124. Chapter 123 Leon decided to learn from the advanced experience of the pre-Qin period

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  Chapter 123 Leon decided to learn from the advanced experience of the Pre-Qin period.

  Although this is a fantasy world with magic and other supernatural factors, the social structure of this era is still exactly the same as the Middle Ages on earth.

  So much so that the household registration system, which seemed very common to Leon, was completely absent.

  Even though Leon had already ordered people to conduct a census of the people in the Thorn Territory as early as last winter when the hounds attacked the city, it was ultimately a small-scale attempt.

  After all, the total population of Antolia at that time was only that large, and it didn't mean much whether or not it was counted.

  And after such a delay, it has been delayed until now.

  Nowadays, the total population of Antolia, even if it cannot be said to be a direct explosion, has basically reached the limit that the current food production can bear.

  Especially after packing up a large number of refugees from the city of Parma, Antolia became the noble fiefdom with the largest population in the entire southern part of the kingdom.

  Therefore, it is actually time to make changes now!

  As a time traveler, Leon naturally planned to learn from the wisdom of his predecessors and establish a household registration system in this land that had already appeared in the pre-Qin period.

  It's not because creating a household can solve all problems, but because creating a household to bring the people together is the prerequisite for more effective management of the citizens of Antolia.

  What is household registration for the people?

  In fact, to put it simply, it is to manage people on a household basis, and record everyone in the household registration one by one according to their name, age, place of origin, identity, appearance, wealth and other items.

  Although this household registration system, which has appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in a mysterious ancient Eastern country, has some limitations of the times, compared to the current era, it is already a quite progressive system. .

  "From now on, the Internal Affairs Department will be set up in Antolia to take charge of the household registration

  of the residents." "All new refugees who join Antolia must register and register with the Internal Affairs Department, and the Internal Affairs Department will issue an identity certificate. A month later, the army was sent to the streets to screen, and all those who could not produce identification documents were treated as serfs, and their families were sent to the mining town for hard labor!" Leon

  said in a deep voice.

  From a certain perspective, there are actually some advantages to having fewer people who can read and write.

  At least you don't have to spend too much effort on the temporary identity certificate. Even if it's just a piece of wood with no security at all, you don't have to worry about someone forging it, because the citizens don't know how to write at all!
  "Lord Marquis, may I ask how...the Internal Affairs Department should be set up?"

  After thinking for a long time, Aaron took the lead and said,
  "Do you have anyone trustworthy under you?"

  "Yes, but not many. I'm afraid it's difficult. Support the operation of the entire Internal Affairs Department."

  Aaron answered candidly.

  Of course he understands what Leon is thinking, but... in today's Antolia, the total population is even close to one hundred thousand. If the Internal Affairs Bureau wants to implement the household registration system mentioned by its lord within a month, I am afraid that Not easy.

  You know, the houses in the Thorn Territory City are already full.

  A large number of refugees have almost all gathered in the newly designated temporary residence outside the city of Thorn Territory, and there are dozens of such residences around Thorn Territory!
  "As long as there are people!"

  "If the number is not enough, draw people from the militia first. Each settlement must have officials from the Internal Affairs Department and a sufficient number of militiamen to be responsible for registration and maintaining order. If someone makes trouble or is unwilling to register, let them try. A taste of Antoria's iron fist!"

  "This is the territory of the Jimena family!"

  "In addition, after the household registration is completed, a household head will be selected from every twenty refugee households. Decisions and news are conveyed directly to the head of the household. If any of the twenty households commits a crime, the head of the household will also be punished, and the others will also have to serve in hard labor. But if no one commits a crime, the head of the household will You can receive two gold coins at the end of each year!"

  What Leon said is actually a bit similar to the armor-guaranteing system.

  Of course he knows the drawbacks of this system, but in today's Antolia, this is a measure that can sort out the situation of the refugees in the shortest time and maintain the stability of the territory.

  "Your Majesty the Marquis, you have foresight!" Aaron said with admiration.

  Of course!

  I almost moved the entire household registration system and Baojia system from the pre-Qin period to Antolia after slightly adjusting it, which of course seemed far-sighted.

  "In addition, the construction plan of the new city should also be put on the agenda!"

  Building a new city on the west bank of the White Blade River was an idea that had been in Leon's mind for a long time when he became Viscount of Antolia. .

  However, one was because Antolia had an extremely short labor force at the time, and the other was because Antolia had no spare money at all. Therefore, this idea only existed in Leon's mind and between him and Aaron. in casual conversation.

  But now, everything is different.

  The large number of refugees caused by the civil war in the kingdom brought a large population to Antolia.

  Creating households and bringing together the people is only one aspect. Giving these people a place to go and work to do is a long-term solution.

  Obviously, the construction of the new city will undoubtedly bring a large number of jobs to Antolia. Mining stone, transporting wood, leveling the land, building roads and bridges...

  all of these require manpower.

  Only when the refugees who originally had nothing to do had something to do, would they not take the opportunity to cause chaos.

  You know, during the period when the number of refugees increased dramatically, the security situation in Antolia deteriorated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Even if Aaron intentionally diverts some of the refugees to the mining towns in the southwest highlands, it will ultimately be a drop in the bucket.

  But even so, before Leon returned to the territory, even though Aaron and Leon had already reached a consensus on the construction of the new city, Aaron did not dare to make any independent opinions.

  "Not only do we need to build a new city, but we also need to open targeted literacy classes!"

  "Using the heads of households to maintain the stability of the territory is ultimately just a temporary measure. Antorians must not only be strong in martial arts, but also learn to read and write. Understand the truth, otherwise, Antolia will always be a remote and barren land!"

  Building a new city, starting literacy classes...

  Leon has many things he wants to do, especially what he has to face just after returning to Antolia This big mess made my mind even more chaotic.

  Fortunately, Antolia's mercenaries confiscated the entire Bravis family's treasury. Otherwise, Antolia's financial resources would not be able to support such a large expenditure.

  "By the way..."

  "How many good things did Stan get back from Parma City?"

  After most of the people in the study dispersed, Leon finally couldn't hold back the curiosity deep in his heart and looked at the old man. housekeeper.

  "Many, many..."

  Aaron took a deep breath and answered truthfully.

  (End of chapter)

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