Chapter 70 This shop owner is so smart

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  Chapter 70 This shop owner is really smart.
  Song Yu's mind was racing, thinking about how to convince Han Qinglong not to care about this matter.

  But Han Qinglong was surprised and said: "Boss Song, who is this?"

  Song Yu introduced: "This is Lan Ning, the little girl is alone, I will let her stay in the store temporarily to help."


  This store owner What a clever statement.


  Dahei shouted towards Song Yu.

  Lan Ning was a little afraid of Dahei and took a step back.

  Although it is only a two-year-old, it is huge, half as tall as a human.

  Han Qinglong pulled Dahei and said, "Dahei, do you still remember this? It doesn't matter. We are very busy now and don't have time to work here as a shop assistant." "Ouch?"


  Qinglong said with a conscious expression. With a bright smile, he said to Lan Ning: "Hello, little sister Lan Ning, this is Dahei, he is my friend, don't be afraid, he is as smart as a human being." Song Yu observed for a long time and found that Han Qinglong

  seemed Didn't pay attention to it at all.

  He also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for Han Qinglong to ask himself why he didn't find him first if he was looking for the clerk.

  Of course it's just embarrassing, I can fool him as long as I'm thick-skinned.

  "Hello, Dahei." Lan Ning whispered, still not daring to get close.

  Dahei nodded and sat on the chair.

  Lan Ning was a little dumbfounded, watching Dahei turn back and stare at the electronic screen.

  Woof woof...

  Han Qinglong acted as the translator, taking orders for Dahei and himself.

  Song Yu was responsible for deducting their points, and then uniformly placing the food on the special window sill at the door of the kitchen.

  Finally, Lan Ning served the food to the diners one by one.

  Xia Ling finished her meal, stood up and went to the counter, "Boss Song, help me upgrade the reward." "

  Okay, what can I change the reward to? The prerequisite is that you have it."

  Xia Ling took out a box.

  "Boss Song, look how much silver coins this is worth."

  Song Yu glanced at it and couldn't help but be surprised.

  "This is a Yin evil bead, worth 15 silver coins."

  "Well, then Boss Song, please help me change it to 15 silver coins or a Yin evil bead. Is that okay?"

  Song Yu reminded: "15 white The silver coins can be directly used as bounty rewards, but for the Yin Evil Pearl, you need to provide 1.5 silver coins as a commission."

  Xia Ling was stunned, she did not expect such an operation.

  "Then 15 silver coins," she said.

  Song Yu knew it would be like this.

  The commission for this bounty is weird.

  Because if you use something else as a bounty reward, depending on how much it is worth, the points system will allow the publisher to add 10% as a commission based on its value.

  And if you use the points or various currencies in the store, you will get 10% more points out of thin air.

  So Song Yu felt that the reason for the reward was that the membership system set the value of those monsters and strange objects too low when setting the price. The only remaining kindness in the black heart prevented it from getting any more benefits from other people. The extra 10% of points were deducted from his hand, and an extra 10% was added directly to himself out of thin air.

  Perhaps this is the only conscience of the membership system.

  Song Yu sighed in his heart.

  But if it is not evil and the entire energy is conserved, then it will be impossible to do this business.

  You get out as much as you put in. It takes time and effort for you, but others improve and take off. This is completely a charitable act.

  Therefore, you can continue with the membership system and set the price how you want.

  When producing ingredients, give the shopkeeper as much energy as you need.

  This is definitely not evil, it is just my salary.

  If the Dao Soul Flower is real and can really complete the Heavenly Dao Body, then the 15 silver coins are just a clue, which can be considered a bit like it.

  After all, the Heavenly Demon Tyrant Body is worth 18 gold coins, and it also comes with a bunch of enhancements and mother demon spirits.

  The rest of the people only looked at the Heavenly Demon Tyrant Body, but ignored the Mother Demon Spirit, because they didn't know the meaning of the words Mother Demon Spirit.

  The hegemonic body of the heavenly demon plus the demon spirit of the child and mother means having two lives.

  Out of 18 gold coins, this mother-child demon spirit is worth at least 5 gold coins.

  As Song Yu expected, the news that there was an additional clerk in the store quickly aroused discussion in the group.

  Summer comes quickly.

  His target is... Lan Ning.

  "Brother Song, she is the girl who brought you cookies, right?"

  He leaned close to Song Yu's ear and whispered.

  I have to say, his guess was really accurate.

  "Yes, so what? What are you going to do?"


  Xia Tian was stunned for a moment and found that the atmosphere was not right. He turned around and found Lan Ning standing next to him, with a trace of blush on his cheeks.

  Xia Tian himself suddenly felt embarrassed.

  He just wanted to confirm with Song Yu and didn't really think about what to do.

  Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by the real owner.

  That is to say, his strength does not allow it, otherwise he can carve out three rooms and one living room on the spot, and make millions a day by changing hands.

  "Hello, what would you like to eat?"

  Lan Ning calmed down and asked.

  Xia Tian replied: "Come on, let's have a cup of soy milk."

  "Okay, please wait a moment."

  Xia Tian's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  He sat at the table in the corner, holding his cell phone with his head down, as if he wanted to hide himself from everyone.

  "Xia Tian, ​​what are you doing sitting over there? Come and sit over here."

  It was Han Qinglong, he shouted towards Xia Tian.

  Their relationship is progressing well, maybe because they are both young people, maybe because they work together in the Special Affairs Bureau, and they even got together to start a business before.

  Xia Tian had no choice but to move over.

  Seeing the two people discussing something in low voices, Song Yu stopped paying attention.

  However, after Lan Ning finished delivering the meal, she came over and asked herself in a low voice.

  "Boss, who is that guest?"

  "It's okay, you don't need to pay attention to it, just go to work as usual." Song Yu said with a smile.


  Lan Ning was really obedient and didn't ask any more questions.

  But she was definitely curious, but she could bear it.

  Look, can this alone compare to Xia Ling’s character?

  Not long after, a familiar guest arrived.

  "Uncle Li, are you back?"

  Li Jiangsheng smiled and said, "Yes, you are finally back."

  There was fatigue and emotion in his tone, as if he had experienced a lot.

  The shadow disappearance incident has ended as the shadow leader was killed by Su Xianlong with a kitchen knife.

  Those whose shadows disappeared had various physical reactions after their shadows returned normally, but fortunately they all changed their living habits and returned to normal within a few days.

  Song Yu always felt that the expression on Uncle Li's face seemed to be one of relief.

  It's probably more than just a shadow incident.

  But now that Uncle Li is back, he should have finished handling it.

  Song Yu wasn't a talkative person, so he didn't get to the bottom of it.

  Xia Tian sat for a while and suddenly stood up.

  "Brother Song, I forgot something important. Come out and take a look."

  Xia Tian pulled Song Yu to the door of the store.

  "Brother Song, look, this is the car for you, are you satisfied?"

  Song Yu was stunned for a moment, looking at the black cross with the white license plate in front of him.

  The Special Affairs Bureau really does take care of things.

  I really deserve such a good car for myself.

  Originally, Song Yu thought they would give him the entire civilian car to make do with.

  Moreover, he himself does not have high requirements, as long as he can drive and run.

  "You are really rich, do you deserve this car?"

  For a long time, Song Yu could only hold back this sentence.

  Xia Tian came closer and whispered: "Actually, it's not. This car was confiscated. Let's put it in the bureau. It won't be right for anyone to drive it. After discussion, I might as well drive it for you." "Confiscated? What do you mean

  ? ?"

  (End of chapter)

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