Chapter 26 This is too stubborn!

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  Chapter 26 This is too stubborn!
  "Control or fusion?"

  Shinji was startled at first, and then immediately realized that the 'Susan Lamp' seemed to be able to skip the surgical process and use the pupil technique to complete the fusion of the pupil power of the two pairs of eyes.

  at the same time.

  This also made him understand that the control of 'Susan Lamp' is control, and fusion is fusion.

  The two are completely different concepts!

  It refers to using the second pair of empty eye sockets to accommodate the second pair of eyes, thereby obtaining part of the pupil power of these eyes, or partial pupil surgery.

  That is Shinji's current state.

  Usually in a driving state, the full power of the second pair of eyes is not available.

  This is also easy to understand. After all, the second pair of eyes is the eyes of other people, and a certain amount of rejection and resistance is inevitable.

  As for how much power you can get from the second pair of eyes, it depends on the strength of your own eyes.

  For example, Shinji, who is also a Mangekyo Sharingan, uses his own kaleidoscope to control Fugaku's kaleidoscope, and can only barely obtain 50% of the power of Fugaku's pair of kaleidoscopes.

  If Shinji himself possesses the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, then using the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to control the kaleidoscope, he can obtain 70% of the power of the kaleidoscope.

  Furthermore, if one uses the Samsara Eye to control the kaleidoscope, with an absolute advantage, one can even tap into 80 or 90% of the power of the kaleidoscope, which is close to complete control.


  As the name implies, it is to fuse two pairs of eyes into one and complete the fusion of pupil power. At that time, only one pair of eyes will be left.

  All integrations have losses, this is a natural law.

  Just like in the original time and space, Sasuke fused Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan and successfully obtained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, but he failed to perfectly receive all of Itachi's Mangekyō Eye Techniques.

  'Tsukuyomi' was lost like this.

  Therefore, there are also limitations to the fusion of 'Susan Lamp'.

  However, the 'Susano Lamp' has one characteristic, that is, the loss of fusion is judged by the intensity of its own eye power.

  Using a kaleidoscope to fuse a kaleidoscope, the loss may be the same as surgical fusion, and there is a high probability that the pupil technique of the fused kaleidoscope will be lost.

  Even if one's own pupil power is not as good as the opponent's, the fusion may fail.

  And if the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is used to fuse the Mangekyō, then the loss will be less and it will be in a barely acceptable state.

  By analogy, the stronger your own eyes are, the smaller the loss of fusion will be.

  If the strength of your own eyes reaches a certain level, you can even try to fuse the eyes of other blood inheritance boundaries, such as the Byakugan!
  After understanding the information about the 'Susanoh Lamp', Shinji did not rush to make a decision, but first deactivated the 'Susanoh' to avoid unnecessary consumption of eye power, and then sat quietly in the cave to think. stand up.

  Judging from the characteristics of the pupil technique 'Susan Lamp'.

  Undoubtedly, the stronger one's pupil power is, the greater the space for manipulation, whether it is control or fusion, it is the same at this point!
  Therefore, from this perspective, improving the pupil power of your own eyes is the best choice.

  And now Shinji has also discovered that after controlling Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan, his eye power has improved a lot, exceeding the level of a normal Mangekyō.

  But he still couldn't replenish his pupil power by refining the Yin Escape chakra himself.

  In other words, his current pupil strength is below the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and above the ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan.

  "It seems that first merging into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, which can self-sufficiently replenish the eye power, is the best way to go!"

  Shinji had a plan in his heart, but his expression was very solemn.

  After controlling Fugaku's kaleidoscopes with the 'Susan Lamp', he not only understood a lot of information about the 'Susano Lamp', but also obtained a lot of information about Fugaku's kaleidoscopes.

  One of them was very difficult for him.

  That was the power of Fugaku's kaleidoscope eyes, which was actually superior to him!
  In other words, he is actually using weakness to control strength!

  "The kaleidoscope he has awakened for seven or eight years actually retains more eye power than my pair of kaleidoscopes that have only been out for a few weeks. How on earth is he using it?" Shinji was speechless


  He knew that his Mangekyō Sharingan had been used a bit harshly recently.

  But Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan was awakened during the Third Ninja War, which was earlier than Sasuke was born.

  After so many years, the pupil power preserved is actually much more than his.

  "This is too conceited!"

  The judgment of 'Susa-kun Lamp' was not wrong, so after Fugaku awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, he never used the Mangekyō Eye Technique a few times.

  In fact, it is very likely that in his entire career with the Mangekyou Sharingan, he has never opened the 'Susanoh'.

  Shinji frowned slightly.

  The moment he had the idea of ​​fusion, the 'Susan Lamp' had already given him a foreshadowing.

  If you use weakness to control strength, the probability of fusion failure is extremely high!

  This also made him understand why, throughout the history of the ninja world, those who could successfully fuse the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan were all blood relatives.

  Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna brothers.

  Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi brothers.

  This is true!

  Because only those who are blood relatives will have the strength and weakness of the two pairs of kaleidoscopes confused and will not resist each other.

  Although Shinji and Uchiha Fugaku are of the same race, they are not blood relatives.

  There is a clear difference between the chakra characteristics of root and blood, so Fugaku's Mangekyo will instinctively resist fusion.

  If the relationship between strength and weakness is reversed.

  With the 'Susan Lamp', Shinji can forcibly merge with Fugaku's kaleidoscope.

  But right now, his kaleidoscope is weak, while Fugaku's kaleidoscope is strong, so the 'Susan Lamp' can only help him control Fugaku's kaleidoscope.

  Shinji closed his eyes and silently felt his kaleidoscope.

  In fact, the control of 'Susan Lamp' can be regarded as a mild fusion.

  Just like just now, at the moment when he controlled Fugaku's kaleidoscope, Shinji's own kaleidoscope's lost pupil power also recovered to a certain extent due to external stimulation.

  He estimates based on feeling.

  Now that he is controlling two pairs of kaleidoscopes, his pupil power is about 1.5 times that of his original one.

  Because it is not clear whether the pupil power recovery phenomenon that occurs when the second pair of eyes is first used is only once, or whether it can be triggered later.

  Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether there is a small amount of pupil power recovery ability now.

  at the same time.

  Perhaps it was because Shinji's own eye skills occupied very few slots, so this time he was lucky enough to obtain two kaleidoscope eye skills contained in Fugaku's pair of kaleidoscopes.

  Among them, the pupil technique contained in the left eye is, not surprisingly, 'Amaterasu'.

  From this point of view, both Itachi and Sasuke possess the "Amaterasu" pupil technique, which may be due to the spiritual portrayal of the Sharingan and the inheritance of blood.

  And when Shinji learned about the kaleidoscope pupil technique in Uchiha Fugaku's right eye, his expression suddenly became weird.
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  (End of chapter)

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