Chapter 198 Exchange of Interests

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  Chapter 198 Exchange of Interests
  July 25, 1905, the third day after Arthur arrived in Berlin.

  After resting for more than a day, William II and Arthur started a formal exchange on Germany-Australia relations.

  Compared with the incomplete cooperative alliance between the British Empire and the island countries, the cooperative relationship between Germany and Australia appears to be closer.

  Arthur and William II communicated about cooperation between Australia and Germany, and also reached a proposal with William II to further deepen cooperation.

  Of course, the proposal focuses primarily on training the Army. After forming a federation with New Zealand, Australia needs a strong army to protect the homeland security of Australia and New Zealand.

  Of course, stabilizing domestic order is also a very important factor. A strong army is a powerful guarantee for the Australian government and royal family.

  William II was naturally incompetent, and immediately promised to send some elite soldiers and officers from the German Army to help the Australian army train.

  Although doing so will make the Australian Army more loyal to Germany, Australia does not have any conflict with Germany, so it will not affect it.

  In addition to military training, Arthur also signed a new round of cooperation treaties on behalf of the Australian government and the German Imperial Government represented by William II.

  Australia's industry is too superficial. Not only does it lack some relatively basic industries, it is also incapable of handling more sophisticated machinery.

  Many times we rely on imports from Europe, which is not a long-term solution after all. Arthur decided to introduce a more complete industrial system from Germany and spend at least ten years to help Australia's industry develop more scientifically and systematically.

  After discussing these cooperation plans, William II changed the subject and directly talked about the federation of Australia and New Zealand.

  "Arthur, do you plan to keep the Federation of Australia and New Zealand alive?" William II suddenly asked, making Arthur confused for a moment.

  "The union of New Zealand and Australia is not easy, and the demographic structure of the two regions is very similar, so they can exist permanently as a federal country." Arthur explained.

  Although the federation is not perfect, the combined power of Australia and New Zealand is definitely much stronger than Australia alone.

  After Australia and New Zealand united, they have become the overlord of Oceania, and they have exerted influence on other islands in Oceania from time to time.

  It can be said that if the islands in the Pacific were not tightly controlled by Britain and France, I am afraid that the ownership of these islands would soon be transferred to Australia's name.

  "No, that's not what I'm talking about, Arthur. I think Australia and New Zealand can exist in a better way, rather than as a binary country like the Austro-Hungarian Empire." William II explained with a smile.

  The name of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is actually a combination of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary, which also confirms that the political structure of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was a union of two powerful countries.

  The result of the union of the two countries is very good, creating a very powerful country.

  But the upper limit only goes so far. The Austro-Hungarian Empire had a complicated ethnic distribution, and no single ethnic group had an absolute number of main ethnic groups.

  In addition, the two important regions, the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary, both had their own independent governments, and the decrees of the Austro-Hungarian Empire could not be implemented well.

  This huge country was united by the great prestige of Emperor Franz, and it would also fall apart because of Emperor Franz's death.

  Arthur immediately understood the meaning of William II and took the initiative to ask: "Cousin, what do you mean?"

  William II smiled and nodded, and said: "Oceania needs an absolutely unified country. He can even influence East Asia and Far East. But doing so will also lead to Australia's participation in the world structure. If Australia wants to develop silently in the future, it will depend on whether many major powers agree."

  A basically unified Oceania will inevitably radiate more power to the outside world. The north of Oceania is Southeast Asia and East Asia, and the northwest is separated from India by the Indian Ocean.

  This also means that Australia like this may be jealous of the British Empire. After all, everyone knows the importance of India to the British Empire.

  "Germany is willing to support the complete reunification of Australia? Is this good for Germany?" Arthur then asked.

  William II's attitude allowed Arthur to see the hope of Australia and New Zealand reunifying into one country, but what was Germany's reason for supporting Australian reunification? Is it just because of the good relations between Germany and Austria?

  "Arthur, I don't want to hide it. Our negotiations with Russia have entered the final stage, and the German-Russian alliance is about to become a reality. But Russia does not fully believe in Germany's attitude towards supporting the Far East policy. Australia is Germany's support for Russia's Far East policy is an important part." William II pondered for a while before explaining: "The Russian side wants to understand Australia's attitude, and Arthur, you may even determine the outcome of the Germany-Russia negotiations. "

  Arthur nodded. If you say so, then it is understandable that Germany decisively agrees to further support Australia. Arthur also did not expect that Australia is currently so important to the negotiations between Germany and Russia, and can even affect the results of the negotiations between Germany and Russia and the situation in Europe.

  Logically speaking, these are actually Germany's core secrets and should not be told to Arthur so casually.

  But as Arthur goes to Russia, the progress and process of the German-Russian negotiations will definitely be understood by Arthur.

  By that time, Arthur will still know the importance of Australia in the negotiations between Germany and Russia and the impact of Australia on the situation in Europe.

  Therefore, William II did not intend to hide it, and treating him calmly could win Arthur's favor.

  What's more, after several contacts, William II also understood that Arthur was an ambitious man, not an ordinary boy.

  Australia chose a completely different policy from Britain in the Russo-Japanese War, which actually confirmed this view of William II.

  Germany was able to provide more technical assistance and supported the merger of Australia and New Zealand, and was so candid about it.

  As for the British Empire, if Australia and New Zealand merged to form a new kingdom, it would mean that Australia and New Zealand were completely separated from the control of the British Empire.

  Arthur would become king of a new kingdom, rather than a duke seceded from the British Empire.

  The British Empire's sovereignty over Australia will also be lost, and apart from the still-existing blood relationship, the British Empire and Australia will take completely different paths.

  If the current British ruler was still Queen Victoria, then William II believed that the British Empire would agree to the union of Australia and New Zealand. Queen Victoria would even personally bless Arthur and attend Arthur's new coronation ceremony.

  But unfortunately, the current ruler of Britain is Edward VII, a stingy and selfish man.

  At least this is the case in William II's view, and the British Empire's limited assistance to Australia can also confirm this.

  William II was confident that Arthur would choose Germany. Whether in terms of personal relationships or national interests, Germany could give Australia much more than the British Empire.

  "If it only provides weapons, equipment and industrial products, Australia is of course willing to trade with Russia. But Australia's current military strength is still very weak, and it has no plans to personally participate in disputes around the world." Arthur thought for a while and answered road.

  What does the merger of Australia and New Zealand mean? It means that Arthur will personally establish a new kingdom and will become the first ruler of a new kingdom.

  Although there is only one level difference between a duke and a king, the prestige and dignity brought by the title are definitely beyond words and words.

  Although this new kingdom does not have enough legal principles, as long as it is recognized by the vast majority of powers around the world, who will object?
  As time goes by, under the subtle influence, everyone will accept this new country, and they will naturally accept Arthur as the new king.

  As long as Australia was not directly involved in the dispute, Arthur was still willing to agree to Germany's conditions.

  After all, what Germany gives are actual benefits, which can accelerate Australia's industrial and technological development.

  Nothing is more powerful than Australia that makes Arthur more excited. In this relatively chaotic and turbulent era, the country he rules has greater strength, which is the foundation for maintaining his dominance.

  "Of course, Arthur. After all, this is still a European dispute. Australia is far away in Oceania, and there is no need to personally participate. If the German-Russian alliance can be realized, then the powerful German army can conquer Paris and Versailles in a short time . If this day can come true, I will hold a grand celebration in the Palace of Versailles, so that the whole world will be moved by the power of the German Empire!" William II said with a smile.

  William II's initial purpose of wooing Australia was to have Australia harass the rear of the French colonies during the war and divert some of France's energy.

  But if the German-Russian alliance can be realized, Germany will not have to worry about the problems on the Eastern Front. It can directly fight on a single line and use all its main forces to destroy the French army.

  Doing so would greatly reduce the logistical pressure on the German army and would also make Wilhelm II's idea of ​​holding a celebration at the Palace of Versailles feasible.

  In this way, it actually doesn't matter whether Australia participates in the war or not. William II was very confident in the German Empire's army, and could easily suppress the French army even on the frontal battlefield.

   Second update of 3,000 words, please support!
  (End of chapter)

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