Chapter 551 The "limit" of the empire's top secret agent!

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  Chapter 551 The "limit" of the empire's top secret agent!
  After asking all kinds of questions, Brand, who was dressed in a black robe and mask, said with a smile:

  "Then I wish Mr. Anil a relatively pleasant prisoner experience, and we won't bother you to reminisce."

  After saying this , under Anil’s doubtful gaze.

  The leading man in black robe and mask stood up, left the room with the man in black robe and mask on his right, and closed the door.

  Immediately afterwards, the masked man in black robe who was still in the room lowered his hood, and then took off his mask.

  Looking at the elegant lady who was unwinding her long red curly hair walking towards him, Anil said in shock:

  "Hisali! It turns out it's you! You are still alive!"

  In response, Sisali said sarcastically. He responded:

  "You should call me cousin!

  Unlike side branches like you, I am a direct descendant of the Rosenkar family!
  You should maintain a certain amount of respect for me!"

  Hearing this, Anil said angrily. :

  "You're just..."


  Outside the room, listening to the dull sound coming from the room behind him, Brand, who had taken off his disguise, shrugged with regret and said: "I
  hope Mr. Anil can survive this. Hisari seems to be very angry today." It's quite big."

  After saying this, Brand led Catherine beside him, who had also taken off her disguise, and finally came to a more luxurious office.

  At this time, there was a blond lady in a bright red dress inside the office who was reviewing various materials.

  This is the top secret agent of the Kaya Empire, Rias Lilith, codenamed the Lonely Lady.

  More than five months ago, she was assigned by the empire to come to the Kingdom of Cardan.

  Relying on the support from the Kaya Empire, she gradually integrated the scattered intelligence personnel.

  Then he developed his power here and paved the way for subsequent actions.

  Before Brand arrived, the power she developed in the Cardin Kingdom, the "Golden Opera House," had spread over most of the Cardin Kingdom.

  Many intelligence officers from the Kaya Empire are interspersed with this organization and its tentacles!

  A week ago, when he first arrived in the Kingdom of Cardan and learned this information, Brand was slightly shocked.

  In less than half a year, the power has developed to this point.

  Even with all the support from the empire, it would be unimaginable.

  However, after asking about the detailed process and gaining a certain understanding of the situation in the Cardan Kingdom, Brand gained some understanding.

  ——Many nobles in the Cardan Kingdom have long been very dissatisfied with the Cardan royal family. They are secretly supporting various "warriors" who intend to overthrow the royal family.

  Rias's Golden Opera House is currently the key support target for these nobles!

  Let’s talk about the reasons why the nobles are dissatisfied with the royal family.

  That was mainly because the Cardan royal family was die-hard loyalists to the Bruns Empire.

  ——They have secretly betrayed the interests of many nobles in the country more than once to please the Bruns Empire!

  For example, in this Elemental Storm incident, it was the Cardan royal family who first informed the Bruns Empire.

  This approach not only made other countries around the Moraiton Desert hostile.

  And the nobles within the Cardan Kingdom also lost their share of the elemental storm!
  Of course, the Cardin royal family did not suffer.

  ——They got the complete method of making the Knight Golem!
  If the Kaya Empire had not taken action, relying on the technology of making knight golems, the power of the Kadan royal family would have been greatly increased in a short period of time!
  This time Brand came to the Kingdom of Cardan with a total of three tasks.

  The first is to lead his men to make money.

  The main target of this mission is the knight golem produced by the Cardan royal family. The secondary target Brand can decide by himself.

  The second is to wait for an opportunity to overthrow the rule of the Cardan royal family and support those who oppose the Bruns Empire.

  If this goal cannot be achieved, then try to help the rebel forces in the Kingdom of Cardan as much as possible. The third is to obstruct the Bruns Empire's actions in the Moraiton Desert.

  This goal is mainly to let Brand create obstacles for the Bruns Empire, and there are no restrictions on the specific method.

  It is easy to understand why Brand came to this important city on the southern border of Cardan.

  The area where this border town called Buxton is located belongs to a prince of the Cardan royal family.

  ——The Kingdom of Cardan is famous for its rich mineral resources!
  In addition, according to the information obtained by Rias's spies:
  the Cardan royal family is making a knight golem in a hidden area nearby!

  Although it's not yet time to recover the Knight Golem.

  But Brand also needs to figure out the specific location of these knight golems.

  Of course, besides that.

  Ms. Hisari Carlson was also one of the reasons for Brand to make this choice.

  ——The target of her revenge is the Marquis Rosenkar family of the Bruns Empire.

  Among the forces of the Bruns Empire that passed through the Kingdom of Cardan and headed to the Moraiton Desert this time, there were members of the Marquis Rosenkar family.

  When it comes to making money, of course robbery is the fastest way to get there!

  Compared to the Kingdom of Cardan, the Bruns Empire is obviously much richer.

  Of course, it’s not okay to act recklessly!

  At this time, among the forces of the Bruns Empire stationed south of Buxton and on the edge of the Moraiton Desert, there are high-level imperial weapons such as the Knights and the Mage Corps!
  If you fight against this kind of force, even if you win in the end, it will definitely be a losing business!
  When Brand and Catherine entered this office with various luxurious furnishings.

  The noble lady codenamed Lady Lonely immediately stood up to greet her:

  "Mr. Brand, Ms. Catherine, judging from your appearance, the interrogation process should have gone smoothly?"

  After hearing this, Catherine was asked to hand over the magic crystal that recorded the interrogation process. After this lady, Brand shrugged regretfully and said:
  "Mr. Anil is only a branch of the Rosenkar family after all, and he doesn't know much information.

  Whether it is about the forces sent by the Bruns Empire, or Or regarding the location of the Knight Golem, we still need to continue to inquire."

  As he said this, Brand lazily leaned on the main seat of the office.

  Looking at Rias across the desk, who was standing in a perfect ladylike posture and waiting for orders, Brand waved his hand and said,

  "Ms. Rias, didn't I tell you.

  There's no need to be like this, just be more casual.

  I'm just a junior mage now, and I don't have any title. "

  Hearing this, Rias smiled and responded:
  "Although I have been traveling all year round, I have still heard of Mr. Brand's name. "

  After saying these words, Rias looked puzzled when she saw Catherine handing her a handkerchief.

  Immediately afterwards, Brand also turned the chair under him in a different direction with a look of surprise and helplessness.

  Wait. After turning his back to the lady, Brand said in a gentlemanly manner:

  "Ms. Rias, please wipe it. "

  Just when Rias was confused and wanted to ask about the meaning of Brand's words.

  Just when she opened her mouth, she felt something flowing along her skin and into her lips...

  After a brief moment of stunnedness,

  Rias covered her face with her hands. She turned back and escaped from the office.

  At this point, Rias's good image that she had worked hard to maintain in front of Brand for a week was completely destroyed!

  ——As the top secret agent of the empire, this is already the limit!

   Thanks to the book friend "Drunk" For the reward of "Dream of Death",
    I would like to thank the book friend "Old Goddess, That Old Woman" for her monthly ticket
  (end of this chapter)

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