Chapter 243 [243] Dawn Blooming Potion Ten Years of Confinement

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  Chapter 243 [243] Dawn Bloom Potion Ten Years of Confinement
  Why did the fierce tiger wizard have murderous intentions on him!
  Could it be that Wang Ya thought of the Condor Wizard who was imprisoned in the Wizard's Prison, and about the doubts and commonalities in the clues.

  This is also the reason why he has not made up his mind to punish the people.

  Both the Condor Wizard and the Fierce Tiger Wizard have the origin of evil gods. The former is a bloodline wizard and the latter is a bloodline wizard. Both have the ability to develop bone-eroding beads.

  No, no, the Dream Wizard got the origin of the evil god from the Fierce Tiger Wizard. Wang Ya frowned, the water inside was a bit deep, like a mysterious cloud, making it hard to see clearly.

  The fierce tiger wizard was an enemy rather than a friend. He judged this result from the malicious and murderous intention just now.

  I have to tell Teacher Huanmeng about the situation.

  Wang Ya didn't want to go into details, and he had already fulfilled his obligation by telling the information he knew.

  "Nightmare Wizard, I think I need you to give an explanation as to why you appear here and cause so much damage to the mortal kingdom. The number of civilians who died is at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands." The Dragon Wizard frowned

  . Frowning, he glanced at the huge deep hole, the broken ruins and rubble, and then his eyes fell on Wang Ya.

  Even a formal wizard will be punished by the department if there is no suitable reason to respond.

  There were too many dead humans, which was equivalent to destroying a mortal kingdom. Even if there was a fine, it would only start from 10,000 magic stones.

  "Hmph, you are too wanton, Nightmare Wizard, even if you become Dark Star and have the same authority as us, you cannot ignore the rules of this department at will. Come with us, go to the Inspection Office, and accept the law enforcement wizard In the trial, since you are a law enforcement wizard yourself, your guilt will only be increased." The

  fierce tiger wizard scolded directly, with a bit of frost on his face, and then said: "As for your reasons, I will leave them to be explained at the trial of the Supervisory Office. Let's do it."

  As long-distance teleportation fluctuations enveloped their area, Wang Ya breathed a sigh of relief. These two guys finally gained the upper hand. If they chose to take action, he would be in extreme trouble.

  Even if Halak exists, he cannot be a match for the two official wizards.

  Darkland Headquarters.

  The three figures flying out from the teleportation tower, one after the other, appeared to be surrounded. The wizard in black robes in the middle held up the white smiling mask on his face.

  Many wizards walking on the streets near the teleportation tower looked at the three figures curiously, and then quickly looked away.

  That terrifying aura was a formal wizard-level existence, not a level they could touch.

  They had no way of knowing what exactly happened and whether it had anything to do with the black-robed wizard with a white smiling face mask in the middle.

  There was a black wizard robe on the street. The young-faced wizard was very concerned about it and looked at it several times, especially on Wang Ya.

  After the three figures disappeared from this area, they turned their gaze back.

  "Shu Lao, you said that is Wang Yahalak, and there are two official wizards." Ace asked curiously, "But how come it is like the wizards being escorted, and the two official wizards who have never seen the dragon are in person? Escort."

  "Wang Yahalak is the most outstanding young wizard in the entire land of darkness, and even the land of mountains and seas. His reputation has spread among other wizarding forces, and he seems to be on the must-kill list; even you said that if I hadn't There is no hope of catching up with him after opening the many permissions of the Deep Blue Book."

  Ace was very confused, "How could the dignified Dark Star be so embarrassed."

  Andersen's voice echoed in Ace's mind, "I I am not omniscient and omnipotent. Things now and things in the future are unknown to me. Don't ask these boring questions in the future. My answer requires the consumption of the book spirit source." "Most of my sources now are maintaining Deep Blue

  . The operation of the authority of the book may sleep for a period of time. When the level of water and fire resonance is completed, I will wake up and teach you the subsequent water and fire meditation method." Andersen continued: "If this water and fire wizard path is successful

  , Not much worse than Wang Yahalak. With my help, you will surpass him sooner or later. Even when you are a third-level wizard apprentice, special particle energy will appear in advance, which is comparable to the genius of the wizard forces in the inner area." "If you use Deep

  Blue The extraordinary knowledge inside the book is comparable to the genius of the wizard force in the core area. It is not impossible to achieve it; and then open some of the secrets I know, the wizard's secrets, your future is destined to be bright, and it will not be limited to your feet. This dark land."

  "Don't just focus on Wang Yahalak. His future is destined to be in the outer area, and he will enter the inner area. Your future is in the core area, and even into the inner area. In the inner world, in the outer world, you can see the endless empty sea and the bright starry sky."

  Ace was overwhelmed by these words. Yes, he could not be limited to the immediate goal, but also had future prospects.

  Surpassing King Yahalak is just a trivial matter. With the help of Andersen Shuling, this matter can be easily accomplished.

  He can now feel the difference from his previous self. In terms of strength, it is even more of a gap between heaven and earth.

  The water and fire meditation method far exceeds the particle energy purity of wizards at the same level. Thanks to Andersen's guidance, the progress of the meditation method is smooth and will not take detours; his path to the water and fire wizard also seems to have no bottlenecks, and he is improving all the way.

  After completing the competition in the secret realm, he will dig into the wizard's secret treasure to obtain more precious resources. After his strength has been upgraded to the third level wizard apprentice, his water and fire particle energy will also be born step by step.

  The corner of Ace's mouth raised an arc. At that time, his achievements would not be much worse than Wang Yahalak's.

  Everything the other party obtains, he can also obtain, and do better than the other party.

  He took out a mask of ice and fire color from the wizard's ring and put it on his cheek.

  The appearance and style are exactly the same as Wang Ya's previous black lotus mask.

  Regarding the environment of the Supervision Office, Wang Ya guessed that it might be a small dark room or a dilapidated and gloomy cell. After experiencing it himself, he discovered that the temporary room for those who violated the rules was just like a wizard's mansion, with all the facilities.

  Lying on the soft big bed, Wang Ya did not take off the white mask on his face, narrowed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to rest.

  It's just a delay of a day or two.

  As for the outcome of his treatment, Gloom Star's authority status makes him equivalent to an official wizard, and he will be sentenced according to the rules. The most serious one is to be locked up in his own residence and reflect in confinement for three months to ten years.

  Even if they were really locked up for ten years, what difference would it make? It would just be the same environment as during the solitary period.

  If you need anything, you can buy it through the wizard's mark, and then entrust Wizard Qiudong and Wizard Weiss to bring the things into the Fantasy Tower.

  Wang Ya also needs this kind of time to complete his subsequent Fenji's 'Supplementary Chapter' inheritance and improve his strength.

  For thirty years, almost every extreme wizard apprentice has been working hard towards that goal.

  He will not waste these thirty years in vain. He must make new breakthroughs and achieve the greatest perfection of his wizard path before entering the deep blue secret realm.

  Before leaving the headquarters to take action, Wang Ya had already considered all imaginable factors.

  It is worth mentioning that the wizard who met Wang Ya was the long-faced wizard who had previously helped Wang Ya join the Hand of Darkness.

  He couldn't remember the name, but the other party knocked on the door, opened it, and handed over a blank parchment.

  "Wang Yahalak, you have violated the rules of the Dark Land. You can write down the reasons on it. If the reasons are reasonable and sufficient, you can be exempted from punishment for this violation of the rules." Wang Ya: "."

  Nothing Doubtful, this must be someone starting to exert force to give him convenience.

  Of course, it is also within the rules of the Dark Land.

  Is it Teacher Huanmeng? A helpless smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth. Unfortunately, this was the punishment he wanted, and the heavier the punishment, the better.

  If the punishment results are being carried out, the wizard tasks that the law enforcement wizard needs to complete will not fall on him.

  Just like becoming a law enforcement wizard and joining the Hand of Darkness in order to avoid the target task, now it is just a mutually exclusive operation of changing hands in Wang Ya's plan.

  At certain times, rules can bring great convenience.

  Wang Ya thought for a moment, then picked up the quill and started writing on the parchment. The densely packed boys quickly filled in the blank content on it.

  The wizard who took the parchment glanced at it subconsciously, then froze, blinked and thought he had seen it wrong.

  "In my newborn period, the king of the mortal kingdom looked at me with a bad attitude and bad eyes. I held a grudge in my heart, so I went to take revenge. I used the witchcraft of burning silence and fission to destroy the royal city of the kingdom in the picture, and I came out ruthlessly. I took a breath of anger. Are you sure you wrote it correctly, Wang Yahalak!!"

  Wang Ya smiled faintly and did not answer.

  "If you write like this, it will further worsen the current situation, and you will be severely punished." "

  This is my answer!"

  Wang Ya's answer made the law enforcement wizard holding the parchment helpless. He couldn't understand the operation at all.

  Forget it, just follow the rules of the department, and the result will be whatever it is supposed to be.

  Just on the morning of the next day, Wang Ya's punishment sentence was handed down.

  [Inspection Office: Wang Yahalak, you have violated Article 329 of the rules of the Dark Land. Now you will be detained for ten years. During this period, you cannot leave your established residence. Once found to have violated the sentencing results, more severe penalties will be imposed.

  Wang Ya pulled his consciousness away from the wizard's mark, and his eyes fell on the wizard's figure coming and going on the street. His body was in a weakened and illusive state.

  Taking a step forward, the power of dreams surged, as if turning into an invisible tunnel in the void.

  When he reappeared, he was already at the entrance of Halak's merchandise store.

  Mona Antoun stood at the door, seemingly waiting for a long time, holding a wizard ring in her hand. When she saw Wang Ya's figure, a helpless smile appeared on her face, "What's wrong, our nightmare wizard has actually fallen?" When you are sentenced by the Supervisory Office, you really make people worry."

  As early as the verdict came down, Wang Ya had already informed Mona about the collection of extraordinary resources.

  Wang Ya, who took the wizard's ring, was stunned for a moment. Mona's little fist had already hit his chest. She rolled her big eyes and said, "You are really a hands-off boss. I have gathered these things for you. The debt owed by Halak Commodity Store has reached two years of profit."

  Wang Ya knew what this concept was and also knew some of the efforts Mona had made in it. He took off the white smiling mask on his face. His eyes were clear and his expression was She said very seriously, "Thank you, Mona."

  Looking at the figure that faded away and disappeared, Mona bit her lip with her teeth and pouted again, "Thank you, hum, anyone can say thank you, just you, the king. Ya can't say."

  When Wang Ya's figure appeared again, he had already arrived near the potion tower where Wizard Freddy was.

  He only had one day to deal with the trivial matters before the confinement. For the next ten years, he could only stay in the third floor.

  Wizard Freddy also received the notification in advance, and he hesitated a bit. After all, the quantity of medicine Wang Ya requested was too large and the value was too high. In the end, he agreed to the other party's request and helped this time. At worst, he would take out 5% of the potions from his own storage.

  The trees were not growing very well, but they were overgrown with weeds, growing out of the gaps in the stone road. Unexpectedly, these stone slabs did not have extraordinary fluctuations.

  Wang Ya also discovered some characteristics of the potion tower. It is very simple, especially simple. Almost no extraordinary metals that are too expensive are used. Even gold, jade, agate, etc. used by ordinary mortals can be found on the walls of the wizard tower. middle.

  This is simply incredible!
  Such a thing that turns history back can only be satisfied by Freddy Wizard's own wishes and strong demands.

  The teleportation witch formation still existed. Wang Ya's eyes fell on the figure with golden curly hair and mustache that gradually emerged from the void space.

  "You're fine, Wizard Wang Ya." Freddy was holding a container bag in his hand. There was a space spell inside. Compared with the stable space for storing witchcraft, this container bag has no spiritual imprinting function. No one can Can be opened and used.

  And it is easily affected by the external environment and even witchcraft energy, and is directly scrapped.

  After meeting so many times, Wang Ya also knew what kind of character Freddy was. He stretched out his hand, and the container and bag in the other person's hand floated directly over.

  "The share of potions in it is enough for you to use for twelve years."

  "Thank you Wizard Freddy for your help."

  "You and I are allies. There is no need to say this. We should help each other."

  Freddy said as a reminder . He said, "I also added some powerful ingredients, which can greatly increase the mental power value, but there are more dangerous side effects; when you reach the extreme wizard apprentice, it is already difficult to improve the mental power, and it takes a lot of time to grind it up, even if High-level extraordinary potions can only increase the value by 0.12.

  The Dawn Bloom potion is different. It allows you to enter a special mental illusion. It is judged that the increased value is at least 0.4, and the upper limit varies from person to person. What you are doing When taking it, remember to maintain the best condition and a stable mentality. Because the effect of the medicine is so strong, even formal wizards have effects."

  Wang Ya looked serious and nodded.

  For formal wizards, ordinary extraordinary potions have no effect due to the limit of sublimation. Most high-level potions have almost no effect. Only potion wizards who are also at the level of official wizards can produce extraordinary potions that are effective for formal wizards. .

  Potion wizards of that level are so rare that they seem to have never appeared in the land of mountains and seas.

  As people go higher up, formal wizard-level potion wizards, even the wizard forces in the inner and core areas, will give preferential treatment.

  The Dawn Bloom Potion should be the best thing in Freddy's wizard's box. Being able to become the master of a lineage has more or less unique skills. At least it can make other official wizards feel that they have such value.

  The preparations that need to be made have almost been completed.

  As for the place of inheritance, it can only be put on hold for the time being. Simply because his current accumulation of knowledge is extremely profound, he is confident that even a formal wizard will not be much better than him, especially in terms of erudition regarding extraordinary knowledge.

  Wizard Slati is an ancient one. He will only be more knowledgeable than him and can be called an ancient one.

  Time, what Wang Ya lacks is just time.

  Give him enough time and he can achieve greater results.

  After bidding farewell to Freddy Wizard, Wang Ya went to the last place before confinement.

  Heart Dream Lake!
  The oral mucosa increases, and I always have endless coughing. I'm almost running out of paper. It's so difficult!
  (End of chapter)

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