177. Chapter 177 Rules of Bloody Battle, Believers of the God of Slaughter

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  Chapter 177 Rules of Bloody Battle.
  Pei Ze, a believer in the God of Slaughter, looked into the distance. At the end of his field of vision was a dense shadowy fog. Even with his eyesight, he could not clearly see what was going on in the fog.

  Su Ya and Peng Yan pressed the hilts of their swords tightly at their waists and looked around with wary expressions.

  Even knights like them have heard of the dangerous reputation of the Shadow Realm.

  "Let's go."

  Pei Ze casually applied a protective energy damage (designated shadow) to the two of them, then slowly floated high into the sky and flew forward.

  The Shadow Realm is filled with shadow energy particles everywhere. If you stay in it for a long time without any protection, your body will be eroded in a short time. Those who are more lucky will die, and a hundred people will die.

  Those who are unlucky will be transformed into irrational shadow creatures, wandering in the shadow world for the rest of their lives until one day they die at the hands of other magical creatures or outsiders.

  Therefore, at least a legendary knight who has awakened the power of the elements can enter the Shadow Realm.

  If someone below the legendary knight level comes in without a strong person to protect them, it is no different than seeking death.

  The terrain in the Shadow Realm is mostly the same, and there is no obvious reference. Even with a magic map, Pei Ze doesn't know where he is now.

  Only after he found the settlement and had a reference object, could he find the location of the Thunder Abyss Giant and the Netherworld Crow by comparing it with the magic map.

  All we can do now is explore around.

  The strong wind swept high in the sky, and Pei Ze flew quickly, looking down at the ground with calm eyes.

  As the mental power spread, the fog's hindrance effect on him was finally reduced a lot.

  In the deep shadow and mist, countless strange monsters can be vaguely seen.

  On land there are horses with six legs and dogs with three heads.

  In the forest there are diamond-like black apes and orangutans with four arms.

  Underground there are swarms of ferocious rats with teeth as sharp as knives.

  Huge squid and sea snakes lurk in the water.

  In the sky there are night owls screaming shrilly and shadow eagles with poisonous claws.

  Pei Ze even saw a huge figure flying past in the distance, which seemed to be the legendary shadow dragon.

  He cast an invisibility ball on himself and Su Ya on the spot, so that they could not be discovered by the shadow dragon and narrowly escaped disaster.

  You must know that the shadow dragon is a powerful existence that even elemental wizards find very difficult!

  If he really had to face the shadow dragon, Pei Ze might be able to escape if he tried his best, but Su Ya and Peng Yan would definitely die.

  The two of them broke out in a cold sweat because of this, and had a deeper understanding of the dangers of the Shadow Realm.

  On the way forward, the three of them acted more cautiously.

  Pei Ze could avoid the magical creatures he encountered along the way and avoid fighting easily.

  If you can't avoid it, use all your strength to deal with it quickly to avoid attracting more magical creatures.

  As indigenous residents of the Shadow Realm, these magical creatures are generally able to hide themselves in the shadow mist, making them difficult to detect and ready for sudden attacks at any time.

  If Pei Ze wasn't a wizard and his mental force field could cover a kilometer around him at any time, it would be really difficult to prevent attacks from these guys.

  Several times in a row, Su Ya and Peng Yan were attacked by magical creatures without any notice. If Pei Ze hadn't taken action in advance, they would have been injured.

  Seeing this, the two of them couldn't help but look a little frustrated.

  After breaking through to the third level legendary knight, they were still a little complacent and felt that they had enough power to help Pei Ze. However, the encounters after entering the Shadow Realm undermined their confidence again and again.

  "Don't worry about it."

  Seeing the changes in the two people's expressions, Pei Ze smiled and said,
  "The magical creatures in the Shadow Realm are notoriously insidious and extremely cunning. Not to mention you, even if you are an official wizard, If you don't take adequate protection, it's easy to suffer losses."

  After being comforted by Pei Ze, the two people's depressed expressions eased a little.

  It is worth mentioning that although the creatures in the Shadow Realm are cunning and cunning and seem to have high intelligence, they are unable to communicate peacefully at all.

  No one has tried to conquer the indigenous creatures in the Shadow Realm before, but most of them have failed.

  Only some weaker magical creatures can be forcibly enslaved through the power of contract.

  In the three settlements in the Shadow Realm, it is said that some indigenous creatures were enslaved as labor.

  The sky in the Shadow Realm is always gloomy, with no sun rising or moon setting, and the passage of time cannot be felt at all.

  Coupled with the sameness of the surrounding scenery, it gives people the illusion of being shackled to a place where time has stopped.

  Fortunately, Pei Ze had anticipated this situation and carried a quartz clock with him so that he could check the time at any time.

  After running around in the wilderness for two days and taking a break in the middle, all I could see was wilderness, without any sign of a settlement.

  Under this situation, both Su Ya and Peng Yan became a little anxious.

  "Sir, searching aimlessly like this is not an option. We don't even know if we are heading in the right direction."

  Su Ya said with a frown during another break.

  There was no sun, no stars, and no obvious reference objects. They couldn't tell the direction in the shadow world.

  It seemed like they were moving forward, but in fact they didn't know if they were going in circles.

  Unlike Su Ya's worries, Pei Ze was still there with a calm expression.

  "Don't worry, as long as you find a few wanderers, you will most likely know the location of the nearest settlement."

  Su Ya and Peng Yan were stunned, showing doubts.

  The latter asked curiously: "Sir, what are wanderers?"

  "A group of guys who can't survive in the local plane and hide in the shadow world." Pei Ze took a sip of steaming black tea and explained casually, "There are people like this in every outer plane."

  Wanderers, as the name suggests, are creatures who wander to other planes.

  These creatures were either hunted by local forces and had to flee the plane, or the entire plane was captured or destroyed by alien civilizations and lost their foothold, so they had to leave their homes and go to other outer planes to escape.

  For example, those survivors of the Pei family are now members of the wanderers.

  There are many outer planes where wanderers exist, among which the Abyss where demons live, the Nine Hells where demons live, and the Shadow Realm have the largest number of wanderers.

  Outer planes such as the star world and the spiritual world are too dangerous. Strong people who are not at the level of elemental wizards are looking for death. Therefore, there are very few wanderers.

  Although the Shadow Realm, the Bottomless Abyss and the Nine Hells are equally dangerous, compared to the Star Realm and the Spirit Realm, at least they can still survive.

  Among them, the Bottomless Abyss and the Nine Hells are special. They are filled with bloody and cruel killings all year round, and even gave rise to bloody battles that are famous throughout the multiverse.

  The so-called bloody war is a protracted war between the demons of the Endless Abyss and the demons of the Nine Hells. It has been fought intermittently for tens of millions of years and there is no winner yet. I don’t know when it originated, let alone when it ended. It seems to have existed forever, but it is recognized as the most brutal and bloody war in the multiverse. Once you are involved in it, no matter how powerful you are, you can only resign yourself to your fate. I can pray for Goddess of Luck’s blessing.

  However, while the bloody battle is bloody and cruel, it also has huge benefits.

  Affected by the laws of the underworld, every creature killed in the bloody battle will have a little bit of power extracted to strengthen the killer.

  After a war, it is normal for the killer's power to directly increase to a higher level.

  The reason why the bloody battle lasted for more than tens of millions of years was not only the hatred between demons but also because of this.

  Through bloody battles, demons and demons have cultivated countless high-level combat powers and become one of the few top plane forces in the multiverse. Even the Star Alliance does not dare to easily provoke the Endless Abyss and the Nine Hells.

  It is worth mentioning that the rules of the Blood War are not only effective for demons and demons, but also for any living beings participating in the Blood War. This has attracted many foreigners who want to gain powerful power to join the Blood War.

  Of course, there is not one person out of a thousand who can survive the brutal bloody battle and gain great power.

  Otherwise, the bloody war would not be called the bloodiest war in the multiverse.

  But in any case, for many desperate wanderers, the Abyss and the Nine Hells are good places to go.

  They desire to gain great strength in bloody battles so that they can take revenge on their enemies or regain their occupied hometown.

  But for wizards, bloody battles are really not very attractive.

  Just because there is an unavoidable disadvantage of increasing strength through bloody battles, that is, while increasing strength, the spirit and soul will gradually be affected by killing, becoming bloodthirsty and cruel.

  This is obviously unacceptable to wizards who must remain calm at all times, pursue and control themselves.

  Gaining a share of power in a bloody battle may cost three or even five minutes of energy to eliminate the impact afterwards, which is undoubtedly a very uneconomical thing.

  Therefore, except for a very small number of wizards who pursue devious ways, most wizards have no interest in bloody battles.

  This is another main reason why the survivors of the Pei family chose to go to the Shadow Realm instead of the Bottomless Abyss or the Nine Hells.

  "Wanderers have to go to settlements to replenish supplies every once in a while, so there are probably settlements around their activity areas."

  After hearing Pei Ze's words, Su Ya and Peng Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

  But soon, Su Ya raised another question.

  "But sir, where are we going to find the wanderers?"

  "The wanderers who can survive in the Shadow Realm are either strong or cautious and will not show traces in the wild. It is not easy to find these guys. "

  But our target is not these guys."

  Pei Ze stared deeply at the shadow mist in the distance.

  "Not all wanderers are allowed to enter settlements. These guys who are excluded from settlements will attack other wanderers in order to obtain survival supplies." After hearing this,

  Su Ya and Peng Yan already understood.

  It is obvious that Pei Ze's real target is these homeless people who have been excluded from the settlement.

  And although they have been traveling all the way in the past two days, they have been covering their whereabouts and aura to avoid being detected by magical creatures, but for those wanderers who are accustomed to attacking others, it is probably not difficult to discover their existence.

  Maybe they're being targeted now.

  As soon as this idea came to her mind, Su Ya saw a look that looked like a smile but not a smile on Pei Ze's face.

  "Here they come, those guys are here."

  Su Ya and Peng Yan were startled, and immediately took the weapons at hand and stood up.

  However, Pei Ze moved faster than them. A faint light suddenly appeared from his fingertips, suddenly spread out, and turned into light gray ripples that swept away in all directions.

  Wherever the gray ripples passed, more than thirty figures suddenly appeared in the vague fog that was originally empty around them, wearing hoods and leather armor, holding sharp blades.

  These people were about to pounce, but as the gray ripples swept past, their bodies suddenly froze, and a look of fear appeared in their eyes.

  However, they recovered in the next moment, with the bloodthirsty and cruel light in their eyes again, and they rushed towards Pei Ze and the others with murderous intent.

  "Believers of the God of Slaughter."

  Pei Ze glanced at the ferocious blood-colored masks worn on the faces of these people, his eyes flashing slightly.

  This is the standard outfit for believers of the God of Killing. This god whose priesthood is dedicated to killing likes this kind of dress the most.

  "I see, no wonder he was excluded from the settlement."

  If you want to talk about the most unpopular gods in the entire multiverse, Baal, the god of killing, is definitely on the list.

  This god loves and enjoys killing above all else.

  His followers are spread across multiple planes, and they always like to cause large-scale bloody massacres to please their gods.

  Therefore, the God of Slaughter and his followers are deeply disgusted by many plane civilizations. Some civilization forces even regard Baal, the God of Slaughter, as an evil god. Once his followers are discovered, they will immediately spare no effort to kill them.

  The reason why these guys are prohibited from entering the settlements in the Shadow Realm is obvious. They obviously don't want a bloody and chaotic massacre to suddenly break out in the settlements one day.

  "I didn't expect that there are followers of the God of Slaughter even in the Shadow Realm."

  Pei Ze marveled, but his movements were merciless. Silvery metal liquid floated up from his wrist and quickly turned into metal spikes. It shot out in all directions like a violent storm.

  Immediately, there was a dense muffled sound, and the attackers who rushed towards Pei Ze and the others fell to the ground one after another like straw.

  With just one blow, most of the murderous believers who besieged them were destroyed, leaving only seven or eight people standing.

  "Level 3 wizard!"

  A murderous believer who seemed to be the leader exclaimed in horror, his eyes under the mask showing disbelief.

  Obviously according to their detection, the mental fluctuations displayed by this wizard were only at the level of second-level liquefaction. Even if there was an error, it was at most second-level crystallization. However, the combat power shown by the opponent just now was close to the level of a third-level wizard.

  What's going on?

  "Wrong guess, I am a level two wizard."

  Pei Ze smiled slightly and with a wave of his hand, countless metal spikes whizzed out again, turning into a metal storm and flooding the mass of killing believers.

  These murderous believers generally only have the strength of fifth- and sixth-level legends, and the leading ones have reached the level of seventh-level legends. With the help of divine grace, it is no problem to surround and kill second-level crystallized wizards.

  It's a pity that they encountered the monster Pei Ze.

  For wizards below the third level, they can only be destroyed with a backhand to him now.

  (End of chapter)

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