Chapter 1121. Conversation during meal

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  Chapter 1121 Conversation during Dinner
  Leaving the cabin, Ronald made his way up.

  As he passed through the corridors and stairs, people frequently saluted him and said hello, as if Ronald was born into a noble family such as [Gred].

  The actual situation is indeed similar.

  After dozens of days of sailing, Ronald showed his strength in front of people many times. Anyone who has seen or heard some information can no longer regard this young man as an ordinary person.

  In other words -

  on these three steamships, people have generally formed a perception.

  Ronald is a super-powerful man far beyond the ordinary holders of the original scripture. In the world they know, only Her Majesty the Queen should be in the same level of strength as him.

  With such understanding, what will happen will naturally be the same.


  However, there are always exceptions among the crowd.

  When Ronald came all the way to the deck and enjoyed the subtle scene of a group of magicians watching and admiring the chef's shark skills, he returned to his seat with the lunch he selected and prepared to eat.

  A figure he had not seen for a long time appeared in front of Ronald.


  ——The holy priest sent by the church to participate in this voyage.

  Arriving in front of Ronald, Martha showed an unobtrusive smile. Before Ronald opened his invitation, she took the initiative to sit across the dining table:
  "Mr. Ronald, we haven't seen each other for a long time?"

  Ronald After thinking for a while, she immediately replied:
  "After all, this ship is quite big?"

  "I usually don't walk around your place, so I don't have many opportunities to meet you."

  After hearing Ronald's response, Martha also gently He nodded, and then his eyes showed a trace of concern:

  "By the way, Mr. Ronald, that Miss Il, I heard that she didn't look good yesterday?"

  Ronald made no secret of this:
  "She I was injured at [Larchmont] and need to rest for a while. Yesterday I couldn't help but want to go out and have fun, but this is what happened." "..."


  and Martha were chatting on the deck restaurant, The atmosphere is quite harmonious.

  Only one-third of the lunch on the plate was eaten, and Ronald felt that it was getting late, so he changed the topic back to the main topic:

  "But then again, we haven't seen each other for such a long time, and you are here specifically today. Wait for me... I must be here because of something urgent, right?"

  When she heard Ronald's direct question, Martha was stunned.

  Then the holy priest, who had a high status in the church, glanced at Ronald with a very girlish look:
  "What do you mean, I can't come to you when I have nothing to do?"

  "When I was looking for the Sword of Saint Caterina, Your attitude is not what it is now!"

  Seeing Martha's expression, Ronald was shocked to realize that the girl in front of him was not only the holy priest of the church, but also the girl who acted with him back then.

  An apology appeared on Ronald's face:
  "Then I apologize?"

  Martha shook her head, and then continued:
  "Forget it, I'm joking with you."

  "Actually, the reason why I'm waiting for you here today is because I was in [La] last time. Our church has not intervened in the Qimont matter, so I want to have a good chat with you to find out the specific situation."

  After revealing her true purpose, Martha's eyes unconsciously came to Rona The legacy of the saint behind Germany said:

  "By the way, your Sword of Santa Caterina is actually related to that city."

  When he said this, Ronald immediately understood the situation.

  Judging from Fischer's final journey in [Larchmont], and the fact that the Sword of Saint Caterina was later found in the church, the two sides must have intersected for a period of time.

  It can only be said that it is very reasonable that Martha, who represents the church, would look for herself because of this.

  "I know this. The thing you want to ask about is related to Fischer, right?"

  "You actually know that lady!" After Ronald spoke, Martha's expression turned serious. "What I want to know is exactly what I want to know." It's related to Ms. Fischer."

  "According to church records, this traveling lady was a heroic figure who was active all over the world after the end of the Dark Ages, and she also has a very close relationship with our church." Things have to do with

  yourself As expected, Ronald naturally said frankly:

  "In that case, I will definitely tell you everything I know."

  "After entering the ruins of [Larchmont], I met the spellcaster from long ago. Among them is Fischer..."

  Ronald told Martha what he had seen.

  He didn't even hide the fact that the opponent's body was destroyed by him during the battle.

  For those who deserve respect.

  Ronald didn't want to lie about these details.


  "I know about Ms. Fischer's situation."

  After listening to Ronald's information, Martha lowered her head and thought for a long time. It wasn't until Ronald finished his lunch that the young priest spoke again:
  "But Ronald, when I listened to what you just said, it seemed that you were very concerned about the people in the [Nine Rings Secret Society], and it was more than just simple hostility?" Ronald did not shy away from this: "Yes,

  do I care a lot. You just heard that I defeated the enemies of the Nine Rings Secret Society at the ruins of Larchmont." "

  But there are some things about the enemies among them that are not simple."

  Martha continued. :

  "Can you tell me?"

  Ronald nodded simply:

  "The first thing is age. According to my understanding, organizations like [Nine Rings Secret Society] should be very old-school, and the holders of the original code are also older. A traditional mysterious organization owned by the elders."

  "But in [Larchmont], the leader of the spellcaster turned out to be the youngest among them."

  Martha made a guess:

  "Maybe the organization was attacked. And then we have to adopt a meritocratic plan?"

  "But in this case, there is something unreasonable." Ronald directly raised the next point of confusion, "Right now, the wizard of Barrier Mountain has perished. Without this core After the target, people from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] should not act so idealistic." "Did

  you know that during the life-and-death battle that took place at that time, that young man didn't even make a sneak attack!" At

  this point, Rona said De's tone was more affirmative:
  "Marda, your church must be more familiar with these aspects."

  "A move like the 'Gun Blade' is definitely done by people who have rationality and practical goals in their hearts!" "So, what is the

  current purpose of the [Nine Rings Secret Society]? What is their goal? Where are you?"

  Ronald's voice fell to the ground.

  Martha thought about it briefly and admitted that Ronald's worry was quite correct:
  "You are right to worry, this is indeed something worth thinking about..." "


  After a few words, the conversation about this content ended.

  Ronald and Martha also had their own things to do, so they naturally got up at the dining table.

  But before preparing to say goodbye, Martha asked curiously:
  "By the way, as we gradually move away from the Springs, the current route changes are becoming more and more drastic. Recently, Her Highness Claudia seems to be attracted by this Troubled by problems."

  "Ronald, didn't you help me?"


  Ronald's expression changed, but he couldn't give a suitable answer.

  The reason is simple -

  because he forgot about helping to confirm the route!

  (End of chapter)

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