Chapter 371 The mage gathering is brewing!

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  Chapter 371 The mage gathering is brewing!
  After walking through the empty college road with ease, Brand arrived at his teacher's studio.

  After skillfully authenticating his identity and walking into the hall, he glanced at his teacher.

  To Brand's surprise, the dean was also there.

  At this moment, my teacher was sitting behind the large desk, drinking tea lazily.

  The dean of the college was sitting directly opposite with a piece of information and seemed to be narrating something.

  This scene looks a bit like the dean as an employee reporting to his teacher as a leader.

  Brand felt that this should be something the dean wanted to entrust his teacher to do.

  After noticing Brand's arrival, the dean's words paused, and Celine immediately put down the tea cup in her hand, and then came towards him.

  Looking at his teacher walking towards him, Brand showed a smile on his face:

  "My dear teacher, I haven't seen you for many days. My thoughts about you are enough to fill the entire Moon Lake."

  Hearing Brand say this Said, Celine pretended to be dissatisfied and said:
  "Just filled the Moon Lake? Isn't it a little too little?"

  Hearing this, Brand responded seriously:
  "Since the teacher is dissatisfied, then I can only fill up the Moon Lake." Dig a little bigger!"

  After hearing this, Xilin smiled and shook her head and said:
  "Forget it, if you really do this, the old guy from the college president will stand up and say that you destroyed the college facilities."

  After hearing this, Xi Lin said After Lin's words, the dean came over and interjected with a dissatisfied look on his face:
  "I don't have the time to care about these little things. You are trying to smear my image in Brand's mind."

  After saying this, the dean Then he smiled at Brand and said:

  "I have heard about your experience in the North. I didn't expect that you can now lead the students of our college to establish a physical mage group framework. It seems that your library should continue Dominating the list of the college organization!"

  After hearing what the college dean said, Brand shrugged quite indifferently.

  The college organization list really has no sense of existence on his side.

  From the beginning to the end, he was just dragged over by the seniors to show his name.

  The team from the Caesar Empire couldn't think about it anymore, so they came over and had a fight with them, and then the library climbed to the top.

  ——The whole process has no sense of achievement.

  Celine also knew what her disciple was thinking. She said to the dean in a dissatisfied tone:

  "The rewards on your list are pitifully small. Don't expect Brand to be very interested in it."

  The dean shook his head and said:

  "You can't say that. Although Brand does not lack that honor or those resources, the members of the library need it.

  Although Brand will definitely not treat those civilian girls badly, they definitely also want to rely on their own We must work hard to obtain something.

  The completion of tasks in the library last semester is a good example of this.

  This actually helps an organization develop healthily."

  Seeing that Celine wanted to say something else, the dean changed the subject. , and then said:
  "Of course, for young and promising students like Brand, the problem of list rewards not being attractive enough is also an objective reality. In

  response to this problem, the college will issue some awards for top students in the college next semester. The academy mission, the mission rewards include rare items and spell inheritance from the academy secret vault."

  Hearing what the academy dean said, Brand couldn't help but asked curiously:

  "What is the academy secret vault?"

  The dean of the academy smiled slightly, and then explained :
  "I can only tell you that it is a warehouse under the sole control of the deans of the Royal Mage Academy. As for what is inside, that is something that needs to be kept secret." As if he felt that what he said was not attractive enough, the dean added

  . :

  "In short, the things inside are considered very precious in the entire magic world of Farnes Continent. Don't miss it when the time comes." At this time, Celine shook her head and said: "The reward from the academy's


  vault They were all taken out generously. What kind of difficult tasks are you planning to assign to the students of the college?" The

  dean retorted with a smile:
  "Difficulties in the eyes of ordinary students are nothing to outstanding students; and outstanding students The difficulties in the eyes are nothing to top students. It all depends on the students' specific abilities."

  Seeing the curious look on Brand's face, the dean knew that his goal was achieved.

  So he put the information in his hand on the table aside, and then said goodbye:
  "Okay, I will leave first, so as not to disturb the reunion of your master and apprentice after a long separation."

  After saying this, the dean left Celine. 's studio.

  After the dean left, Brand couldn't help but curiously glance at the pile of information left by the dean.

  ——The dean came here specifically to ask Celine for help, which didn’t seem like a trivial matter.

  Seeing Brand's curiosity, Celine also explained:
  "This is probably related to the academy mission the old guy said. Since the end of the war conference, the Kaya Empire will be stuck at this point in the Year of Tides heading north. The matter of initiating a pioneering war in an attempt to reach the Endless Sea has been completely spread among the upper echelons of the Human Alliance.

  You should have seen how lively the Imperial City is when you came back.

  In fact, it is not just officials on diplomatic visits, and those seeking profit. Businessmen, and mage forces from other countries have also sent visiting teams.

  These even include some mage academies in empires and kingdoms, as well as the famous transnational mage organization of the Human Alliance."

  After hearing these things, Brand was a little confused and said :
  "What are these mages organizing here for? Are they also interested in the elves' maritime trade routes? Or do they want to exchange magic with the elves through this trade route?" Celine responded: "I'm

  very clear about this. It is said that Some of these forces were specially invited by the empire.

  I think maybe the empire wants to buy some military supplies from them."

  Brand followed the train of thought and deduced:
  "So as the empire's mage academy, we Are you going to receive them and hold exchange activities with them?"

  Hearing Brand's speculation, Celine smiled and shook her head and said:
  "Although there will indeed be exchange activities, this time it will not be held separately with our college. .

  All major departments of the imperial family and all major mage families will participate.

  Our academy is just one of the participants.

  When the time comes, I will also participate on behalf of the professional tutor of Rune Array from the Royal Mage Academy. "

  Hearing that so many local forces were involved.

  Brand instantly realized that the number of mage forces coming to the Kaya Empire might be much more than imagined.

  Otherwise, the empire's attitude would not be so solemn.

  ——In fact, this exchange event is very likely to cover less than half of the magic world of the Human Alliance.

  After thinking for a moment, Brand did not think too much about this matter.

  ——Such a big event is still It's not his turn as a student of the academy to worry about it.

  Anyway, if it's beneficial then, just participate, and if it's not beneficial, just ignore

  it. The top priority is to find a way to defeat Mr. Holland as soon as possible.

  Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help but Look at your teacher expectantly.

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  (end of this chapter)

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