Chapter 152 You must survive before you are qualified to negotiate!

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  Chapter 152 You must survive before you are qualified to negotiate!

  Because the field of vision returned to normal, although they were extremely curious and doubtful about the dark blue that filled the battlefield, the soldiers on the outside of the battle formation immediately slashed at the bandits in front of them.

  On the bandits' side, because the terrifying spell didn't seem to have any actual impact on them, they became fierce again.

  However, when they started to take action, they immediately felt an inexplicable force hindering their movements.

  When the soldiers in front of them slashed at them with swords, they could obviously raise their shields to parry, or dodge sideways.

  But hindered by the unknown force, their movements were a little "difficult", a little "arduous", and even a little "slow"!
  It's like falling into the water!
  Opposite the bandits, the soldiers of the 6th Infantry Regiment were also a little confused.

  ——The bandits' movements suddenly slowed down.

  ——It seems like it takes a lot of effort to even raise your hand?
  Although they were very strange in their hearts, the soldiers were not soft-hearted at all.

  They waved their weapons and began to "harvest" the bandits.

  Under such a background, the originally evenly matched battle on the battlefield instantly became one-sided!
  When the captains on the edge of the battle formation saw this scene, they immediately realized that this was the spell at work.

  ——Such a powerful spell must not last too long!

  "Charge the whole army!"

  After realizing this fact, they roared all the way and charged towards the bandits in front of them!
  Seeing that their captains had all charged, the soldiers naturally followed closely behind.

  ——The balance of war began to shift rapidly.

  On Brand's side, he originally wanted to remind him, but listening to the shouts of death around him, he knew that

  the commander and the soldiers had already realized the effect of this spell.

  Because the overall situation has been decided, Brand, who was very tired, simply took out a chair from the space necklace and sat down.

  The mental power and magic power in his body were completely exhausted, and the reserves of mental space and magic space were also exhausted.

  This feeling is more uncomfortable than simply being exhausted.

  Not only was my head dizzy, but my body was also very empty and weak.

  He took out the potion from the space necklace and drank a few bottles before feeling better.

  At this time, seeing that the people guarding him were a little confused about the battlefield in the distance, Brand slowly explained to them.

  The name of the spell he just used was Flower of the Deep.

  An advanced spell used in conjunction with Phase Mark.

  Its function is to create a "phase deep sea" in the trajectory crossed by the phase mark.

  Although the deep blue wave just bypassed the soldiers, it did not bypass the bandits.

  Without exception, these bandits were all marked and pulled into shallow phase coordinates.

  People with phase marks on their bodies will feel like they are in the deep sea when they are in the "phase deep sea" area.

  Of course, the current state of the bandits is still somewhat different from that of being in the real deep sea.

  First of all, Brand did not set the buoyancy and pressure for it.

  In addition, it is limited by the shallow "phase coordinate".

  The resistance the bandits faced was not that strong.

  But this does indeed affect their actions.


  The battlefield of the Great Knight far away from the frontal battlefield.

  His eyes swept across the huge dark blue flowers that bloomed and withered in the distance, and Anthony's lips curved into a smile.

  On the contrary, the lord of Liuyue City gradually frowned.

  But before he could think about it, Anthony's heavy chop was already in front of him.

  Seeing this, he quickly retracted his gaze and raised his sword to parry.

  ——The two are equally powerful and cannot tolerate too many distractions on his part.

  After a loud clang, the two separated slightly.

  Anthony swept away the sonic blast in front of him with his shield in his left hand, and rushed towards the Lord of Liuyue City again.

  His offensive began to intensify!
  The Lord of Liuyue City had no intention of retreating. He held swords in both hands and struck back head-on!
  The air is howling!
  The ground is shaking!
  Even the light began to distort slightly!
  After fighting like this for a while, the Lord of Liuyue City suddenly realized that something was wrong.

  After forcefully pushing back Anthony, he looked around.

  ——Unconsciously, Anthony used the power of the Great Knight to surround the surrounding space!
  Just when he wanted to dispel the power of Anthony's great knight, it was already a little late!
  "Big secret skill! Death fight in the cage!"

  Anthony shouted.

  An extremely solid spherical partition enveloped them!
  Under the naked eye, the scenery outside the partition quickly distorts!
  After successfully releasing the secret skill, Anthony looked much more relaxed.

  No more intensive attacks as before.

  The city lord of Liuyue City used the power of the great knight to briefly test the function of this cage.

  He was a little puzzled and said:

  "You are wasting your strength just to create this cage to trap us?"

  Hearing the Liuyue City Lord's question, Anthony chuckled and said:
  "Maybe you don't know the situation on the front battlefield, but I But it's very clear."

  After taking a deep breath, Anthony began to tighten his hands on the weapons in his hands.

  Then he revealed a fact that shocked the Lord of Liuyue City:

  "You have lost!"

  The next moment, Anthony once again launched a close and heavy attack on the Lord of Liuyue City.

  As time goes by, his attacks are getting stronger and stronger!
  ——Legion’s secret skills are being further used!
  Anthony did not take the initiative to strengthen the operation of the legion's secret skills!
  This means that the veterans of the Sixth Infantry Regiment are no longer fighting, but are giving him full support!

  ——The battlefield over there has been won!

  ——He has nothing to worry about anymore!

  Under Anthony's intensive and heavy attack, the Lord of Liuyue City gradually became unable to resist.

  After dodging Anthony's attack and quickly jumping back to distance himself, he said:
  "I think we can talk!"

  Facing the Liuyue City Lord's soft words, Anthony responded with a ferocious expression:

  "Now you must survive in my hands first, and then you can be qualified to negotiate!"

  After saying such cruel words.

  He continued to rush towards the Lord of Liuyue City!
  The sound of violent collision of metal resounded continuously throughout the surroundings again.

  As the sonic booms started to sound frequently, the Lord of Liuyue City gradually became more aggressive.

  After a collision and retreating, he suddenly turned sideways to avoid Anthony's sight, took out a blue pill from the magic pocket on his waist, put it into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

  After doing this, he took the initiative and rushed towards Anthony.

  Seeing the opponent taking the initiative to attack, Anthony also faced it head-on without showing any signs of weakness.

  After several more head-to-head confrontations, Anthony suddenly accelerated his attack rhythm and slashed hard with his right hand.

  The moment the Lord of Liuyue City was parrying, he grasped the dagger in his left hand and slashed across his throat!

  In such a flash of lightning, the Lord of Liuyue City suddenly closed his eyes.

  When Anthony didn't know why, the dazzling white magic light came towards his face!

  Before he could close his eyes, the power of the great knight was restrained and offset by the Lord of Liuyue City.

  Anthony entered a brief blinding state and swung his dagger into the air.

  Just as he quickly retreated to wait for his vision to recover and regain his posture.

  The voice of the Lord of Liuyue City came from his left side.

  "Big secret skill! Fireworks and meteors!"

  Hearing this voice, Anthony's heart sank and he quickly took a defensive stance.

  But what surprised him was that the attack was not coming towards him.

  In the distance, the sound of breaking glass echoed around.

  ——The death-match cage has been broken!
  When Anthony's vision returned, he saw that a gap had been opened in the death fight cage.

  The Lord of Liuyue City, who was covered in flowing flames, had already stepped out with half his foot!
   Thanks to book friend "I just want to read books well" for his monthly pass.
    Thanks to book friend "Mr. Gao Leng" for his monthly pass
  (end of this chapter)

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