255.Chapter 254 Repairing the Gate

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  Chapter 254 Repairing the Door

  "Hey! Jew! You guy! Do you want to be beaten? How many times have you said this? Stay away from that guy!" These

  were the words left by a father when he dragged his child away angrily. .

  [Is he angry? ]

  [Why are you angry? Stay away from that guy? Which guy?

  The ignorant red-haired child was thinking, but could not come up with an answer.

  "Hey, look, that's the Jinchuuriki, it's a monster."

  People around who couldn't see their facial features pointed at the red-haired child and commented.

  【monster? Are you talking about me? ]

  "Stay away! Be careful of getting killed!"

  [Kill? No, I don't know how to kill people.

  The red-haired child thought again.

  "Gaara! Gaara! Where are you? Who allowed you to run around? Come back with me!"

  A man with red hair and gray clothes rushed to the child, grabbed the child's arm, and dragged him away. Here, he grabbed so hard that it was almost unbearable for the child. From his eyes, the child could see deep fear.

  【Gaara? Is that my name? Then who is this? Ah, I remembered, this is my father, but why did his eyes show a feeling of guard against me?

  The child was pulled away, and then the surrounding scene changed.

  The people around him disappeared one after another, and a flash of sword light flashed into Gaara's eyes, and Gaara closed his eyes subconsciously.

  After a while, Gaara opened his eyes again. He was not hurt in any way, but in front of him lay a dying blond young man.

  【Who is this? ]

  Gaara thought, but no one gave him the answer. The blond young man smiled at him and then disappeared.

  There was a severe pain in my head.

  [Is this Yakshamaru? I I killed him?

  Yashamaru, that is like the existence of Gaara's parents. Although Gaara's biological parents are not Yashamaru, but the fourth generation Kazekage and Yashamaru's sister, Gaara's mother died in childbirth, and his father gave Gaara was only cold. Throughout his childhood, Yashamaru was almost the one taking care of Gaara, not his parents, but better than his parents.

  But now

  [I killed Yashamaru? ]

  Gaara covered his head and fell to his knees. At the same time, the scene changed again.

  In a forest, a boy about the same age as him kicked him away, then kicked him hard to the ground, causing a human brake.

  【So strong! He has no ability to fight back at all. Who is this guy?

  The boy who stepped on Gaara had a very handsome face, opened his mouth slightly and mocked.

  "Is this your confidence?"

  Gaara wanted to resist, but there was severe pain all over his body and he couldn't move at all.

  【who is he? Are those red eyes from the Uchiha clan?

  After a while, the handsome young man began to gradually disappear. At the end, the young man seemed to look in another direction and spoke to Gaara in a meaningful way.

  "Think about it, besides the powerful power you got with the tailed beast, what else do you have. Those things you don't care about may actually be the most important thing to you." [The most important

  thing? Besides tailed beasts? ]

  Gaara followed the boy's gaze and saw two blurry figures there.

  [Are these Temari and Kankuro? ]

  Before Gaara could confirm, the surrounding scene changed again.

  He crawled on the ground with his whole body covered in cracks. In front of him, a young man stretched out his hand towards him. He was a young man with blond hair and six beard-like marks on his face.

  Gaara remembered this person.

  [Uzumaki Naruto.

  Then, everything began to change drastically, and a large number of memories poured into Gaara's mind. He began to work hard, he began to think about others, he began to value his companions, he began to try to protect the village, and eventually, he became the Kazekage.

  Everything seems to be perfect here.

  But the arrival of two people ruined everything. They were two men wearing black and red cloud robes.

  [Ah, I remembered, I was taken away. As a Kazekage, I was taken away. I]

  Gaara watched quietly. In the image in front of him, he fainted and was caught by that The two men left with it.

  【Am I done here? ]

  [That's right, I have no complaints. As a Kazekage, I'm still too weak and I'm not qualified.

  The surroundings fell into darkness again, and soon, there was nothing here.


  "What? Grandma Tsunade, are you telling the truth?"

  Naruto looked at Tsunade in disbelief.

  Tsunade nodded and spoke seriously.

  "Naruto, everything I said before is true! Gaara was captured by people from the Akatsuki organization, and now Sunagakure has sent a rescue application to our Konoha. I want you, Kakashi, and Xiao Sakura goes, at least, I think this mission is something you will definitely take on, and it is also the most suitable for you. Although it is a little threatening, even if I don't let you go, you won't listen, right?" Naruto looked anxious

  . Open your mouth.

  "Of course! Gaara's life and death are unknown now. How can I stay in the village with peace of mind? I want to go, I must go!" Tsunade said helplessly


  "Okay, your answer is within my expectations, then"

  Tsunade looked at Kakashi aside.

  "Kakashi, remember to take good care of Naruto, and as a matter of routine, please complete the task!"

  Kakashi stood up straight and spoke seriously.

  "Yes! Hokage-sama! We will definitely do our best to complete the mission! Also, Uzumaki Naruto is already very strong now. I don't think he needs my care, but I will just give him a helping hand."

  At the end of the sentence, Kakashi smiled.

  Tsunade also smiled.

  "That's good. By the way, although you must complete the task, I still hope that you can put saving your own lives as the most important thing."

  Kakashi nodded.

  Tsunade then looked at Sakura.


  Sakura understood and clenched her fists.

  "Don't worry, master, I will definitely show off my two years of practice in this mission!"

  Somewhere on the beach.

  Itachi sat there quietly, looking in the direction of the sea, wondering what he was thinking.

  Kisame appeared from behind Itachi and spoke.

  "Mr. Itachi, you seem to like sitting by the sea."

  Itachi glanced back slightly.

  "It's Kisame. When the sea is calm, it always makes people calm down. I like this feeling."

  Kisame said with a hint.

  "There are bloodthirsty sharks in the sea. Mr. Itachi, you have to be careful. Once you fall, you will be doomed!" After saying that, the sea in front of Itachi

  suddenly set off a huge wave, rushing towards the shore, trying to catch it. Itachi was swept into the sea.

  And in that sea, there were dozens of clearly visible sharks.

  This huge wave jumped high to the top of Weasel's head, and then crashed down!

  "Quack, quack, quack!"

  Suddenly, with a cry, Weasel's body turned into a crow, and instantly spread its wings and flew high. At a speed that the waves could not reach, it crossed the waves and rushed to high altitude, overlooking the sea.


  The waves hit hard and then receded quickly.

  Behind him, Itachi's figure reappeared.

  "The crow will not fall into the water. It is at a high altitude that the sea cannot reach."

  Kisame, who was wet by the waves, grinned and threw away the shark carcass in his hand.

  "Then be careful. If one day its wings break, the crow will definitely become a meal for the sharks when it falls into the sea!"

  Itachi smiled slightly.

  "Can the shark just stare at the little crow in the sky? How about meeting the eagle for a while?"

  Kisame was stunned for a moment, then thought of a certain character and said.

  "The eagle nicknamed the Divine Bone? No, let's forget about that. Although we haven't fought, it is no longer an eagle, right? I'm afraid it has grown into the sun in the sky now. That thing fell down If you do, it will dry up the sea. Forget it, Mr. Itachi, I won’t tell you this. The leader sent an order to prepare to seal the one-tail jinchūriki. After all, this is the first time. He asked us to hurry up. Go over there."

  Itachi was slightly shocked.

  "Seal Ichibi?"

  When did Ichibi decide to capture him? Why didn't he know at all?

  It seemed that the leader of the Akatsuki organization had begun to consciously guard against him.

  [Have you been discovered? Although I don’t expect to be able to hide it forever. ]

  Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Itachi nodded and stood up.

  "I understand, then let's go, find a safe place, and prepare to project it to seal Ichibi."

  Kisame also nodded.

  Why did Kisame just say those extremely warning words?

  It's very simple. There are two reasons. The first reason is that Kisame really can't see through Itachi. This kind of inability to see through Itachi makes Kisame constantly want to challenge Itachi after long-term team formation and as time goes by. , but Itachi didn't fight him, and he had no choice. Due to the rules of the Akatsuki organization, Kisame didn't want to forcefully take action, so on weekdays, Kisame would say something that meant "challenge".

  The second reason is that Kisame is one of the few people in the entire Akatsuki organization who really hopes that the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan will be realized, so Kisame will abide by the rules of the Akatsuki organization and not forcefully attack Itachi. It is also because of this , after discovering some of Itachi's little moves, Kisame couldn't help but issued some warnings to Itachi.

  [There are bloodthirsty sharks in the sea. If you fall into the sea, you will never recover.

  This sentence is Kisame warning Itachi that if One day Itachi is expelled by the Akatsuki organization (falls into the sea) because of his little actions, then Kisame (the shark) will definitely attack Itachi.

  Itachi said that he would not be expelled (the crow will not fall into the sea), and he saw the Akatsuki organization clearly (the crow is in the sky beyond the reach of the sea).

  The two of them just gave each other a warning and a reverse taunt without directly quarreling with each other.

  In the entire Akatsuki organization, this group is probably the most scheming. Both of them are from ANBU, and both have personally killed their companions. They were both forced to have no choice. In short, both of them came from the darkest place. The place where he came out alive.

  As for the eagle mentioned by Itachi later, they are both "birds". In the entire ninja world, who can Itachi take the initiative to recognize as being higher than him?

  It's actually very simple. After all, there are not many people who are "birds" like Itachi.

  "Art is"

  the sky-high flames instantly appeared in the distance, like a huge volcano erupting, bringing the end of the world.


  Deidara spread his hands and shouted with excitement.

  Scorpion looked at Deidara speechlessly.

  "It's just an ordinary mission, there's no need to make such a big fuss, right?"

  Deidara crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and spoke with a drunken look on his face.

  "Master, you don't understand, this is a sense of ritual! This is art! Ah! I have to say it again! Art is explosion!!!"

  Xie was completely speechless.

  "It's really annoying to be with you kid. This isn't art at all, is it?" "

  What? Master, are you going to promote your false eternal art to me again?"

  "False? Boy, please correct your rhetoric! "

  No, the beauty of the moment is the real beauty! How long has it been, sir, why don't you understand my art?" "

  Boy, I should be the one to say this! Pursue the beauty of the moment." , it’s just that ordinary people’s short sight can’t see things further away!”

  “What do you mean? Master, aren’t you an ordinary person?”

  “Humph! When you die, I will come to your grave to offer sacrifices.”

  “Haha. ? Master, you are older than me, right? How can you die after me? Master, are you just like those two immortal monsters, you are also immortal?" "What do you think? Boy, let's go,

  eternal beauty is the real art , you just can't see it."

  "Damn it! Master, no matter who you are, I will never agree with your art. The beauty of the moment is the real art!" "It's so annoying! The

  leader has summoned us, Find a place to prepare to seal Yiwei. Stop telling me about your art every day. If you annoy me, the result will not be good!" "Okay, okay, I

  also know how powerful you are, master. If you don't promote it, you won't promote it. Anyway, besides you, there must be someone who can understand my art. Let’s go and seal a tailed beast." "


  "It’s my first time to seal a tailed beast. I hope you can be more careful."

  Wearing a mask Obito looked at Tiandao and said.

  Tiandao replied expressionlessly.

  "You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing. The plan has already started. Capturing the tail beast of the big country means that we are completely against the big country. Next, we will start to frequently enter the sight of the big country. We must race against time. From now on At this point, I don't allow failure."

  He took the lead and pulled a hood from his back and brought it to his head.


























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