Chapter 518

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  Chapter 518

  Due to the influence of influenza, the second half of 1919 was chaotic and disorderly.

  The economies of various countries have been greatly affected, even Australasia is no exception.

  Foreign immigration, which had slightly improved, was once again terminated. After all, no one can guarantee whether there are actual cases of infection among these foreign immigrants. We can only take strict isolation measures or postpone immigration to Australia to avoid comparisons with the mainland of Australasia. Severe flu effects.

  In September 1919, Australasia welcomed more than 100,000 foreign immigrants. By October, the number had dropped sharply to less than 50,000. In November and December combined, the number was even less than 50,000, which is enough to show that Australasia's cautious approach to influenza.

  This also made Arthur frown slightly when he saw the report about the entire Australasian government in 1919.

  We have to admit that this sudden third round of influenza still has a great impact on Australasia's originally expected four-year development plan.

  Even the fourth phase of construction of the Leonora Industrial Base was forced to stop to prevent large-scale infection caused by the gathering of construction workers.

  However, compared to the slightly tragic foreign countries, Australasia, which was prepared in advance, is still in a better situation.

  In the three months of October, November and December, there were less than 100,000 confirmed cases of infection in Australasia, and the death toll was reduced to less than four digits, to be precise, there were only more than 600 people. , which can be considered a relatively good situation.

  The number of infected people in most European countries is in the hundreds of thousands or even millions. Because there is currently no specific medicine, we can only cope with this kind of influenza. Some doctors and clinics also prescribe medicine randomly, but It turned out to be of no use.

  Due to the impact of the flu, the National Day in 1920 became very low-key. There was only a flag-raising ceremony that no one visited. All National Day activities were canceled, and the government encouraged people to stay at home for the holiday and try not to go out.

  The good news is that people in this era don’t have much rebellious psychology. Even if people ask them to stay at home, most of them will obey.

  But if it were Europe and the United States in later generations, and the government had just issued a requirement, ordering people to go out as little as possible and wear masks, I am afraid people would start to protest against the government for violating their freedom rights.

  This kind of thinking is crazy and incomprehensible, and it is what Arthur will try his best to put an end to in Australasia.

  It is true that people can fight for the rights they deserve, but in the face of major issues of right and wrong, the interests of the country are also important.

  At present, the performance of Australasians is still good. Perhaps because of Arthur's high reputation, Australasians are obviously willing to obey the orders of the government and Arthur, and are willing to accept any policies and orders issued by the government. implement.

  Although there was no activity, the Australasian Government released data for 1919.

  First, it is to reassure the people. After all, there are still many people who care about the government's data and the country's construction situation.

  Secondly, the country's development can also fully reflect the country's potential in certain aspects, as well as the corresponding economic environment.

  Compared with other powerful countries, Australasia has been least affected by the influenza, making it more attractive to immigrants who want to move to a more stable environment.

  The fact is indeed the case. When the government's development data was released in Australasia, not only did a large number of people care about the data released by the government, but a large number of foreign media also followed up and reported the data and issued heartfelt condolences. Admire.

  Although Australasia suffered from the impact of the influenza, with the support of its peers, Australasia's political performance in 1919 was relatively good.

  The first is the population data. As of the time the data was released on January 1, 1920, the population of Australasia had grown to 21,694,618 people, an increase of about 1.5 million people from the previous year. The data is still quite good.

  If it were not for the impact of influenza in the second half of the year, Australasia's population could even approach 22 million.

  In this population growth of 1.49 million, the local population has contributed a very important part. There are approximately 570,000 newborn babies and 70,000 local deaths, which is equivalent to a net increase in the local population of about 500,000.

  The remaining approximately 990,000 people are basically immigrants, of which the Russian population contributed nearly 500,000.

  In fact, it can be seen from this data that Arthur has restricted the Russian population.

  If Australasia relaxes its immigration restrictions on Russia, it will not be difficult to attract one million or even two million Russians every year.

  But such population growth is not a good thing for Australasia. After all, if Russia has too many people, it will have a subversive impact on Australasia's rule.

  Although Arthur has always emphasized the unified national concept of Australasia, it is not an easy thing to make the concept of Australasia a big nation accepted by all Australasians, and more needs to be done. long time.

  At present, it can be considered to a certain extent. The millions of native people in Australasia are basically willing and have deeply accepted the concept of Australasians. The immigrants in the early years were basically willing to accept the national concept of Australasia. After all, the national concept of Australasians can bring them tangible benefits. This is what really attracts those immigrants.

  Currently, those who are slightly rejected or uncomfortable are those immigrants who have just arrived in Australasia in recent years.

  It's not that these people are unwilling to accept the rule of Australasia, but they are used to staying in their original country. It will take a lot of time to influence them to accept becoming Australasians in a short period of time.

  Generally speaking, in order for these immigrants to accept and obey the rule of Australasia, it will take at least five years of influence before they can develop a sense of identity with Australasia.

  If we want to brainwash them into a population loyal to Australasia, the time will be extended indefinitely. It will take at least 10 to 15 years of influence before they will become loyal to Australasia.

  Of course, the most effective way is to tie the interests of these people to the interests of Australasia.

  As long as they have common interests with Australasia, they will naturally stand with Australasia.

  This can be seen from Australasia's policy towards these immigrants. The government grants these immigrants a large amount of land, or provides them with residence and jobs, so that they can quickly adapt to life in Australasia and stay in Australia. Greater Lasia owns some of its assets.

  As a result, even if their families wanted to leave Australasia, they would be reluctant to do so.

  After all, the assets given to them by the government are real, and they are fatally attractive to those who can no longer live in their original countries.

  What if everyone can live happily, but will they stand up against the government and fall into the dilemma of leaving their hometowns again?

  The best way to make an immigrant identify with a new country is to let the immigrant live well in the new country and let them find a long-lost sense of happiness and security. It's that simple.

  Due to the influence of the Four-Year Plan, Australasia's industrial growth in 1919 was relatively rapid.

  At present, Australasia's total steel production has increased to 3.5 million tons and 5.17 million tons respectively, the growth rate of the output value of the chemical industry has reached 17.7%, and the output value growth of the civilian light industry has also reached 14.1%.

  From this aspect, we have seen the efforts of the Australasian government towards industry. Australasia is no longer satisfied with being an industrial country, but wants to go further and become an industrial power, or even an industrial superpower.

  At this point, Australasia actually has an inherent advantage. With help from the British, it is not difficult to achieve this.

  In terms of industrial development, the only problem facing Australasia may be that the market size due to insufficient population is slightly smaller, and it is unable to absorb the output value after Australasia achieves full industrialization.

  In this regard, the Australasian government also has certain response measures.

  First of all, retaining the Dutch East Indies is to use it as a reserve market to digest Australasian industrial products when necessary.

  This is also the purpose of planning for the Philippines. The population of the Philippines is still growing very rapidly. A market with a population of tens of millions still has a certain attraction for Australasia.

  Secondly, Australasia's international influence has gradually expanded around it, and has even seen certain growth in Europe and East Asia.

  Various agricultural products from Australasia are exported to Europe and the United States, and have also opened up a certain European market.

  Although we have to compete with European and American industrial countries, the European market is also very attractive.

  Needless to say, East Asia, as one of the most populous regions in the world, has the largest market in the world and can definitely absorb a considerable part of Australasia's industrial products.

  Fortunately, the influenza outbreak began in October, and the economic growth in the first nine months was still normal.

  Under such circumstances, Australasia's gross national product reached US$2.758 billion in 1919, which is equivalent to 551.6 million pounds in pounds and 1.1032 billion Australian dollars.

  The overall growth rate is pretty good. Due to various large-scale construction projects, Australasia's economic growth rate remains above 10%.

  In 1919, Australasia's total fiscal revenue was 188.7 million Australian dollars, which was very close to the annual income of more than 200 million Australian dollars and 100 million pounds.

  This year's income has increased countless times compared to when Arthur first came to Australia. Arthur is quite satisfied with the development speed of Australasia in the past 20 years. The growing financial income has also witnessed the growth of Australasia. Ser's 20-year effort in Australasia.

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  (End of chapter)

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