while holding it.

  what kind of school of thought is this?

  Many famous things flashed through Ronald's mind.

  However, since he himself has no relevant research, he still cannot find out the truth from such scattered vocabulary.


  Ronald shook his head as if giving up, wrapped the magic book in the clothes in the closet, and then stuffed it into the pocket of his coat.

  Judging from the current situation.

  The matter with Celephais should be considered at an end.

   [Thanks to TERRY Lingyi, book friend 20170723200911781, Xiuzhen Bingyan, and book friend 20181016181536999 for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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