139. Chapter 139 Second Floor

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  Chapter 139 The two-story

  Guobei County is not big, but rather small.

  In such a vast territory as the Great Zhou Dynasty, the small Guobei County is like a little lamb lying in a pack of wolves. At a glance, it feels pitiful.

  It's indeed a bit pitiful.

  Chen Luo stood under the city wall of Guobei County,

  looking at the low and dilapidated city wall. He really didn't understand whether the wall still had the value of its existence.


  Chen Luo stopped going through the city gate.

  Walked in through a large opening on the side.

  This mouth is really big.

  Most of the carriages should be able to walk in... If they are cavalry, they can probably go back and forth.

  Xiaohong may have become interested. After walking in, she walked out, walked out, and walked in again.

  We went back and forth five or six times.

  The soldiers guarding the city gate kept staring at Chen Luo and Xiao Hong.

  Seeing that the two soldiers were about to get angry, Chen Luo pulled Xiao Hong away...

  When leaving, Chen Luo couldn't help but sigh.

  "We don't need to build this city wall at all!"

  "Don't say that this gate is useless. An adult man with sound hands and feet can easily climb up, so what's the use of it?" "Fortunately, it's within the Great Zhou Dynasty

  . Without the war, we could have conquered hundreds of cities in one minute and one night!"

  No longer thinking about these things, he entered the city.

  It's just that you can find out where Yushan Academy is with a little inquiry.

  It is different from most academies in the Great Zhou Realm.

  Yushan Academy is said to be in Guobei County, but in fact it is not in the county.

  Instead, it was in the suburbs two or three miles outside the east city gate... When Chen Luo heard this, his head suddenly got big.

  The feelings haven’t arrived yet?


  He found a restaurant to have a meal, and then continued to wander out of the east city gate.

  A little time.

  Now I finally saw the Yushan Academy.

  Different from other academies...

  Yushan Academy is said to be an academy, but in fact it is not big.

  A few huts and houses can be seen scattered here and there. These are dotted in the mountains, and they look a bit like stars.

  As for how to know it was Yushan Academy...

  Actually, Ning Wenyuan was quite strict, and there was a mountain gate set up at the entrance to the mountain.

  The four words "Yushan Academy" are written on the mountain gate.

  Occasionally, Chen Luo could hear the sound of reading coming from the mountains.

  The sound of reading is loud.

  Although it is not as good as the music in the hook bar, the ringtones of the dancing girls in the palace...

  can still be considered to have a different feeling.

  What Chen Luo didn't expect was that there were still gatekeepers not far from the mountain gate.

  Chen Luo thought for a moment...

  and looked around.

  Take another look at the mountain gate.

  He understood...

  This thing probably not only decorates the facade, but also protects against gentlemen! ?
  The doorman saw Chen Luo appearing on a donkey and walked over quickly.

  "I have never met you, sir. I don't know if you are here to visit Yushan Academy, or if you are a gentleman?"

  the disciple saluted.

  Quite respectful.

  Chen Luo said: "I'm Chen Luo, I came to the academy to visit an old friend." "

  I don't know who sir is visiting? I can go and report."

  "Ning Wenyuan of the academy."

  Chen Luo thought and added: "You can directly Tell him that he is an old friend from Kyoto, and he will understand!"

  The disciple frowned slightly.

  Probably because Chen Luo directly mentioned Ning Wenyuan's name without calling him "Old Master" or "Mr." as he should.

  But he didn't show it too obviously.

  He just nodded and said, "Sir, please wait a moment. I'll report it right away. But now that you're teaching, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a while..." "It's okay!"


  Luo smiled softly as he watched the man leave.

  He wasn't in a hurry either.

  Just wait...

  The little red head came over and stuck out her tongue to lick his body, looking like a coquettish person.

  Chen Luo pushed its head away in disgust.

  "What? Are you scared?"

  "You heard that our family is going to make stew for you, are you worried?" "

  Do you still want a jackass?"

  "Are you still being naughty?"

  Xiao Hong rubbed his head against Chen Luo again ...

  Chen Luo didn't push away this time, although he still felt a little disgusted.

  Strange to say...

  it's just a donkey.

  But this guy is a bit smart...

  When they first met, he knew he was going to be killed, but by chance, he was able to find him for help.

  Along the way I realized I was a little dissatisfied with it.

  This guy can still act coquettishly.


  if you admit your mistakes, you can improve a lot...

  and try hard.

  If it can open up spiritual intelligence, it can be considered a blessing from it.

  But if the spiritual wisdom cannot be turned on and the life span has reached its limit... then you can't blame yourself for changing to the sixth generation of Little Red.

  Not long after the disciple left, the sound of reading could be heard in the original academy, but it stopped in an instant.

  Then came the sound of bells.

  The bell is not loud.

  It can still spread throughout the entire Yushan Academy.

  However, after a while, Chen Luo saw a group of scholars appearing at the end of the road.

  There are a lot of scholars.

  Adding up the top and bottom, there might be forty-five people.

  The leader was an old man in his seventies or eighties.

  Wearing a wife's attire.

  Two middle-aged men next to him supported him, but they were obviously unable to hold him.

  After all...

  his steps are a bit fast.

  Perhaps they never thought that the old master would be so anxious just because of his name, and even gathered the entire academy to greet him.

  Xiao Hong was a little startled by this battle.

  He took several steps back.

  Hiding behind Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo didn't have time to pay attention to it. Over there, Ning Wenyuan had already arrived in front of Chen Luo, and when he saw... his face was already full of smiles.

  "Mr. Chen...Long time no see!"

  It was just a sentence, Mr. Chen.

  This made the faces of the group of students behind him full of surprise, but no one dared to comment, but their hearts were already turned upside down.

  Master Chen...

  what is the identity of this man? Why does the master, at his age and status, still have to call him Master Chen.

  The two masters were also very surprised.

  But no one said anything.

  It's not because of fear or anything else, it's just because it's etiquette...

  When the elders speak, younger people should learn to keep quiet.

  "Long time no see. How many years has it been?"

  Chen Luo smiled.

  "It's been a few years, I'm already eighty."

  "That's really a long time ago."

  "Master Chen, come to the academy to chat?"


  Under the leadership of Ning Wenyuan, Chen Luo walked into the academy.

  As for Xiao Hong, there is no need to worry.

  After all, it's so ugly that no one wants it.

  Everyone walked inside and walked along the winding bluestone path. The entire Yushan Academy was displayed in front of them.

  In recent years, the imperial examination system has become more and more popular in the Zhou Dynasty.

  Academies were also established in endlessly.

  Although Yushan Academy has just appeared, it is still pretty good.

  As for the buildings, they are not as good as those big academies...

  a few thatched houses.

  Occasionally there are one or two buildings that are passable, which are considered pretty good.

  Ning Wenyuan took him directly into the backyard. This is usually where the masters live, but now there are not many masters in the backyard.

  Including him, there were only three.

  After entering the backyard, the students did not follow.

  Only those two scholars.

  Ning Wenyuan introduced them to Chen Luo.

  "This is Master: Yao Qi. Master Yao is the first Master in the academy. He was once a Jinshi in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He just offended some people, so he came here to teach. This is Master: Xiang Cheng... Master Xiang has just arrived. Soon, but in terms of knowledge, he is no weaker than me."

  The two masters are not very old.

  But not too small.

  They all appear to be in their forties.

  Chen Luo nodded.

  But when he looked at Xiang Cheng, he took another look...

  "This is Chen Luo."

  Ning Wenyuan introduced to the two of them: "This name may be unfamiliar to you, but if you talk about another name, You probably already know."

  Ning Wenyuan smiled.

  He glanced at Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo nodded helplessly, allowing him to continue the introduction.

  "The former Imperial Master of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I am the elder of several dynasties of the Great Zhou Dynasty... I will not fight for the father-in-law!"

  As soon as these words came out.

  A look of surprise appeared on Yao Qi's face: "Don't fight for the father-in-law, you actually don't fight for the father-in-law."

  Don't fight for the father-in-law.

  That is the most famous person in Dazhou.

  Whether in the court or among the people, he is a thunderous presence.

  It's not that he is very high-profile.

  On the contrary, he doesn't fight for anything and is extremely low-key, but the things he has done over the years are deeply remembered by the people.

  The plague of Yongle year.

  The calamity of the God-given year.

  Also, this father-in-law often travels around the world, but instead of picking up a sword, he carries the medicine box on his back.

  I don’t know how many people have received his kindness.

  Now that he's here...

  no wonder.

  No wonder Dean Ning met with such high standards that the entire academy went to welcome him.

  Such a character is indeed a legend in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  After all, it was something that even the emperor had to come to see in person.

  "If nothing else happens, it will indeed be our family."

  Chen Luo said with a smile.

  Just looking at the smile on Ning Wenyuan's face, Chen Luo was speechless.

  This guy has been looking forward to this scene for a long time?

  Looking very proud?

  Ning Wenyuan, Ning Wenyuan, you can't have this damn vanity.

  The impact is not good.

  Next time, remember to do it in front of all the college students.

  Xiang Cheng asked: "It is said that Eunuch Buzi is over 150 years old, so is Eunuch Buzi a monk?"

  Chen Luo looked at Xiang Cheng.

  Squint your eyes.

  With a smile: "If this is correct, then our family is indeed a monk."

  Xiang Cheng nodded.



  It's a nice thing to see old friends again.

  Ning Wenyuan never thought that Chen Luo would come here... But Ning Wenyuan was definitely the happiest about Chen Luo's arrival.

  He asked Chen Luo how long he would stay here.

  Chen Luo thought for a moment.

  No answer was given either.

  Ning Wenyuan was even happier...

  Of course, he took Chen Luo and got drunk, along with his two wives.

  As Ning Wenyuan, who is already in his 70s and 80s, it is difficult to say softly, and it is difficult to say when he will leave this world.

  Nothing is more important than being able to see old friends from Kyoto again.

  Since I want to live in Yushan Academy.

  Naturally, the place to live must be arranged.

  Chen Luo is a being who likes purity. There happens to be a small hut in the back mountain...

  Chen Luo lives here.

  During the day, there was reading aloud under the mountain.

  At night, there are waterfalls and streams gurgling in the back mountain.

  Occasionally there are the sounds of birds and animals.

  This is indeed a very good life.

  The most important thing is that it is quiet here...

  very quiet!

  after living here, Xiaohong had fun.

  Chen Luo was also happy.

  Lying in the yard, basking in the sun.

  Looking at the book.

  Doing Tai Chi.

  When I have time, I drink tea and play chess with Ning Wenyuan, which is really good.

  Cultivate your mind in the marketplace.

  Practice in the mountains.


  The years are endless, and time is fleeting.

  It has been a full month since Chen Luo entered Yushan Academy.

  In this month, Chen Luo seemed to have returned to the days when he was a little eunuch.

  In addition to basking in the sun and practicing boxing.

  What Chen Luo did most was go down the mountain and go to the academy to get some books to read.

  Almost forgetting to eat and sleep.

  He regained his interest in reading serious books.

  This is probably due to the influence of the environment. After all, the sound of Lang Lang reading is everywhere. Naturally, you can't help but imitate them, pick up a book, read, see, think, and understand.


  This is the academy!

  The academy has the most books.

  Although it is not as good as the Great Zhou Library, it still has tens of thousands of books.

  This is what Chen Luo doesn't understand.

  This academy is only a few years old, how come there are so many books...

  I asked later.

  It turned out that the students donated money, and some successful students in the past donated some silver coins, but now Ning Wenyuan went to buy books.

  So when I thought about it, it was obviously a famous academy in Jining County.

  How could the specifications of this academy be so simple?

  It turns out that this book is more important than its appearance...

  That's right!

  Books should be more important than appearance.

  To this end, a book pavilion was built in the academy... with a two-story building.

  Chen Luo likes to read here.

  At first, the students were a little surprised when they came over, but when they saw that the master was personally greeting the distinguished guests, they hurriedly came to salute.

  But also because of Chen Luo.

  But they didn't dare to make any noise at all.

  Before long, a rule automatically formed on the second floor: No noise is allowed on the second floor. When students meet, it is best to just nod and salute.

  [You spent sleepless nights looking at "The Record of Mountains and Rivers", vaguely having a different understanding of the mountains, rivers and seas in it.

  One way to pass.

  Everything is accessible.

  Your water channel magical power has gained experience points!
  Your immortal path gains experience points!
  Experience value +100!

  PS: Reading is good, but it should be done in moderation. You have been reading for half a day. It is recommended that you rest for more than an hour before reading. ]


  Put down the book.

  Chen Luo walked down the second floor.

  I happened to see Master Xiang walking over...

  "Mr. Chen."

  Master Xiang saluted.

  Chen Luo nodded: "Come to the second floor to read?"

  "Well, I just learned some history about the Zhou Dynasty and other countries in the past two days, so I came to find some books on this aspect."

  Xiang Cheng said.

  Chen Luo nodded: "Okay, then I won't disturb you."

  He looked at Chen Luo leaving.

  Xiang Cheng frowned slightly...

  He didn't know what he was thinking.

  After a long time, he walked back to the second floor...

  On the way back to the back mountain, Chen Luo suddenly laughed.

  It sounds like he is also looking forward to it.

  I don’t know how long it will take for me to have uninvited guests in my backyard. ?

  Chen Luo didn't expect it.

  He was still looking forward to it here, but in less than three days, uninvited guests came to the back mountain.

  But this uninvited guest is not the person in Chen Luo's heart...

  (End of Chapter)

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