Chapter 319 Bloodline of the First Emperor

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  Chapter 319 Bloodline of the First Emperor

  At this time, under the surprised gazes of Chen Wei and the others, a head with a body length of five meters, steel wings bifurcated, a streamlined head, and a huge cannon protruding from the open throat, like a pterosaur. The mechanical behemoth is charging at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

  [Pet name]: Mechanical pterosaur
  [Pet attribute]: Mechanical, wind
  [Racial level]: Top elite
  [Strength level]: Lower level four
  [Racial skills]: Intelligent learning, pterosaur armor, sniper wind cannon, mechanical Scan...

  [Beast Introduction]: As a mechanical series of war beasts produced by the Qin Army, the Mechanical Pterosaur has ultra-long-distance detection and attack capabilities.

  "Go away, you troublemaker." Cailing and Yutong, who were on top of the treasure hunt, didn't even look at the mechanical pterosaur.

  Then there was a sharp cold breath and a fiery pillar of fire working together to instantly wrap up the incoming mechanical pterosaur.


  The explosive power of this two-layered sky of ice and fire at this moment bombarded the majestic pterosaur into a pile of broken metal.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  Looking at the Wings of Source Steel falling at his feet, Chen Wei tapped it with his fingers.

  Mechanical pet beasts can really be said to have combat power accumulated with a large amount of resources!
  Not to mention anything else, just selling the Wings of Source Steel with astonishing defense in front of you by the pound would fetch one or two million star coins!
  "How's it going? Do you have any idea?"

  Chen Wei put away the trophies and asked, tilting his head.

  "Ee." ( ̄ー ̄) (No.)
  "Mi." (;'⌒`) (Can't find it.)
  Seeing the two pets shaking their heads in unison, Chen Wei couldn't help but smile.

  "Since we can't find us, we'll find another place."

  At the same time, Yu Yang and his party who were exploring on the other side also ended the sudden battle.

  "What the hell is this? We almost overturned!" Yu Yang punched the mechanical soldier in front of him who had stopped moving and cursed in a low voice.

  Looking at Yu Yang who looked a little pale, Wu Yaojin glanced around the huge group of high-rise buildings and suggested: "More than half of the source power has been consumed in the pet beast's body. Let's rest where we are for a while, so as not to encounter another difficulty." A mechanical soldier wrapped around him."

  "What is that?"

  Ding Ziling asked, looking at a strange beast that suddenly appeared in the distance and was covered with red lightning. It looked like a real dragon.

  "What? There is nothing there! Stop joking!" Wu Yaojin looked at the uniform and magnificent buildings in the distance, with a trace of panic in her eyes.

  "What did you see?"

  Seeing that the shock on Ding Ziling's face didn't seem to be fake, Yu Yang asked quickly.

  "Can't you really see it? I saw a real black dragon, and it seems to be still looking at me!" Ding Ziling swallowed, feeling as if she was about to cry.

  Hearing this, the expressions of the other three people suddenly froze. After they looked at each other, Yu Yang was the first to ask: "Besides looking at you, does it do anything else?" "No, it is still standing

  . Stay where you are." The frightened Ding Ziling simply closed her eyes.

  For some reason, the more she looked at the black dragon, the more she had a premonition that she was about to face death.

  "Remember its location, let's go and notify the captain now!"

  For the safety of the team, Yu Yang thought about it and finally decided that it would be safest to find the captain first.


  "You mean Zi Ling met a real dragon?"

  Chen Wei rubbed his chin, and then looked at the direction pointed out by Yu Yang and Ding Zi Ling in a daze.

  Something is wrong! If there was a real dragon living here, how could my dragon control power not fluctuate at all?

  "It's no use just guessing here, why don't we go directly to investigate?" Chen Wei said with interest.

  Ding Ziling was the first to raise her hand to express her objection.

  "Captain, that's a real dragon, a terrifying real dragon that even epic heroes may not be able to match. What's the difference between us going there now and dying?" Hearing

  Ding Ziling's slightly exaggerated words, Chen Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't forget the Hanglai Chilong we encountered at the Yongli Mountains. It was defeated by me in the end!"

  Hearing this, Ding Ziling couldn't help but trembled and whispered: "This is different. Han Liu Chi Dragon is only at the fifth level, and it is completely incomparable to the real dragon I saw!" "

  Then are you sure that what you saw was a real dragon and not an illusion?" Chen Wei raised his brows and spoke in a relaxed tone.

  "This, this..."

  When asked by the captain, Ding Ziling was really not sure if she had seen an illusion for a moment.

  "How about we split into two groups? Those who want to go with me raise their hands, and those who don't want to go will stay here for the time being." Chen Wei said with a slight smile.

  Although he did not see the so-called guardian after entering the ruins, according to the information given by Senior Sister Tan, all the mechanical beasts in the ruins of the First Emperor seemed to have been implanted with the order "not to kill humans."

  In this way, even if there is no guardian to protect this ruins adventure, the mechanical beasts that cannot be defeated will only be injured at most, which is completely within Chen Wei's risk tolerance.

  "Don't worry, everyone. So far, the mortality rate of explorers from the Beast Control Corps who have entered the ruins of the First Emperor has been zero. That means that until we enter the core area that no one has ever set foot in, we are all safe!" Yu Xianglu said

  . , and then raised his right hand.

  Seeing the teammates around him raising their right hands in response to Yu Xianglu's words, Ding Ziling looked bitter and finally raised his arm hesitantly.

  There was no way, she would rather go "die" with her team members than stay here alone.

  "Since everyone has the same opinion, let's hurry up and hurry up."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Wei put his hands in his pockets and was the first to walk ahead.


  "This is right here, right?"

  Looking at the huge tower in front of him that looked like it was made of crystal, Chen Wei narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Different from before, standing here, he could clearly feel that there was something inside the tall and tall tower in front of him that caused his power to control the dragon to fluctuate.

  But what surprised him was that the vague fluctuation in his mind was extremely slight, not even comparable to the shock when he encountered Han Liu Chilong.

  In other words, even if there is a real dragon living in this tower, its strength will not be much stronger.

  "Kazi, buzz!"

  As Chen Wei tentatively pulled down the lever at the entrance to the tower, a bolt of blue and orange lightning suddenly fell from the top of the tower to the ground, and then passed through the pet beasts who hurriedly set up His defensive skills instantly enveloped all the beast masters present.

  "The bloodline of the First Emperor has been certified, the Tower of Dominance and Truth is opened, and the succession ceremony of the King has officially begun!"

  Under Chen Wei's surprised eyes, Ding Ziling, who has always been greedy for life and afraid of death, was like a goddess, passing through the colorful lights falling from the sky with reverence. The light beam slowly rose.

  At the same time, six mysterious black pillars also wrapped and teleported him and his surrounding teammates.

  (End of chapter)

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