200. Chapter 199 Family members, the provoking method really works! (Please subscribe! Together!)

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  Chapter 199: Family members, the provoking method really works! (Please subscribe! Together!)

  Royal Capital, Essex.

  At the imperial meeting held the next day, King Wilbert I of the Andals gave important instructions on the current international situation.

  The westward expansion of the Antolians opened up a situation for the Andal Kingdom, which was an amateur in foreign wars and an expert in civil wars.

  According to the words of Wilbert I, this is like putting a hedgehog in the crotch of the remnant of the restoration of the country and the Walrasian people, causing them to face the dilemma of being attacked from the east, west and south.

  When the expeditionary force from the Principality of Policia and the allied forces from the eastern countries arrive, under attack from three sides, the Walrasian people's plot will be wiped out, and the raging remnants of the restoration of the country will also be curbed.

  Although the Brandon family, the rulers of the Norton Principality, became history in this war, the territory of the Norton Principality is still bathed in orthodox beliefs, and the situation in the Northern Continent is still developing in a good direction.

  And the Kingdom of Andal will surely have a more glorious tomorrow!
  To be honest, even Leon himself did not expect that the Antolians' offensive would be so exaggerated by his Majesty the King.

  But if you think about it carefully, this is actually not difficult to understand.

  Whether it is the Kingdom of Idrit or the Kingdom of Andal, as the main force that sent troops to the Principality of Norton this time, the previous few wars did not achieve even the slightest results.

  The army of the Kingdom of Idrit successfully moved in after the encounter with Walras' army, and is still resting and recuperating.

  The western nobles of the Kingdom of Andal also suffered a head-on attack from the alien tribes from the north after entering the territory of the Principality of Norton, and retreated back to the Kingdom of Andal.

  In short, although everyone shouted slogans loudly and made great efforts, they could not see any real results.

  In this situation, Viscount Wilbert I felt embarrassed, not to mention that even the expeditionary force from the Principality of Policia and the coalition forces from the eastern countries gradually slowed down their march.

  Who knows when they arrive at the battle, will they be involved in the defense of the Principality of Norton or the defense of Essex, the capital of the Andal Kingdom? !
  Therefore, this victory brought by the Antolian army is undoubtedly of extremely far-reaching significance!
  Wilbert I even directly defined the fall of Navarre as a turning point in the situation in the Principality of Norton with a stroke of his pen!
  After a discussion at the imperial meeting, Leon's victory had been carefully decorated by the nobles of the Kingdom of Andal to the point where even Leon would burst into tears when he saw it.

  Anyway, after a long period of discussion, this victory has become a victory under the collective efforts of the Andal nobles, personally managed by Wilbert I, and then executed by Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia. A big game!
  The number of survivors of the Restoration in the city of Navarre has changed from the 1,000 people originally reported by Leon to 10,000 people, and the original intention to capture the city has become to capture the city and annihilate the enemy.

  Even the previous retreat of the Andal Western nobles was no longer a complete defeat, but an active strategic retreat to cover the Andal Kingdom's southern offensive and to paralyze the enemy!

  As for why it was the Kingdom of Walras that was paralyzed, but the remnants of the restoration of the country were beaten...

  The nobles of the Royal Council expressed that the water was very deep, and only a wise monarch could see through the chaos of Walras. The connection between the Kingdom of Sri Lanka and the survivors of the restoration of the Kingdom.

  As the executor of this plan, King Wilbert I naturally fulfilled his promise and immediately recognized the Jimena family's claim to the area south of the Meyerson River, and granted Leon Andal Kingdom's southern front army The title of commander-in-chief.

  At the same time, Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, was encouraged to continue his efforts and work closely with the nobles in the western part of the kingdom to expel the enemy forces entrenched in the Principality of Norton as soon as possible.

  "Ubel Harlem!"

  "How are the preparations for the army you were ordered to gather and train before?"

  Although Leon opened up the situation in the south of the Principality of Norton, it is obvious that no one knows the current situation better than Wilbert I himself. The actual situation.

  The western nobles had been beaten down by the pagans from the north, so as the king of the Andal Kingdom, Wilbert I naturally had to make a gesture.

  At least the pagans of Walras cannot be allowed to introduce war into the Kingdom of Andal.

  There is a saying that the original march into Norman was changed to guarding the western gate. The western nobles of the Andal Kingdom are still a bit awesome.

  "Xiaoguan has recruited a total of 20,000 soldiers. Although the number is not too many, if you add the Kingdom's sergeants who previously guarded River Valley City, it will certainly not be difficult to block the cavalry of the Kingdom of Walras from outside the country! "

  Seeing his king asking questions, Yubel Harin, as the military minister of the Kingdom of Andal, quickly replied.

  "Then send them to the king's border, and then send another 300 elite knights to be led by you personally. If the Marquis of Antolia can achieve sufficient results in the southern part of the Principality of Norton, the kingdom's western front army must also cooperate closely!"

  It has to be said that the battle report sent by Leon once again brought enough confidence to Wilbert I, who was originally in decline.

  Although the western part of the kingdom is now in a state of passive defense, the Kingdom of Walras has made enemies everywhere, and it is also not easy for them.

  So even if the first battle was successful, it was only at the border with Chen Bing, and no further offensive was launched against the Kingdom of Andal.

  But now, what was originally a two-sided attack has turned into a three-sided encirclement.

  This undoubtedly made Wilbert I feel that I have the advantage. If I can delay it for enough time, and wait until the coalition forces from the eastern countries and the expeditionary force from the Principality of Policia arrive at the border, I may really be able to gain something after this battle. More benefits.


  Seeing that the king had made up his mind, Yubel Harin immediately gave the order.


  the old military minister felt that his king's prediction of the situation was a little too optimistic.

  The Antolians can indeed fight, but this does not mean that the nobles in the western part of the kingdom and the 20,000 levies they temporarily recruited can also fight!

  But the order has been given anyway, and His Majesty the King cannot take it back.

  All Yubel Harin could do was to defend the territory, and then hope that the young Marquis could achieve more results.


  Of course Leon will achieve more results.

  Regarding this, he has always had great confidence in himself.

  And after two days of march, the outline of Idar Port was already visible in the distance.

  Compared with the city of Navarre, the city wall of Port Idar is actually not high, and can even be called low.

  However, Port Idar reaches the Endless Sea to the west and the Meyerson River to the north. The only two sides that can really be left for the Antolians to attack are the east and the south.

  There is definitely no way to conduct a sneak attack.

  The survivors of the restoration of the country entrenched in Port Idar have obviously received the news that the Antolian army is marching westward. Not only have many defenses been erected outside Port Idar, but also the immature crops in the farmland outside the city. It has also been burned to death by the remnants of the Fuguo in the city.

  "This is forcing us to attack by force!"

  Looking at the port town not far away, Leon couldn't help but sigh.

  "Don't worry, Lord Marquis! Even if it's a forceful attack, the Antolian army will definitely be able to capture this town!"

  After hearing Leon's words, Andrew said without hesitation.

  "Let's set up camp on the spot first. Port Idar has become ours. There is no need to sacrifice so many soldiers' lives just to enter the city as early as possible." Leon shook his head and said in a deep voice


  He will never regret the decision he made in Navarre to rest in place.

  You know, in that short week, Antolia's soldiers at least rescued hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens who were imprisoned by the remnant believers in the surrounding towns and manors, and completely It wiped out the hostile forces around the city of Navarre, leaving a stable rear for itself.

  If they had continued to attack Port Idar at that time, they might indeed have been able to take over the entire south bank of the Meyerson River before the remnants of the restoration of the country could react. But what’s the use of just having land?

  By then, it really depends on God's will whether the civilians imprisoned in the prison can survive.

  "The craftsmen accompanying the army collected materials on the spot in the mountains and forests south of Port Idar, and worked hard to build siege equipment such as battering rams and shield vehicles." "As for you,


  Leon paused and looked at this man The eager legion commander: "Arrange your soldiers to call for battle outside the Port of Idar, and just choose words that can insult the harpy." "The

  statue of the harpy that was previously confiscated in Navarre and Flags were all burned on the spot outside the Port of Idar, or soaked with urine." "

  I want to see if this group of so-called extremely pious religious lunatics will watch the gods in their hearts being destroyed. Insult."


  Upon hearing this, Andrew's eyes suddenly flashed with joy.

  In fact, if the opponent in front of him was a Walrasian, Leon might not necessarily do this.

  After all, even the ordinary people of Walras, let alone Walras's army, would probably fight to the death with the Antolians if they urinate on the gods they believe in.

  Even if it can achieve temporary results, it will cause endless troubles and become a mortal enemy in the eyes of all believers, with no possibility of reconciliation.


  facing the survivors of the restoration of the country, Leon does not have to have such scruples.

  A relic of the country!
  Even if you don't offend it, it will take the initiative to offend you!
  These guys have committed so many horrific murders in the Northern Continent, especially in the Principality of Norton and the Kingdom of Idrit. They are not a good thing, so the insult is an insult.

  There is no doubt that this is a very direct provocation.

  If the believers in the city really couldn't bear it and rushed out, then naturally the process of the Antorians attacking the town and building siege equipment would be omitted, and they could directly compete on the plains outside the city. .

  If he could hold back and do nothing even if he saw the god he believed in being insulted, then Leon would naturally have other back-ups.

  He has already considered countless tactics in his mind.

  And...he also has a tall, strange bird!

  Although the wild tall birds living in the southwestern highlands have violent tempers, the tall birds hatched by the Antolian people themselves have been trained very well, and they assist the Antolian miners in mining mineral deposits. Everyone, please do your best.

  So when Leon decided to stay in the city of Navarre, he had already sent an order to Bello, the mayor of the mining town, asking him to find a way to transport dozens of tall feet from the southwest highlands to the south of the Principality of Norton. Strange birds, thus providing assistance to Antolia's army!
  The tall-legged bird's beak can even cut through solid rocks, and it is no problem facing the low walls and ordinary wooden gates of Port Idar.

  So Leon is actually not in a hurry.

  Just wait until the craftsmen's siege equipment is completed, and until the tall-footed strange birds from the southwest highlands are in place on the outskirts of Port Idar, sooner or later the flag belonging to the Jimena family will be planted in the center of the city.



  "Those damn Antorians!"

  "I will cut their corpses into thousands of pieces, smear the walls of this city with their blood, and use their corpses to cook the most vivid blood food , dedicated to the great Harpy!"

  Compared to the calm outside the city, the Port of Idar was already exploding.

  They burned images of harpies, nourished the sculptures of harpies with urine, and spoke with arrogant and provocative words, even comparing the gods in their minds to dirty worms.

  No matter which one of the above, it is extremely accurate to step on the minefield of the survivors of the restoration of the country.

  Not only the three cardinals currently in Port Idar, but also the believers entrenched in the city seemed furious amidst the series of curses coming from outside the city.

  After all...

  the remnants of the restoration of the country really believe that the harpy can bring them eternal life!

  Because in their hearts, the adults on Moon Island have lived for who knows how many years, and the blessing of the harpy can no longer be true.

  "Defend the city? Defend the city! They must be killed!"

  Clapp's voice seemed to contain endless anger.

  "This is the plot of the Antolians..."

  Delon was equally angry in his heart, but at least he still had some clarity in his heart. He could only look at the other bishop who had not yet spoken: "Stick to Idar where you are. Hong Kong, this is what we decided together before..."

  "No one can insult the great harpy!"

  Another cardinal said in a deep voice: "The Antorians outside the city must pay for their words and deeds. Price! Deron, are you going to betray your faith?"

  "Absolutely not!"

  Deron Altus quickly assured.

  "Then take the people and kill them! The harpy will protect her followers!"

  Delong knew very well that such a decision would render all the defensive equipment previously deployed by the remnants of the nation useless.

  However, looking at the two colleagues in front of him who had already been swept away by anger, in a situation of two to one, Delong had no other way.


  under Leon's surprised gaze, the city gate of Port Idar was slowly opened.

  "No...are these madmen so restless?"

  Leon looked at the city gate that suddenly opened not far away with a look of surprise, as well as the believers who were rushing towards the Antolian army.

  Before that, he really just wanted to try his luck with the provocation method.

  But I didn't expect that these guys would be so unable to withstand provocation.

  "In that case... let's take this city in one battle!"

  At this moment, a high-pitched horn sounded from the Antolian military formation.

   Please order more!

  (End of chapter)

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